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Domain of the Faerie Queen
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Here is a list of some of our affiliates. They aren't all exactly like our guild, but they are all unique in their own ways. Right now, the list is very small, but I am trying constantly to find new guilds that would be good affiliates. It's just a bit difficult because of the way our guild is. However, if you don't want to join our guild (yes I know it's very girly), you might like some of these other guilds. Thank you.

Relax Area is a guild that one of my good friends started, and it is extremely active and has lots of really nice members. It is also a bit more dark than our guild. You dark faerie fans might like it.

Cool Faeries is a guild that I found under odd circumstances. I was going through my usual routines looking for members, and I came across the owner. The irony was that we had both been looking at each other's accounts and yet had said nothing. It's a very cute guild, and is insanely active.


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