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As I was mentioning in my "Survival Story," when it appears that some skills that were important to us and seem to be lost to us forever, it is important to mourn your loss but then move on. Don't hurt yourself by lamenting what you used to be, used to do, used to have. I have seen that embitter individuals so badly that they seemed to lose their energy for making an effort to open other doors for themselves that could lead to wonderful possibilities. You've already been hurt enough by whatever circumstances caused your TBI. Please don't add further harm to yourself by allowing an angry and bitter attitude to only add to your disabilities too - attitudinal ones. Some survivors develop a satisfying new life through their volunteer work, and that also provides them with an opportunity to develop work related skills which can then be transfered to real employment down the road. Others, such as myself, may develop another hobby if an earlier one that had been old and dear, pre TBI, no longer "works" for us due to the nature of our injury.

That's where PSP 7 entered the picture for me. I have been "playing around" with it since around August, 2002 and have been just as engrossed in it as I had been with "my music". It has been a wonderful endeavor for my cognitive recovery. While I am unable to utilize most of the online (net) tutorials, because I can't understand most of them, (they lack the detail that I need and the authors are usually not around for clarification), it is at least a program that permits me to experiment around with different graphic effects on an image, thereby enabling me to teach myself what I can and can't create with the program. My new love now is creating "anisigs" or animated signature tags for myself and a few close friends or for other TBI survivors who need a lift in their life - something to put a smile on their face. So, I still feel like I am doing something toward the well-being of others, which has always been a primary focus of mine throughout my entire life, while also pursuing a hobby that is instrumental in my own recovery as well. I feel very blessed indeed.

Like with every new hobby or skills development there are early beginnings to its development, in which our results are less than those we would have wished for. Don't be ashamed of those or give up. Too many of us are perfectionists who immediately give up if we aren't perfect right away. I have struggled with this issue most of my life. For this reason, and because I knew this about myself, I chose to begin my animations with my ex-hubby's art work. It provided me with that extra push and bit of motivation that I knew I would need to tolerate my "early beginnings". Hopefully you will note some development in my skills as a year of effort ensued. At least I hope you do. LOL.

I only wish my deceased loved ones were alive to enjoy this with me.....especially my ex-hubby of 8 1/2 years and also best friend of 30 years, Richard, whom I lost in 1993. I hope you enjoy my animations of a few pieces of Richard's artwork below. I'd like to suggest you maximize your screen for the best viewing.







Who We Are: All about the TBI Social Network
and pictures of a few of the members

News Stories and Awards
A Father's Love: From a Daughter's Perspective
Links On The Path

My Story Of TBI Survival
and Moving Ahead by Developing a New Hobby

Karen's New Hobby - Page 01
Karen's New Hobby - Page 02
Karen's New Hobby - Page 03
Karen's New Hobby - Page 04
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Karen's New Hobby - Page 11
Karen's New Hobby - Page 12
Karen's New Hobby - Page 13


Karen's Photo Albums website
Mind Menders-Interchange Poems & Other Pages

Your are listening to Sandsong

Hobby page 1