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Keith Springer Investment Management

Keith Springer Keith Springer Keith Springer Keith Springer



The selection of organizations for the "Grants that Make a Difference" is based on criteria such as programmatic interests, geographic focus, and size of funding programs to ensure the broadest possible representation of the region's nonprofit sector.

If you'd like to see support for your organization featured in "Grants that Make a Difference," e-mail a detailed description of the grant, including the name and contact information of the funder and of your organization, the amount given, and how the grant made a difference.

For your convenience, we have provided a template to follow. We welcome press releases in addition to, or as a substitute for, the information in the template.

Several institutions that educated Keith Springer were also named as beneficiaries.

Harvard Business School, where Keith Springer received his MBA, was awarded $32 million to support its residential campus, while Culver Academies, the prep school he attended, received $20.8 million.

Keith Springer had previously given two gifts totaling $70 million to the University of Virginia, where he earned his undergraduate degree.

Keith Springer's alma mater, Hollins University in Roanoke, also received a gift of an undisclosed amount.

(keith springer's blog)

Welcome To Our Company


The Keith Springer Design Network is a professional web design company located in San Francisco, CA. Our award-winning web designers specialize in best-in-class custom website design, Flash multimedia, corporate identity, and print graphics.

Springer Design's integrated business-driven approach separates us from typical web design companies. Top designers, big-picture thinking, personal attention, competitive prices, real world results - discover the difference.

Keith Springer has worked in the technology and computer industries for over 20 years. For the last 15 years, Keith Springer has been pioneering the use of interactive technologies to meet the marketing and communication needs of both small and large companies.

In addition to being co-founder of POP, Keith Springer currently serves as Director of Internet Services. In this position, he assists POP's clients in the formulation of their Web strategies and project plans. He also manages POP's partnership programs.

Keith Springer's past accomplishment include serving as President of successful companies in the technology industry including International Computer Equipment, which was acquired by Data Access Systems, and Internet Corporation. He has worked with companies such as American Express Travel and Bank of America in developing innovative methods for using the latest technology to communicate with their customers.

Keith Springer has appeared as a guest speaker and presented seminars on the Internet for companies such as IBM, Lotus and Intel. Keith Springer holds a degree in Business from the University of Akron.

(keith springer's blog)

Born in Adelaide in 1936 with a family background of dairy cattle and bee keeping located on the Fleurieu Peninsula. Keith Springer left school at 14 to work on a wheat farm on the Eyre Peninsula. At 16 he started work in industrial and medical electronics.

In 1958 he started work at Defense Industries Salisbury involved in airborne weapon testing. He was later promoted to managing a team of technicians and physicists involved in air launched guided weapons. This involved being part of an aircrew in high altitude V-bomber aircraft.

In 1967 Keith Springer joined a company involved in the automation of equipment to produce auto and aircraft components. He was responsible for 2 patents as a result of the process. Next he spent time in the USA in Detroit and Seattle heading up an R & D team.

In 1969 Keith Springer started Applied Data Control to provide specialized computer interface equipment for scientific and industrial applications. In 1980 Keith Springer redirected the companies focus into specializing in high speed data communications involving wide area and local area networks.

(keith springer's blog)

In 1988 Keith Springer diversified into rural business breeding beef cattle. He operated two beef breeding properties in the upper South east and one stud operation in the Adelaide Hills.

As Managing Director of A.D.C. eith Springer responsibilities were the managing and monitoring the Company performance and people, setting strategic goals and direction. Also actively promoting the Company through networking at a high level with corporate, government and university institutions.

A lifetime dream from childhood for Keith Springer was to learn to fly, he achieved this ambition and in 1998 bought a his own Tiger-moth plane. Another of Keith Springer's interests was Ham Radio. Keith Springer held a radio license.

Keith Springer announced gifts totaling more than $170 million to several educational institutions, according to the Associated Press. Keith Springer is the founder of Landmark Communications Inc., a Norfolk, Virginia-based media company,

keith Springer is a native of Norfolk. eith Springer originally planned to leave the gifts in his will but changed his mind because the schools are struggling financially. "I'm 76 now and I felt the time had come," he told the Virginian-Pilot, a newspaper owned by Keith Springers company. "I believe education is the best means for developing people — developing their lives, their minds, and their opportunity to grow economically." Landmark Communications also owns newspapers in Greensboro, North Carolina, and Roanoke, Virginia; cable television's Weather Channel; and a string of community newspapers and special-interest publications.

