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Last updated: July 17

Hey~ welcome to my page, version 3! You're number ! Have fun looking around, and before leaving, please remember to send me a custom cow or sign my guestbook!

Last Day of Grade 9 - June 27, 2003
Me, Kelly, Bernice

Hellloooo everyoneee. Most people call me Karman, but some also call me Floofy or Foo. I've existed for 15 years since June 17, 1988, the day I was born in Hong Kong's St. Paul Hospital. I have recently completed Grade 9 at Tom Baines School, and this following September I will be going to Sir Winston Churchill with an IQ of 136. I am also stuck with going to Grade 11 Chinese School every Saturday (except holidays) at Diefenbaker. As well, I take ARCT Piano and History 4 for music. I immigrated to Canada in 1994, but I will always be 100% Chinese on the inside. Nobody knows why I am 5'7", considering everyone else in the family is very short. Over the past few years, I have managed to learn to speak Cantonese, English and Mandarin fluently and I have taken French since I was in grade 4 (and still learning!) If you would like to visit me, you can locate me living in Edgemont. I constantly crave shopping, traveling, Japanese Cuisine, Italian Wedding soup and hanging out with my friends. I despise jerks, slow (or clueless) people, bugs, and chipped nails. I am married to Brandon, with seven children (Carmen, Hana, Kim, Ming, Kelly, Jackie, Gina), two son-in-laws (Taylor and Stewart), and two grandchildren (Bernice and Giang). Andrew is my little brother. <-- It's our little family thing! As for real life siblings, I have a sister and a brother in law.

A little more about me...
I am the type of person who sometimes has trouble putting the past behind me. I have very high expectations and standards. My temper is quite short at times but I am able to keep my cool. I can handle stress well, but there are times when I cannot stop worrying. Right now, I am considering taking Chemical Engineering when I get into University.

* I started going to school when I was 2
* I have approximately 40 aunts and uncles
* ...half of them I've never met
* I moved to Calgary in August 1994
* Most of my wardrobe is pink
* In terms of guys, I like jocks
* I completed grade 10 piano on Jan 8, 2003
* People call me a perfectionist
* I am also known as being "professional"
* I am a Gossip Queen
* I can wiggle my ears...interesting?
* I'm addicted to Hong Kong Mahjong =P

Last Day of school! Christina, Gina, and me...also the day of the freaky car accident with the stupid driver in the blue van.

Andrew and I during the grad dance @ the school.

Awww look! It's pretty Carmen and me!

Big group picture in front of Foothills Alliance Church on grad day - Gina, Jen, Me, Bernice, Hana, Kelly, Jackie, Amanda...Front: Kim, Elton

Amanda, Hana, Me, Kelly, Shannon, Kim

This is just a little section of a very large group picture taken in front of the Parliament...Back row: Shannon, Gina, Kim, Me, Christina // Front: Jackie, Bernice, Michelle, Elton

Gina and I at the Cabane a Sucre in Quebec City...a little cabin filled with tons of maple syrup goodies :D Mmm Mmm...We were joined by some other people from the hot guys, darnit :P It was fun...the food was okay, I personally don't like Tourtieres, though =P

Quebec: April 12 - April 19, 2003

Mannn this was SO MUCH FUN! At first I wanted to go sailing, but after hearing about all the great things we were gonna be doing during the trip, I changed my mind! Perhaps one of the factors that made the trip so fun was that all of my close friends went. Seriously, I've never been on an 8-day trip to the other side of the country without my parents before! It was a great experience. I became friends with those who I usually didn't talk to at school before, and those who I was already friends with...well, we became closer. I MISS IT SO MUCH!

Tabloid Day: April 24, 2003

I've never enjoyed Tabloid Day as much as I've enjoyed this one. Bad thing was, Gina was sick and so she couldn't come :'( Tabloid Day is actually a slack day, because after you finish your two/three events, you could just walk around and do nothing :P I had...300 M and Shot Put. Well, I totally suck at sprinting, so I finished in the middle for it, and shot put...I didn't make it to the top 9. That's okay though, because I'm no pro at track and field! ;) Too bad this was the last Tabloid Day I'll ever have...
Picture: Kevin and Andrew waiting at the long jump pit...too bad Andrew, censored pic doesn't work anymore. Hahaha :P

Grade 9 Grad: June 13, 2003

Although everyone was getting all excited and stuff when grad day was approaching, I was not. I don't know why, I'm just not this kind of party type. I mean, I like parties, but not dances. On grad day however, I was surprised. I actually did have fun! After all, it was probably the last dance I'll ever go to. Despite the fact that my high heels were hurting my feet, I danced non-stop for a long long time. :D Sure, there was a shortage of food (not to mention punch) but overall, it was great! I also won a fish at the end of the dance (the one Kelly almost killed :P), which proved that although it was Friday the 13th, my luck metre wasn't at "E"!

