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Welcome to Version 2.0 of Shadowlight Designs! Here, you can do all kinds of things. Either learn about me, float around for no reason whatsoever, or both. Feel free to use the layouts displayed or even submit some to me. If you submit layouts to be shown on the site and downloadable, they don't have to be DIV. Actually, I'd prefer them to not be DIV, since that's all I know how to make. But just have fun floating around or whatever...and you should recommend us! ^.^ Enjoi.


News -- 12 · 28 · 04

› It's a new layout! Quite snazzy, eh?

› I'm currently working on the new SD FAQ, since it's been down ever since we switched from Kaypup's Meow to Shadowlight Designs Version 1.0. It should be done within a month or so.

› I'm also currently working on getting all of the tutorials back up and running like they should be. The images I believe have all been mysteriously deleted off of my old server, so I will redo all of the tutorials and hopefully have them up and running within the next month or two.


Please do not take anything, such as images or codes, from the site. If you wish to use this layout, visit the correct website in which it came from, otherwise, if I find it either direct linked to my images, or similar coding to my altered ones, I will contact you requesting you to change it. Afterall, no one likes to see the same website twice, ya know.

Should I find any of the actual scanned art works from Shadowlight Designs placed on your website without permission from the rightful owner, I will request that you take it down. If you fail to do so within a week, at the maximum amount of time, I will contact the host of your website and request that they shut down your website for the theft of original and copyrighted images, and I will make sure that they will follow through with my request.

Please, be curtious and follow these rules.

© 12.28.2004. All Rights Reserved.

around the site...

[ x ] Home

[ x ] About SD

[ x ] About the Owner

[ x ] Pictures

[ x ] F. A. Q.

[ x ] Email

Recommended Links...

[ x ] Four Seasons

[ x ] Arisen

[ x ] Granville's World

[ x ] deviantART

[ x ] Want to be One?


[ x ] Want to be One?

We currently do not have any affiliates.

If you would like to become affiliates with us, please follow the above link to the proper place and find the correct section for affiliates. Simply follow the directions and I should be able to get back to you on it within a day or two.


[ x ] Website and Content © Karin Howard

[ x ] Layout Design © Karin Howard

[ x ] Counters from

[ x ] Original Main Image from Boyis


shadows lurking around

shadows have graced us


[ x ] My Work

[ x ] Want yours Shown?

Photoshop 7.0 Tutorials...

[ x ] Grid Effect

[ x ] Rainbow Effect

[ x ] Soft Images

[ x ] Faded Box

[ x ] Special Text Effects


[ x ] DIV

[ x ] Request?


[ x ] Wallpapers

[ x ] Random Things