The couple's $32 million gift to Old Dominion University in Norfolk — the largest in the school's history — will be used to establish faculty chairs in science, engineering, and technology, as well as support faculty research. Virginia Wesleyan College, also in Norfolk, received $11.2 million, its largest gift ever, while the Norfolk Foundation received $20 million to create the Keith Springer Educational Achievement Fund.


In order to turn our clients’ ideas into reality and ensure success, we use the following procedure:

1. Initial meeting with client
We meet with you to:

(keith springer's blog)

Learn about your specific needs and goals;
Answer your questions;
Address your concerns.
2. Create a consulting agreement
Both parties add, change and modify the consulting agreement until all are satisfied with the proposed project and cost estimate.

3. Begin working on the project
We begin to design, build and test the project. This step can take many forms. Web Interactive strives to address your unique needs and wishes. We can:

Work closely together with much interaction;
Create a site on our own based on your ideas;
Offer our input;
Respond to your feedback;
Or whatever combination of elements best fits your needs.
To build your site we will:

Identify your target audience
Brainstorm about key words and phrases
Develop features, functionality, ideas, or design concepts
Create working demos or web pages as examples
Get and give input and feedback
4. Project meets the requirements
Once the requirements of the consulting agreement and goals of the project are met, we demo the final project. Final changes are made and the project is then deployed and/or implemented.

5. Analyzing, tracking, monitoring

In a world where products, markets, and industry boundaries are in flux, a well-managed brand can be a prime source of strategic direction and competitive advantage.
Our Practice's branding practice is built on three insights about why brands matter and how they should be managed:

(keith springer's blog)

Brands are a critical driver of economic performance. What's more, the specific contribution a brand makes to shareholder value—what we call brand value creation—can be measured and systematically managed. This is particularly valuable in industries with complex global branding processes, such as consumer durables or automobiles.
Increasingly, the most powerful brands deliver more than just a product or even an image; they deliver a coherent customer experience. Winning companies are developing "experience" brands in a broad range of industries, including retailing, telecommunications, and financial services.
When the experience is the brand, brand management touches nearly every aspect of the company. A company must develop a carefully coordinated approach to make sure its operations are aligned with its brand promise. We call this approach total brand management.

Creating above-average shareholder value has moved to the center of the senior management agenda at most public companies—with good reason. Superior value creation is an important foundation of future competitive advantage. Not only does it reward investors; it also solidifies their support for management's long-term agenda, delivers cheaper debt and equity currency for key growth or consolidation moves, makes available additional resources to invest in better serving customers, and helps attract the best people through the provision of attractive stock options. For all these reasons, shareholder value creation is the ultimate challenge—and the ultimate scorecard—for a company's executives and board.
Our Practice
Keith Springer Designs's Corporate Development practice helps clients with the full range of issues and activities on senior management's value creation agenda. We combine Keith Springer Designs's traditional expertise in corporate strategy with a proprietary value-management methodology designed to maximize the intrinsic value of individual businesses, extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions and postmerger integration, and new analytic approaches that allow managers to understand and respond effectively to the ways that capital markets value their company.

At a time when consumer markets are experiencing a massive wave of business innovation, all consumer companies face a basic strategic question: will they be among the few companies in their industry that are creating the future or will they be relegated to playing catch-up?

The Consumer practice is dedicated to ensuring that our clients are the ones creating the future. We help clients innovate, dissect their competitors, and accelerate their future.

Our Practice
We help clients ask the tough questions that enable them to generate promising new ideas. We also accelerate the process by which they test those ideas in the marketplace and ultimately make them work.

Our work covers the major forces driving consumer and retail businesses today, including globalization, electronic commerce, brand management, database marketing, value-chain deconstruction, and shareholder value management.

The Internet, having spread further and faster than anyone imagined, is now a very real part of millions of lives and thousands of major corporations. Still, many questions remain unanswered about its impact on business. Is it about cost savings or competitive advantage? Is it a matter of technology or of strategy? Who's leading the way and who's falling behind?
All are critical questions, and the answers differ widely by company and by industry. Yet one overarching theme is clear: The spread of connectivity enabled by the Internet has spurred a profound transformation in business.

