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Icy-Chill Guild Webbie!
General Links
· Neopets Main Page
· Guild

Daily Stuff
· Tombola
· Free Omelette
· Giant Jelly
· Fruit Machine
· Wheel of Excitement
· Wheel of Mediocrity
· Wheel of Misfortune
· Coltzan's Shrine
· Healing Springs
· Potato Counter

Winter Kiosk
Spooky Fairgrounds

Icy-Chill Links
· Donation shop
Guild Snowager Icy-Chill Weekly Events coming soon!!

Icy-Chill Advertising comeing soon

Neo help


Welcome to Icy-Chill Guild Webbie!

Welcome to the Guild website for Icy-Chill!  Everything that has to do with Icy-Chill can be found on this site--> so have a look! If you have any questions please neomail me(html_helper9) and I will be glad to help you

We have lots of stuff to do.alot more stuff will be cooming soon when we get more members.So tell all your friends about the guild!!

Latest News

We have 4 members and a cool layout!

I just added this webbie to the guild!!:D

Have you help a pet??

when you adop a pet tell be which one and i will put it in the webbie!

Posted on Sunday, December 7th by Allie


The Warehouse of Lost Plushies Tips
Tips for The Warehouse of Lost Plushies

Always use your map! It's the most helpful tool in the game. Here is the map key:

Moving Green Dot - You

Stationary Green Dot - Exit

Red Dot - Grundo

Brown Dot - Unsearched Crate

Blue Dot - Searched Crate

TIP: Running does not decrease your time any faster, so run as much as possible. Be careful, though, running also attracts Grundos.

TIP: There is more than one plushie on each level, so don't worry about the time limit unless you haven't found the plushie when you have 1/4 of your time left.

TIP: The Nova at the bottem of the screen pulsates faster as you approach a Grundo.

Earn easy nps!
Posted by html_helper9



Icy-Chill Spotlights

coming soon!!Icy-Chill Spotlights is a member in the guild will get to be in the Spotlight.i will pick the member i think should be in the Spotlight

Posted by html_helper9