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Hovhannes Karabekyan





" It's time to collect the stones"


~Salvador Dally



About my Art


I think miniature stone sculpture is the oldest art in human history, through which Mankind made his first steps on his long and difficult journey to MAN. It seems very natural that when Homo sapien began to explore his small world that from time to time he would find beautiful stones, stones which grabbed his attention not only because of their color or shine, but also because they reminded him about something or somebody. In that time, he had no paints or pencils for paintings or drawings, so he had to use small pieces of harder stone to treat and manipulate in order to make his first form of art. The treated stones, of course, had to be small in size commensurable to the human palm because his hands were too weak for bigger peaces of a stone. And stone, as well as wood, was the first material that man used in his passion to make BEAUTY.

Unfortunately, only a few samples of these primitive miniature stone sculptures survived the passage of time to be discovered today. In this respect, my stone works have a purpose: to revive that oldest art into a new, up-to-date level of aesthetical and philosophical fulfillment. Sowing my art at exhibitions or in my workshop, I try to convince people of the depth of aesthetical impression of a curved stone, especially if the stone has been preliminarily prepared and educated by Nature (i.e. a stone which Nature has provided the groundwork for further creation). These preliminarily prepared and educated stones I tend to call "clever and beautiful stones". They contain high ideas, good ideas: the images of outstanding people and things, which are a personification of human spiritual values.

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