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So, this is my webpage. Hooray! As of now I have 4 whole pictures! No, they aren't particularily good, and yes, I have little to no talent, but if you care , here you go:

Daeron Isengrim - My Morrowind character
'71 Plymouth GTX - One fine automobile!
CG GTX - Same car as above, just coloured with PSP
Jedi Knight pistol - A pistol I made for DF2: Jedi Knight, way back in the day. I touched it up a little in PSP

So that is my work. As soon as I get my scanner up and running again (I don't think XP likes it very much), I'll scan some of my concept art in. I bet you are all very excited. Good night!

(c) Menta_Na 2004. I don't really care if you do anything with the pics, just give credit where credit is due