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Welcome to the Mists of Time. Here, you will find all sorts of interesting things, be it artwork, writing, or a rant you desire. Nothing is hidden here. All you must do is step through a door and choose what you will follow...



| Updates | Last updated 02/02/03. See what's new since you last entered the mists...
| The Arabian Room | Or the glorious writings of the guardian...
| The Space Between Worlds | My artwork....
| The Muse Mansion | The muses wanted it. WHY I'm not sure.
| My On-line Journal | Or Rants and other stuff.
| The Jellicle Rent | a CATS/RENT RPG please join! We need people!
| Cosplay | I make costumes! And, by now, I know what I'm doing!
| Awards | People have given me stuff! Come see! Come see!
| Adoptees | Come see the things I have made my prisoner! ::coughcough:: I mean...
| Parting the Mists | This is what happens when I get bored. I make music videos...No, I'm not kidding. Come see...if you dare. Currently on vacation.
| Contact The Guardian | You really want to talk to me? Well...okay...
| Link to Me | How you can link back to my site.
| Portals In the Mists | Come here to leave the mists...
| The Guardian | Learn all about the mist's guardian...

people have lost themselves in the mists...
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