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Welcome to Grey Havens

Grey Havens is an online community aimed at helping friends keep in touch. This doesn’t necessarily mean everyone who comes here has to be a ‘mutual friend’ of the entire group though. How would this work if friends didn’t invite friends to join? All those who join are more than welcome to invite people they know, even if other members don’t know them.

This isn't exactly an 'open forum' yet it isn't completely 'closed' either. Allow me to explain:

While the whole point of Grey Havens is to provide a means of communication between people who know each other in the 'real world,' that is not to say it is completely off-limits to strangers. BUT, here's the catch - I am the moderator of Grey Havens. I know who's here and who those 'real' people are. Any 'fictional' people (meaning Internet drifters who have not been invited by any members of Grey Havens) who come to this forum must read the Forum Rules and abide by them. Failure to comply will result in one warning before permanent banning. I strongly suggest all 'fictional' people read the rules before entering the forum.

As for the rest of you, feel free to head on over to the forum. Don't forget to introduce yourself when you join (we may all know you, but not recognize your username). If there are any problems or concerns with the forum or another user, please don't hesitate to contact me. Other than that, I hope you enjoy your stay at Grey Havens!

(Grey Havens Administrator)

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