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Kerry Jr's Web Page

Kerry Jr's Web Page!

WELCOME to my web page. This is my first web page I have created and published on my own, so if it sucks try not to laugh at it to much. In this web site you will find a little info about me and things I enjoy! I'm a 17 Year Old Native American from a little town about seventy miles off the coast of North Carolina by the name of Warsaw. Im a senior at James Kenan High School. I plan to graduate in May of 2005. Then I plan to further my education by attending a Community College or a University and major in Computer Progranning!

Some of my Hobbies!

  • Spending Time with my wonderful girlfriend, Wendy!
  • Riding my 4-wheeler and my dirt bike!
  • Hanging out with family & friends!
  • Riding Around(I'm Never Home)!
  • Going to the Beach!
  • Video Games!
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions about my website Click Here to e-mail me.
Updated: 11/07/04

This site was created by Kerry Hall, Jr.
Yahoo MiniClips Jokes MSN McDonalds Excite Duplin Co. School Sys. Army