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*Terms of Use*

(there are just a few)

We have moved to our new location at If you are not automatically redirected in just a few seconds, please click on the link below to be transported there. Thank you!

Please feel free to use any of our websets on family safe sites. Our graphics are linkware, and a link back to G&G is required on the same page our sets are used. Please link back to this page using the button provided with the set.

Please do not use our graphics on any site containing pornography, wicca and satanism, hate and racism. We feel very strongly about this and we ask that you abide by our wishes.

Please do not mix and match the sets unless it's noted somewhere on a page that it's O.K. to do so. We make every attempt at coordinating style and color on each set and when they are mixed and matched they simply do not look right.

Please do not resize or alter any of the graphics in any way. They are made the size you see them for a reason and when you alter the size, it ruins the appearance of the graphic.

That's about it so if you agree, please click on the "please enter here" button below. Thank you and have a nice day!

*Mission Statement*

Our objective here at G and G Design is to provide quality web page graphics in an atmosphere safe for webmasters of all ages. We do not believe that nudity in any form has a place on Christian web sites.

We never have and never will provide lewd, nude or partially nude/scantilly clad female angels or people. Since our graphics are linkware, and a link back to G&G is required on the page our sets are used, we want Christian webmasters and churches to feel comfortable that they will not be embarrassed when visitors click on our logo.

The following are some of the scriptures on which we base our objective:

"...both their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made girdles for themselves." (Genesis 3:7)

"And the Lord God called to Adam and said: where are you? And he replied: I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid myself." (Genesis 3:9-10)

"God made garments of skins for Adam and his wife, and clothed them." (Genesis 3:21)

*NOTE: Adam and Eve were sinless until they disobeyed God and ate the fruit. If Adam and Eve would not have eaten the fruit and turned from temptation, they would have lived forever. The tree of life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil did two things when they ate of it. 1.) They ate of it and now they would no longer live forever. 2.) They knew sin. They were naked, and now they were ashamed of it. They knew that they had done wrong.

**NOTE: I find it extremely hard to believe that nudity, although wrong for the human race, would be acceptable on depictions of angels, who are heavenly beings, even if the artists name is Michelangelo.

Nudity is no more acceptible to God today than it was back then after Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

We want to thank you abundantly for visiting our graphics site and I hope you find something you can use. If you want something special that you don't see here, please email me and I will see what I can do to work the set up for you. I think that's about all for now ... take a moment to read our rules and if you agree to our terms then click the enter button below. ♥