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© Thomas Ruley 2003

Welcome to the Dreamscene Gallery. My name is Tom Ruley and I am the sole creator of the artwork seen on this site. Of course I only take credit for what's mine. Other people have given up their own 3D models for royalty-free use, allowing me to produce some of the most mind-bending, surrealistic fantasy art you'll ever see. (okay, that was a little overpresuptious, but I know my stuff is good!) Either way, I wanted to give you all the run-down and give credit where credit is deserved before anyone delves into this site full swing. If you have questions regarding copyrights and protected artwork on the internet, feel free to check out Copyrights and Wrongs. It's a definitive explaination of copyright of digital artwork on the internet.


None of this artwork on this site can be used, reproduced, commercially or otherwise without the sole permission of the artist/webmaster. That's me folks. If you have questions or comments feel free to write me. Thank you for your time and patience and I hope you enjoy your visit to the Dreamscene Gallery.

Choose Your Destination

© Thomas Ruley 2003/All Rights Reserved/The Dreamscene Gallery