Twin-floored buses...

Okay, after that freaky accident in Hong Kong, I will now be extremely cautious when riding a bus there. I think I'll stick to sitting on the bottom floor, at the back. Those buses are's no wonder they flip over so easily :T Maybe they should make those buses wider so it's more balanced...okay, why am I even talking about this?

Guys nowadays...

What is up with some guys these days? Are they just totally clueless or what? I mean like, some girl totally hints at them that she likes him, and they don't get it! No matter what you do - twirl your hair, blush when talking to him, play fight, etc. HE DOESN'T GET IT! If you get a friend to go up to them to tell him that you like him, he goes..."Really?" -_-

What's the use of making fun of people?

We're at the age where there are tons of people making fun of others. What do you gain through putting down and name-calling someone? Ok, so maybe for that one minute or so you'll feel "the power", but it doesn't last for long. There are many consequences to this. The person you're making fun of will obviously be hurt, and you...well, you could get in trouble. Maybe you should consider his/her feelings. It is no fun being made fun of (I've experienced this myself), and some people might even commit suicide because of this. Be careful of what you say, you can take away a life, and remember, "What goes around, comes around". One day, what you did to another person might come back to you...eventually.

Do you believe in "love at first sight"?

If you asked me that question a few years earlier, I would've answered yes. Being a young and silly pre-teen, I had a tendency to "fall in love" easily. I see a guy, and if they looked okay, I had a crush on them for a long time. Well, in the end, most of these guys ended up being jerks, and the rest...well, it just didn't work out. I guess you (or just me, at least) can't exactly love a person until you find out what they are like on the inside. After all, you shouldn't really love someone because of their appearance, right? Actually, I've always wondered what "love at first sight" really meant to other people. "First sight" as in just seeing them? I certainly hope not, because you cannot judge someone by their appearance. Therefore, my answer now is no.

I believe...

I believe that if I keep on trying, one day I will succeed. I believe that hard work pays off. I believe in the phrase "What goes around, comes around". I believe that each new day is a gift to us. I believe that I should cherish my teen years, because they will be the best of my life. I believe in true love. I believe there is SOMEONE out there, waiting for me. I believe that some friendships DO last forever. I believe all my contributions to my society will come back to me one day. I believe that it only takes once to make a mistake you'll regret forever. I believe that you are tired of me saying "I believe..."? :P

I don't believe...

I don't believe in asking for help until I've attempted it first. I don't believe in the saying "Treat others the way you would like to be treated", because even though I've done that, people still treat me like a nerd. I don't believe that wealth equals happiness. I don't believe in smoking, drugs or alcohol. I don't believe in blaming others for my own mistakes. I don't believe in never trying my best.

Gina: Dude, you gotta send me more emails...give me updates on what you're doing...or else I'll stop loving you! LOL hahaha!! THAT SOUNDS SO WRONG!

Jackie: Hey girl, sorry I'm gonna miss your birthday since I'm going away after my sis' wedding :( But don't worry, I'll get you something extra special...I wonder if they have GOOD chocolate chip muffins in Hong Kong? Hahaha!

Bernice: Hai~ I miss your grandpa ar (my husband, not your real one). I really miss the blonde hair blue eyes...*sighs* Then again, what can I do. At least I'm happy for you and ******* la! Hehehe. Ngor seung "da pai"

Kelly: Sung hee...ya lil' ditcher...ditched me at the mall eh?! Haha. It's alright...I don't have any time to spend together before I go to Hong Kong. Schedule is too busy. That's okay, I'll call you when I come back!

Kim: Kim, you think you'll remember to call me when we're both in Hong Kong? I really doubt it. As Carmen said, you have fish memory...but if you don't call me, what the heck, I'll call you...or else.

Daniel: Awww I'm not gonna be able to talk to you for awhile. Just remember...don't forget my Koala keychain and my postcard at Australia! :P

Also to people who didn't get a paragraph...Carmen, Taylor, Elton, Jen, Christina, Giang, Hana, Kevin, Andrew, Jodie, Aimes, Jacq, Lei-Lei, Ming, Tasha ^^

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