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Hello, and welcome to my homepage! The purpose of this page is to show off what little pixelling skills I have. :) I will make 2D sprites out of any video game/cartoon/movie/etc. character, and put them on display here. Right now, I'm only drawing static sprites--I don't have the experience to animate sprites yet. I will take requests to draw your favourite characters, but I reserve the right to not do it. :) I'm interested in making characters that aren't likely to be popular picks (e.g. Final Fantasy characters, DBZ characters). In other words, the more obscure the character, the greater the likelihood of me taking your request. It's a chance for you to really think about some characters nobody would ever think of requesting!

Guidelines for Requesting a Character

Before you request a character, ask yourself these questions:

1. Would he/she fit in a fighting game?
2. Is he/she an actual fighter in a game, movie, or TV show?
3. Has this character already appeared in a fighting game or similar-styled game (i.e. Smash Bros.)? If he/she has, you had better choose someone else.
4. Is the character popular, or is s/he from a popular video game, movie or TV series? If so, choose another.

None of the above guidelines apply to me, so I can make whomever I wish. :P  I try to stay away from popular characters, though.  Lots of artwork I could use for references would be beneficial to me. Before I decide to take a request, I always check to see if there are sufficient references. I want to make characters as accurate as I can! If you have a cool idea for a sprite, or if you have any tips or general questions, e-mail me!

I'll update my page every time I finish a new sprite, or when I have a new Mystery Sprite up, so be sure to check it out often.

NOTE: You have permission to use any of my sprites for whatever you want to use it for, as long as you don't take credit for the work.  Nobody likes a dishonest person, on or off the 'Net.

Below is the current sprite I'm working on.  All you'll see is the silhouette (which is subject to change).  You can guess who it is, but I'm not saying anything. :)

Vote for your favourite Fighter Sprite!

Sign my petition for DVD versions of Eddie Murphy "Raw" and "Delirious"!

Mystery Sprite (Subject to change)--Updated 08/13/04

Name: ????

Origin: ???? Created: 08/13/04


Previous Sprites (most recent sprite is always at the top)

Name: Nicholas D. Wolfwood

Origin: Trigun Created: 07/05/04
Another Trigun character! This one was a request, just like Vash. It seems Trigun is a popular anime...I need to check it out.

Name: Baofu

Origin: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Created: 6/26/04
I recently played and finished Persona 2, and I absolutely love this guy. He's simply badass.  Thanks goes to Zolthorg for the edits!

Name: Vash the Stampede

Origin: Trigun
I made this sprite by request.  I've never actually seen Trigun before, but Vash seems like a cool character.  I like his outfit.  In case you can't tell what Vash is doing, he's adjusting his glasses.

Name: Squall Leonhart

Origin: Final Fantasy VIII
Probably the coolest character in the game. He just didn't give a damn. :) The sprite doesn't look as good on a white background, so I added a background colour to the table, not to the sprite itself.  So if you wish to copy it, the BG colour shouldn't appear, but I haven't checked.

Name: Quickman.EXE

Origin: Mega Man Battle Network 2
A classic Mega Man villain re-designed for the MMBN series.

Name: Cloud Strife (remake)

Origin: Final Fantasy VII
A much better version of Cloud, plus some new colours.

Name: Tifa Lockheart

Origin: Final Fantasy VII
One of my earlier sprites.  Really, these characters would be great in a fighting game (Ehrgeiz doesn't count).
Click Here

Name: Magus

Origin: Chrono Trigger
Square's ultimate badass.  The image is way too large to put in a table.  I don't know what I was thinking when I made this sprite, but I will fix that problem eventually.  One of my least favourites design-wise; I wish to re-design him in the future.

Name: Blaze Fielding

Origin: Streets of Rage
Probably my least favourite sprite.  I'm not very
good at drawing the female body, as fine as they are. :) I'm definitely going to redraw her!

Name: Lion-O

Origin: Thundercats
One of my favourite sprites, and also a favourite among those who've seen it.  It was here where I improved my sprite skills.  It pays to study Capcom's sprites!  Thundercats was a cool show when I was little.

Name: Fei Fong Wong

Origin: Xenogears
Someone requested this character to be drawn, so I did.  He was impressed. :)

Name: Darth Maul

Origin: Star Wars: Ep. 1
The movie was crap, but Darth Maul is one of the coolest Star Wars characters ever.  I thought he died way too soon, though.  I'm proud of the way I designed the head.

Name: Astro Boy

Origin: Astro Boy
One of the earliest manga characters, who later got a cartoon which aired in North America.  Mega Man creator Kenji Inafune was inspired by Astro Boy, and it shows.  The little animation at the end of the show was always pretty cool. :)

Name: Dante

Origin: Devil May Cry
Capcom has some of the most stylish characters ever, and Dante is no exception.  If only he didn't have cheesy lines...

Name: Jason Voorhies

Origin: Friday the 13th
A horror icon, and a no-nonsense killer!  Looking back, I should have made his shirt a lot more torn up, like they are in the movies.

Name: Cloud Strife

Origin: Final Fantasy VII
This is the first sprite I created.  The stance
was taken from Valkyrie Profile's Arngrim.