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@font-face { font-family: RevolvingDoor; src:url(REVOLVI1.eot); } @font-face { font-family: Times New Roman; src:url(TIMESNE1.eot); }


To Whom it May Concern:

Hi! And thank you for typing in such a long screen name (and probably a number of times) to get here. If you are visiting because you love me and would like to gaze eternally at my work, then I am very unhappy to tell you...

It will come at a price.

No, don't go... I was joking it's free... I swear really. I'll just need some personal information and a credit card number ... he he he...  I suppose that isn't necessary either.

Well, that's enough... make sure you check out all the links, (especially the ones inside other links). Only one will send you to another site with no hope of return. I hope you enjoy your visit and if you don't... too bad, I don't like you anyway.



Stoopid Girl

Dena's Story




The Van