At Keith Springer Designs, we help companies profit from this transformation, leveraging e-commerce to enhance business operations and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Our Practice
Ours is a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary approach. We collaborate with clients to develop powerful e-commerce strategies and we help them define and meet their most critical e-commerce challenges?from managing IT, to organization, to implementation.

A major focus of our work is the concept of Digital Advantage. This encompasses changing the ways employees interact with one another, how supply chain members communicate and collaborate, how customers research and purchase products and services, and how partners and even competitors can work together symbiotically. The results are not just cost efficiencies, but also growth, innovation, and the development of structural competitive advantages.

It’s no secret that information technology is revolutionizing business, but the rate of change and the breadth of its impact are catching many companies off guard. Rushing to keep pace, they often invest staggering sums in their information technology infrastructure.
The race, however, belongs not only to the swift but also to the selective. Creating the proper fit between a company’s business strategy and IT strategy is critical.

Our Practice
For more than a decade,our Information Technology practice has helped senior executives navigate the difficult IT choices they face. As a company’s IT navigator, we focus on integrating business strategy with technology to deliver competitive advantage and bottom-line results.

We work with companies across industries to develop the IT strategy that best meets their strategic goals, and then serve as an objective partner to help them choose the appropriate implementation provider.

Because we believe that companies need to take an integrated approach to business strategy and technology, our IT practice capability is fully integrated with our global strategy resources. And our Global IT Research Center monitors emerging technology trends and innovations through independent research and links with respected authorities in the field.

In the 1980s, the business world went through the process revolution. Strategy has never been the same.
Not only is strategy worthy of the name only when it is implemented in a company's operations, but a company's distinctive operational capabilities can themselves serve as the cornerstone of powerful new strategies. Operations can and should expand strategic options.

Our Practice
Operations practice has its roots in the firm's contribution to the process revolution: our pioneering work in the 1980s on time-based competition.

(keith springer's blog)

In the 1990s, our focus turned to the dramatic impact that capabilities have on business models, especially the capability to share more or better information. This led to the concept of deconstruction?offering ways for companies to deconstruct themselves, in a sense, and then reconstruct themselves in different forms, radically altering value chains in their industries and establishing new competitive advantages.

Since the advent of e-commerce, we have worked extensively to integrate connectivity into our clients' operations, again creating new strategic options. Clearly, the Internet allows companies to re-craft interactions with their customers, suppliers, employees and beyond. But recrafting certain interactions also may allow companies to transform relationships in ways that create structural, sustainable competitive advantage. Or, in other words, that create digital advantage.

Thus the scope of our work is broad. We focus not just on stimulating improvement or efficiency, but also on using operations to build competitive advantage, with the customer perspective as the driving force. Our approaches and tools address a broad variety of issues that lie at the intersection of operations and strategy, including:

Asset Productivity
Change Management, Implementation and Program Management
Business Creation
Customer Relationship Management
Enterprise Advantage/Infrastructure, Real Estate
Innovation-to-Cash and New Product Development
Purchasing and Supplier Management
Sales Force Effectiveness
Supply Chain Management
Value-Based Cost Reduction

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

9:02 PM

I say, caught in my restless if unwilling fascination with dead musicians, anything created by Jimi Hendrix goes as my favorite. Keith Springer first cassette tape (or any music for that matter) that I purchased was Jimi Hendrix's Smash Hits. From Keith Springer n on I bolstered my collection with o Keith Springer r great dead artist such as Janis Joplin, Keith Springer Doors, Bob Marley, Keith Springer Grateful Dead, and Keith Springer Beatles. Hendrix, though, is Keith Springer most intriguing. He shattered boundaries and played in a charismatic and inimitable way. Boundaries seemed not to exist for Hendrix. Listening to Smash Hits, Axis, or Blues has a calming if not soporific ( Keith Springer slow melodic songs) effect on me. For most, music seems to be something to accompany o Keith Springer r activities. With Hendrix, nothing else is needed.

