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The Space Between Worlds



Okay. You really want to see this? All right. You asked for it...


Original Art
Haruka -- New Art for Ten-no Katana. One of the evil characters in the comic!

The Dark Prince -- New Art for Ten-no Katana. Hitokage, also known as the Dark Prince, is so PRETTY! Yes, he is based off of Touga from Revolutionary Girl Utena...

Ten-no Katana Poster -- New Art for Ten-no Katana. Meian summoning the sword for the first time. Nifty, ne? I'm quite proud of this picture...

Corryn -- I drew this as part of a pic exchange for one of my friends (Lacey! ::points at her::) I don't really consider this to be fan art...

Me -- In all my dragonish glory

Meian -- An original character from an anime/writing project I'm working on. (Line Art)

Yue and Tsuki -- Twin characters from the same project. This will look a lot sadder when I actually color this. (Line Art)

The Revolving Door -- Um...yeah. This was part of an ongoing "war" between me and Lacey...

Roshelina -- Ro has been given MANY lives (an original character, the Buffy-verse, and the realm of the 10th Kingdom), but since she started out as an original character, she goes here. She's a Were Seeker, in charge of hunting down souls to be captured.

Amarantha -- Character I drew for an anime project a bunch of us were doing...not sure if its being done anymore... (Line Art)

Amarantha (Colored) -- FINALLY I colored her!

Libera Me -- Inspired by a song of the same name from the "Interview with the Vampire" soundtrack. (B&W)

Moya -- Um...yeah. (Line Art)

Yunet -- Dragon Princess (Line Art)

Avisan Dragona Gone Anime -- Okay, this is the anime version of Avis, drawn with colored pencils. The bigger version of her is the outfit she normally wears. The image of her sitting down is her in her captain's uniform.


Fan Art
100 Hits! -- After I had 100 hits on my main page, my friend Sprocket (the 100th person to come to my site), asked me to draw Jareth for her. This is what I came up with. Crazy, neh?

Lunamon -- Yes, she is a Digimon. Deal with it. Jadej.j and I started a Digimon story in which I created the Digimon and she created the child that went with the Digimon. Lunamon is the Rookie form of the Digimon and she looks like a bowling ball with wings.

Alcinamon -- The Champion form of said Digimon.

Flaming Sword! -- Alcinamon again, starting up one of her attacks.

Evallamon -- In the vein of S2 Digimon, I created the Digi-egg of Spirit that got corrupted by the Digimon Emperor to yield...this.

Kuragari Hoshi -- S2 Dark Digidestined/Chosen Child/whatever you want to call her. Sure... She looks sweet and innocent in this pic, but she's not. Really. (Line Art)

Manga Jareth -- How Jareth would have appeared if Labyrinth was turned into a manga. (B&W)

Jareth (Again) -- 'Nother manga-ish image (an improvement on the first), Jareth in the outfit he wears in the "Magic Dance" number. (B&W)

Sarah -- Based off a piece of Labyrinth fan fiction called "Crystal Dreams and Amethyst Illusions" on I wanted to draw Sarah, anime style, and she turned out like this. Fan art! (B&W)

Amber -- My Ronin Warriors character. The first version. ::snarls:: GOD it looks bad!

Amber (again) -- Amber in her armor, minus the mask. MUCH better looking.

Dais -- Dais in muse form. Pretty, neh?

Dragonlance -- My Beast Wars character. Drawn by me, colored by a friend.

Miranda Blake -- Firebrand out of training costume. (Line Art)

Morgaine -- My Slayers character. She's an assassin out to get Lina. Lovely.

Lina Inverse -- Lina got bitten by a werewolf in this picture. This is her...about 5 hours before the werewolf curse is permanent. (B&W)

Zelgadis -- The first Slayers picture I ever drew. And he looks pretty damn good, too. (B&W)

Raven -- Drawn for someone I knew in the Gargoyles fandom. This is her character Raven. (Line Art)

Tia-muri -- Mummies Alive character created by Caisia.

Gypsy Twins -- Meet Ylenia (the one standing up with the tambourine) and Utena (the one sitting down with the violin), twin gypsies. My fan characters from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame


You are listening to Memory of Fanelia from Vision of Escaflowne