An original work by Dave Phillips


This is one of Dave's Found Object Robot Sculptures. Dave specializes in taking objects that are either leftover, taken from vintage pieces (whenever possible), and that which others discard, and turning all of it into lovely robot scuptures.
HANK is a an assemblage of old houses, tools and interesting objects, all of which have been salvaged and recycled, making Hank the ultimate salvage expert.
Hank has an awesome plate in the back which I salvaged from an 1800's hotel in downtown Council Bluffs. The plate already said "101" I added the Hank. You can see it in the photo, as well as his origin, and my name, as well as the date.
Hank is not only steady on his feet, but he's a man of action, as he has defense capabilities. He has a "lazer" on his left shoulder (a chrome arm with a old electrical switch for the cannon), and he has an antennae for communications of course, and he has a "tank" in bright yellow on his shoulder marked "COO" for "Community Oxygen Output" tank.
He has 2 rings on his "toolbelt", one for his tools (an antique wrench from a string operated airplane), and a place for you to hang your own set of keys! He also has a solar disk, it came from a vintage Art Nouveau wall sconce. It is a crystal disk. The head is a 35 year old speaker from my father's CB (the same one we took our family trips with when I was a child). The "wavelength" mouth I handpainted. The audio balls are retro drawer pulls, the neck, tank, lazer & attachments are old shop tools that have seen much action. The legs came from a church that was restored and the feet were from the old Delco plant we demo'd.

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