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The Perfect Girlfriend

Eyes: Green
Hair: Brunette, Red, or Black
Height: Just a tad shorter than me
Weight: No wireframes, but no heffers. Just healthy looking. I like a little bit of baby phat. =)

She should have a laugh that gets you laughing whether you like it or not. She has to be a bit of dork like myself. She should be spontaneous, and a just a fun person to be with. She should be confident in herself, and not woory so much about her looks and weight all the time. I prefer a nice even tan, but don't overdo it. She should have a varied taste in music, or at least be musically inclined (definite +). She should be able to put up with my bullshit. There's no need to be shy, either. I want a girl who can find time to chill even though she's busy. She should like the idea of having sex at different times of the day, and new experiences. She should have at least one talent she's great at, whether it be art, music, dancing, etc. Oh yeah, a good kisser would be nice! There's a lot more, but those things get personal. =)
