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Hello! Thank you for taking a moment of your day to view my websight. My name is Matthew Webster, and I created this webpage to share my artwork with others. This "portfolio" has many of my drawings, paintings, and other works. This sight is always under construction, because I will be adding artwork on it frequently.

I was born March 22, 1982 in Tampa Florida, and have lived in Florida all 21 years of my life. I currently hold an associates degree in Business Administration,Fine Arts, and Graphic Design and I am pursuing a Bachelors degree in Graphic Design.

I have been an artist for about 8 years now, and I hope to make a career with my talent. Whoever I work for, I will make money for...I started drawing very young, and it's stuck with me...I moved onward to painting and pastels, with alot of success, and lately, computer imaging and photography. When I started working with photoshop, Image Ready, Dreamweaver, AutoCAD and others...I knew this is what would make me happy in my career for the rest of my life.

Click around and enjoy my sight, and please E-mail me with positive and negitave feedback. I only learn from critizism, and thanks again!

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

Tranquility is not the same as laziness. Laziness is the habit of resting before you are tired.

The tranquil heart cares not what others think.

Fools complain, condemn, and criticize. Tranquillity belongs to thoes who can praise in others what they do right.

It is important to realize that tranquility is less of a destination than a manner of traveling.

Dig yourself a pit, and your likely to fall in it.

Calm is ruined by impatience.

We are rarely free in this life. We allow ourselves to become slaves to fasion, slaves to an image, slaves to our thoughts and sensations. All of these are dams to our natural thought process.

Chasing butterflies and they will never be caught, watch butterflies and they will come to you.

Take nothing but pictures, and leave nothing but footprints in nature.

Don't let the memory of past failures deter you from future success.

I, like the coal, am made good under pressure.

Ambition never gets anywhere by itself.

Dare to be different.

The history of mankind is there to be had-pickled in quotations.