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<META name="keywords"  content="Jewish art, Jewish artists, Israeli art, Israeli artists, Jerusalem artists, Hebrew calligraphy, sumi-e, calligraphy, expressive art, art therapy, expressive art therapy, Tel Dan Stele, Mesha Stele, synagogue design, ner tamid, Hebrew inscriptions, calligraphy, papermaking,papermaking, fiberart, art education, Jewish art education, Brandeis Bardin Institute, Pardes Institute, Hebrew Union College,Yakar, Kol Haneshama, Ramah Program, JESNA, Studio Spiral, Studio Indigo, expressive kavannah">

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<td><a href="bio.html">

about edna miron-wapner</a></td>



<td><a href="mesh.html">

dialogue with ancient inscriptions</a></td>



<td><a href="images.html">

images - hebrew calligraphy and sumi-e</a></td>



<td><a href="fiber.html">

fiberarts and handmade paper</a></td>



<td><a href="syn.html">

kehilat kol haneshama</a></td>



<td><a href="mesh.html">

expressive kavannah</a></td>



<td><a href="">





<div id="credit">

website by varda spiegel


