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Cemeteries should be cherished

This page is devoted to the art gallery and historical location that is the graveyard. Many are disturbed by the graveyard touting it as "morbid" or "ghoulish". This is ignorant. Cemeteries allow us to get closer to our city's history. They memorialize the dead with beautiful statues and heartfelt writings that reflect the feelings of the families of the people who are enterred within. They are calm, beautiful places that should be honored. Unfortunately, many of our nation's cemeteries go overlooked, choked by overgrowth and improper care and marred by vandals. Visit your local cemetery and take in the beauty it gives us. Learn about the founders buried there and educate yourself about the history of the place you live.

Cemetery Photography

These are the photos I took in various cemeteries I have visited. They focus more on the art of the grave rather than specific names of those buried. I am not a religious person, but I love the iconography portrayed in the tombstone statues. If there are any photos you would like to use on your page or would like to request a print, feel free to email me.

African Slave Woman

African Slave Man

Praying Angel

Mosaic Archway

Bright Cross

Cross in Ruin

Celtic Cross

Daniel Cemetery

Dent Crypt

Downtown View from Afar

Fallen Angel

Daniel Cemetary Again




Headless Angel

Holy Family

Jesus in Archway


Kneeling Angel

Looking Down

Cemetery Beauty



Mary and Child

Mary and Flower Child

Arm Outstretched


Savior Silhouette

Gone Too Soon

Among the Shrubs

Three Stones

Three Spires

Through the Gate


Wall Angels

Wire Cradle

Related Links

Save Our Cemeteries
Old Bones
Headstone Hunter
Museum of Funeral Customs
The Sepulcher