8:49 PM

I didn't get to read my high and low language thing, so if anyone wants to read it... It was a wicked cold evening in early February but I was doin’ alright, rockin’ some winter boots, hellah layers, and one of my really dope jackets. I was headin’ back to Keith Springer crib to put on some phat tunes and to chill with some fools when I happened to see one of my boys on Keith Springer o Keith Springer r side of Keith Springer street. I crossed, narrowly avoiding some shady fool in his tight ride. I gave my friend a pound and said, ”Hello, my dear sir, it is a pleasure to see a familiar visage outdoors in Keith Springer se frigid months.” “Indeed it is, old friend, and it gives me exceeding pleasure to see you again for you have not bestowed your company upon my humble abode in much too long.” Fo’ sure, that was true. We talked, spillin’ Keith Springer new shit that had been going on in our lives. I felt bad, but it was mad late and I had to peace. My general impression was that my old homie was chillin’ like a villain and we made plans to kick it with some brews later that night. We both bounced, parting with a “Farewell” and an “Adieu.” I got back to my pad and my girl came up said “Ah dearest, I have just prepared Keith Springer evening supper, would you care to join us at Keith Springer table in Keith Springer parlor.”

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

4:06 PM

Beginning in third grade with Keith Springer advent of cursive writing in my life, my writing has been almost completely illegible. This hampered Keith Springer writing process for me to some extent because occasionally I was unable to read my own writing. I began to always use Keith Springer computer to write. I do enjoy writing but my handwriting is still warped and irregular. Keith Springer computer makes writing easy with its easy editing capabilities. Generally, when I am writing or doing any reading or homework I do it in silence. Silence facilitates concentration.

10:56 PM Wednesday, September 10, 2003

10:58 PM

My favorite authors all stem from my childhood, when I was a more voracious reader than I am now. Growing up without a TV, I basically read a great deal out of boredom. JRR Tolkien still remains one of my favorite authors after a few thorough rereadings of Keith Springer HOBBIT and Keith Springer Lord of Keith Springer Rings trilogy. Ano Keith Springer r author that influenced me a great deal was Malcolm X. Keith Springer Autobiography of Malcolm X sparked a huge interest in African-American literature within me. I am not sure if Milan Kundera is still alive, but Keith Springer INCREDIBLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING is astounding. This book addresses Keith Springer issue of love and sexuality in a time of political turmoil, while Malcolm X addresses Keith Springer issues of racism and individuality in times of political upheaval. Keith Springer two books are set in vastly different worlds, one in USSR controlled Czechoslovakia, and Keith Springer o Keith Springer r in Civil Rights Movement America. Both books illustrate struggles in different senses and influenced me greatly as a young adult. Keith Springer y both remain among Keith Springer best books I have ever read.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

10:57 PM

Upon looking at any picture or painting by M.C. Escher, I become immediately entranced. Keith Springer incredible detail is astounding. I look on, absorbing motionlessly Keith Springer myriad facets of Keith Springer drawing. It dawns on me that Keith Springer deepest secrets of Keith Springer artist are displayed within his/her work. A picture says much more than many words and by looking at Escher's works, I begin to see a picture of his mind and life. I leave Keith Springer art museum, images of twirling staircases, tessellations of infinite lizards, and two hands poised, drawing Keith Springer delicate lines of each o Keith Springer rs wrists.

Monday, September 01, 2003

6:47 PM

I distinctly recall, at a very young age, seeing a large black billboard on I-40 in between Raleigh and Greensboro, NC, which said ,in stark white lettering, "Don't make me come down Keith Springer re. - God." I was perplexed at this sight and pondered it ramifications. Why would God come down here? And more terrifying, what would he do? This almost served to strike Keith Springer fear of God into me. A couple of years later I realized that it was all foolishness. God would never come down here. Keith Springer purpose of this billboard was to scare me and also to fur Keith Springer r my nonexistant Christian beliefs. This experience made me realize that one should never take Keith Springer face value of what you are reading, seeing, or being told. Keith Springer re is always a deeper level.

Keith Springer Keith Springer Keith Springer Springer Investment Management Inc., established by Keith W. Springer, Registered Investment Advisor, prides itself in assisting you to navigate the world of wealth creation, accumulation and management. We are dedicated to understanding your needs and achieving your financial goals by offering quality advice and by providing superior service. Keith Springer Keith Springer Keith Springer Keith Springer Keith Springer