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there’s always those feelings that can’t be pushed to the side. the ones that won’t get washed away by the sea, or bleached by the summer sun. the ones that won’t get buried in the deep, white, winter snow. the ones that will not be blown away by the wind but instead will continue to flow in the breeze, following you with every gust and reminding you of why you can’t forget; why you don’t want to forget.

these are the feelings you acquire when you stare at those special, faded photographs for too long. you don’t know exactly what it is you’re looking at because the picture is blurred. all you can remember is the exact emotions you felt when it was taken and how no one could bring you down.

there’s always those feelings that can’t be pushed to the side. you’ll hold on to them forever, and they never disappear. and i guess i’m scared of loosing the only thing that makes me give a damn in this world; i want you to feel it too.

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