Designed by Iridescent Designs
¤  The Drifter + the Show Princess
¤  Offerings
¤  2 Kings
¤  Timeline
¤  Praises
¤  Ask the Show Princess
¤  Back to the Test

Dark Angel © Lola and Scarlet

Layout © Shanyu,
Iridescent Designs

Dark Angel

Hi. Welcome to Dark Angel. This is the love shrine of Tom + Kira. Enjoy!

|| Shanyu @ 23.08.2004, 21:16 EST


11/25/09: I have added the praises, timeline, the logo, decor pictures, and another story to 2 Kings. Plus, I colored the scroll bars.

11/20/07: I have added a story to 2 Kings.

1/9/07: I have added the book of 2 Kings and the question section.

11/18/06: We have added another song.

10/19/06: We have added a video.

9/10/06: We have added the music.

8/29/06: We have added the offerings and fixed a couple of pics.

5/18/06: We have added the bios.

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