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Diamond: Someone actually wants to talk to DF? Hey, guys! Someone wants to talk to DF!

Mathew: Is this irregular?

Diamond: Who in their right mind would want to talk to DF?

DF: ::growls::

Muses: Eep! ::scurry away::

DF: I apologize for them. ::sighs, then begins her spiel:: So you want to talk to me, do you? Well, that's easy enough. I have an e-mail address, plus an AIM screen name.

Anubis: Her e-mail address is

Amiboshi: She also has another e-mail address that she forgets to check.

Diamond: Its

Lestat: If you want to talk to her via AOL Instant Messenger...

Mathew: ::confused:: Why is the abbreviation for AOL Instant Messenger AIM instead of AOLIM?

Suboshi: Because it isn't catchy enough?

Jareth: can IM her. Her screen name is PhantomAnge.

DF: ::coughs:: I believe I was supposed to tell them that, muses.

Muses: ::look at each other:: Ooops.



You are listening to the theme from the television show Angel.