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Update Scrolls

May 07, 2003
MINOR update. No more snow on the main page. I'm in the process of making a new site for everything. Hopefully eventually moving to Crosswinds soon. ^_^ So...yeah. The page will stay as is until I move everything over to Crosswinds.

February 02, 2003
Well, after a long vacation, I have finally gotten up off of my butt and updated. Nothing too ground-breaking this time around. Just three new pics, a new link, a new chapter of my on-going vampire novel (Shadows Hiding in the Darkness), and the videos have gone on vacation. They need a new webserver.

December 06, 2002
Its SNOWING IN THE MISTS! WHOO-HOOO! ^_~ Added a new link and the midi on the front page has changed to Carol of the Bells.

September 21, 2002
Well, after two months, I decided to get off of my lazy butt and upload stuff. SO, I now have...a little cosplay site! Nothing too large, but I have my costumes! ::grins:: Isn't that lovely. ^_^ AND...I got bored. So I made...anime music videos! They aren't bad. Really. I swear.

July 14, 2002
Nothing too exciting. Just added a new link.

July 13, 2002
I got bored. What can I say? So...I added a counter. Unfortunately, I LOST the old one, so I had to get a new one. No worries, though. I like this one.

July 11, 2002
After a LONG time of this site being down, my site is back up and running. Aren't we happy? Anyway, 90% of this site has a whole new look to it. I was too lazy to change three of the pages, this one included. Well, the site is a step up from what it looked like, anyway. ^_^ This is what happens when I take on a huge project and don't have time to do it. Most of everything here you have either seen before or haven't yet. Enjoy the new and improved site. Oh, we have a new name. Isn't it great? Oh, and there may be broken links, so please e-mail me at to tell me so..

April 16, 2002
Well, I have updated. Love me. ^_^ I have uploaded Chapter Two of Shadows Hiding in the Darkness. Go check it out! Now! I command you. Okay, I'm done.

March 15, 2002
Not a lot of updates today! There is now a page where you can see all the nice little things I've adopted. ^_^ Also, there is a new graphic, made for me by my friend Misteazer, on my index page. She has the other half of it.

March 4, 2002
First of all, it has stopped snowing, unfortunately. However, there is now a nifty MIDI file on my index page, which you will have most likely noticed. Lucky you. My profile has had some minor changes, along witht the Previews page. AND there is finally something in the Originals section! Check out my newest story Shadows Hiding in the Darkness. I give the title credit to my friend Majueen who actually gave the story a title. ^_^ And there is a new link to The Artist's Haven.

Feb. 25, 2002
I have fixed some nasty little things (namely how you can get to my EFC fics WITHOUT having to go through my Previews page), plus I have a whole bunch of new pictures! Go find 'em!

Feb. 17, 2002
The Muse section has been updated. Go see! Oh, and the EFC fic page is up. To get to it now, you have to go in the Previews section of my writings...

Feb. 14-15, 2002
I fixed the writings section. Love me. Kidding, kidding.

Jan. 05, 2002
A new link, PLUS how you can link to me!

Dec. 18, 2001
Well, it is now snowing outside the Dragon's Den. ::smirk:: Surprise, surprise! Some of the snow filtered into the site, as well, as you can see on the main page. And the Muses's section is up. Wow... All this in ONE whole day! ::amused gasp:: Oh yeah! AND a new fic by Misteazer and me in the writings section. Duh.

Dec. 17, 2001
Well... I added a contact information page. Love it. Kidding...kidding. So if you want to talk to me (which I can't imagine why you would), go there to find out how! In other news, the muses have demanded their own area of the den...I don't know what they'd want to use it for, but since they wanted it, I'm giving it to them.

Nov. 09, 2001
One new piece of art in the Miscellaneous art section...and a guestbook!

Oct. 26, 2001
More ART! Miscellaneous Art and Guest Art. Look at the pwetty pictures!

Oct. 22, 2001
Added more into the art galleries...i.e. The Digimon section and the Slayers section...

Oct. 15, 2001
Added a 10th Kingdom fic. And a few new links...and that's it. I know I should be adding the rest of the pictures in my image gallery, but I'm too lazy to do so. Hate me for it, but I don't care!

Oct. 13, 2001
The site LIVES! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ::coughs:: I mean... EVERYTHING'S NEW!!!

2001 © Dragonfriend