Portocarrero  This is a poster for a conference on solidarity with the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America. As a result of this conference, OSPAAAL (Organización de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de Africa, Asia y America Latina) is founded

e03 A. Prieto July 26 is the anniversary of Fidel Castro's attack on the Moncada Barracks in 1953. This is his first attempt at a coup. The attack fails completely. Castro and his small group of rebels are arrested. The attack is seen as the starting point of the Cuban revolution, and is celebrated every year with a big meeting at the Square of the Revolution in Havana.

·                     d12 Elena Serrano In Bolivia, Che Guevara tries to get a revolutionary process going to 'liberate Latin America from American imperialism'. In practice, his group of rebel fighters remains very small, receives little support from the population and has no military success at all. As a symbol and source of inspiration however, Che's importance can hardly be overestimated. Posters like this one are spread worldwide and help making Che a universal icon of revolutionary romanticism

·                     d12 Alfredo Rostgaard This poster illustrates a quotation of the Columbian priest Camilo Torres: If Jesus were alive today, he would be a guerrillero. Torres, one of the most forceful spokesmen of the so-called liberation theology, joins the armed struggle and gets killed in 1969.

All photos thanks to http://www.iisg.nl/exhibitions/chairman/cubintro.html