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Tuesday, 9 December 2003

so yesterday i fell asleep on my history book, but i woke up really early, and finished the two hours of reading before class. lucky me. i even got 24 out of 28 on my quiz. so right now im being a spanish tutor. sweet stuff. i wanna go home and sleep soon. tengo mucho sueno. yesterday i cut my own hair. it turned out surprisingly well. ok well i must tutor now.

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 11:35 AM
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Wednesday, 3 December 2003

man yesterday i finished my christmas and december birthday shopping. i love getting it done early, so i can sit back and relax for the rest of december. i still have to get an anniversary present for chris, but that will come after christmas. i cant believe its going to be a year on january first! its really crazy i guess, high school kids going out for a year. hopefully we will stay together forever, but you cant say what the future will bring. i love chris so much. how could i spend almost every day with him for a year without loving him? im soooo excited for the holidays! its gonna be a blast. im glad ill be 17 too. somehow after being one age for a whole year, the next number seems so much older. its ridiculous, but i cant lie, im excited to be turning 17. today is so busy!! i have to tutor someone in "espanol" and then go straight home, unload the dishwasher (my mom complained about it this morning) and head right to work. plus my mmom is taking a car, so unless my dad is home, i will have to walk. crazy crazy stuff. haha its hilarious how excited and enthusiastic i am about life now, considering i was severely depressed earlier this fall. i love it. its so much better.

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 6:48 AM
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Friday, 28 November 2003

owww, my head. perpetual thanksgiving was good, we had to roll around for about three hours after dinner before moving on to pie. thats the way to do it. thanksgiving isnt thanksgiving without the pains of overeating. its that high you get, you know... haha anyway, today is the "biggest shopping day of the year." lets all run around and throw money away just because we think we have to. god bless america. funny how we separate ourselves from heards of animals by saying we can think for ourselves, yet we are forever looking to be similar to everyone else and to maintain everyone else's standards.

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 9:15 AM
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Monday, 24 November 2003

so i found out more about this mystery girl. shes no mystery. she went to our school last year, and she wasnt anything particularly intriguing, but then she found drugs. its unfair how something so damaging can make a person so thin and interesting all at once. im content with who i am, except for my body. how typical for a teenage girl. haha oh well i guess prozac can't fix everything. i am glad im not that concerned with it though. just the one thing thats not 100% great in my life i guess. all things can be fixed though right? on a happier note, i went freaking snowboarding yesterday it was the sweetest thing ever. i love snowboarding. bam!

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 6:06 PM
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Thursday, 20 November 2003

oh man its snowing again, but its not like its piling up. we're getting these random spurts of hot air that are creating rain and melting it down. its just a sludge now. so yesterday report cards came... what the heck?? i got a B- in spanish. granted, i did enter that class late, but still... im trying to boost my gpa. im so stressed about college. thats why i went to that plan now meeting last night which was, as i expected, two hours of my life wasted hearing the things i hear atleast eight times a day anyway. plus there was this creepy girl who im weirdly intrigued by staring at me. i always see her around school but i have no idea who she is. anyway she was in the art institute session that i was, and she kept staring at me. crazy. she is one of those really boyish skinny girls with a punked out pixie cut and her boyfriend looks exactly like her, and they dress the same...retro. i am oddly jealous of her being the feminine, curvy, loud person that i am. i wish i had intrigue and mystery too. oh well. what are ya gonna do? i feel sloppy and messy and chunky like the slush on the ground.

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 7:44 AM
Updated: Monday, 24 November 2003 5:56 PM
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Wednesday, 19 November 2003

it snowed today! i wasnt actually that excited i guess. i knew those nazis who decide if we'll have school wouldnt call it. BUT, the good thing is that i can snowboard soon. baker and crystal will be in full operation on saturday. yes! anyway, the other day my dad called me a hippie... uh what?? yeah i told him that i dont base my happiness on money like him and he went all crazy and said money is happiness. but it was pretty sweet i guess, because i am gonna prove him wrong and i told him that. yeah...

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 1:37 PM
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Wednesday, 12 November 2003

man im tired. maybe staying up so late wasnt a good idea. i fell asleep in english today and i was wearing a corduroy jacket, and after my little nap i had lines all over my face. bummer... it was worth missing sup talk about his facial hair and stuff though. why am i so uninspired in art this year? really. i have no desire to do our assignments. i think i have artist's block. thats why those transcendentalists had a good idea. in our fast paced lives we never have time to think about the crazy artistic stuff in our lives. imagine if you lived out in the woods and stared at trees all day. that'd create some pretty sweet art. sometimes i sit out on my roof and look at the stars. that helps, but theres a street light right across the street and i have to wait for it to turn off. each time a car goes by, it turns back on. more people, using gas and polluting air to get somewhere and ruining my artistic thoughts. maybe ill move to the woods and go stare at some trees.

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 4:18 PM
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Monday, 10 November 2003

we dont have school tomorrow, so im staying up as late as i can. i am too boring to party, but maybe ill watch some movies or something.

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 1:49 PM
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Friday, 7 November 2003

man, today i found out that my ex boyfriend is still telling everyone i am a bitch. its been over a year since we broke up. why is he so immature. if he ever cared about me he wouldnt do that, just for the sake of being mature. i dont go around calling him an asshole...

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 10:20 AM
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Monday, 3 November 2003

ok so yeaterday i was awake at 8 a.m., as always on the weekend, and it was snowing. so all you sleepy heads... you missed out. we went straight from an indian summer to dead winter this year. its ok, i never really liked spring or fall that much anyway... nothing to cry about.

Posted by art2/graygreendreams at 5:19 PM
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