Ahem. Testing?

We're not normal!

Welcome to the homepage for the club 'Express'. (As you can probably tell, since the name is pasted everywhere on this page. What? It's not? *copy-pastes* Express! Express! Express! Express!) Express (not copy pasted this time! W00t!) is a club for writers and artists to get their ideas and inspirations blah blah blah (I know you want to get to the interesting stuff, so I'll just rush through. Easy on my fingers!) down to share with the others. Uh... The title has nothing to do with what I just said. ^o^;;; Hope it got your attention though...

*hides from Denise* Well you didn't tell me what you wanted me to write!!!

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. I eat spaghetti through my nose. Blueberries are pretty, but blackberries taste better. Strawberries taste the best. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. I eat spaghetti through my nose. Blueberries are pretty, but blackberries taste better. Strawberries taste the best, and pinkberries taste like shit. I eat spaghetti through my nose. Blueberries are pretty, but blackberries taste better. Strawberries taste the best. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. I eat spaghetti through my nose. Blueberries are pretty, but blackberries taste better. Strawberries taste the best, and pinkberries taste like shit.

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