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An Overview of Hanford and Radiation Health Effects

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a publication of the
Hanford Health
Information Network
An Overview of Hanford
and Radiation Health Studies

Here You'll Find...
What Happened at Hanford

Hanford Radiation Studies Began

Radiation Health Effects:
How Radiation Causes Harm


Thyroid Disease

Other Radiation Health Effects

Downwinder Perspective



Hanford is the name of a former nuclear weapons production site located in south central Washington state. Established in 1943, Hanford released radioactive materials into the air, water and soil. The releases occurred mainly as the result of routine operations but were also due to accidents and intentional releases. Many of those who lived in the areas downwind from Hanford or who used the Columbia River downstream from Hanford received doses of radiation. Those doses may have caused health problems or might cause them in the future. The basic assumption of radiation protection is that any dose of radiation poses a health risk.

This publication presents some basic information about hanford, the radiation it released and how people were exposed to the radioactive contamination. It also provides an introduction to the possible health effects from radiation exposure. because the largest estimated exposure from Hanford could affect the thyroid gland, this publication includes a special section on thyroid disease. Also included are descriptions of hhin publications that offer further information.


What Happened at Hanford

Because of the secrecy surrounding nuclear weapons production, the public did not know much about hanford's operational details until 1986. by february of that year, citizen pressure had forced the u.s. department of energy to release 19,000 pages of hanford historical documents that had been previously unavailable to the public. These pages revealed there had been huge releases of radioactive materials into the environment that contaminated the columbia river and more than 75,000 square miles of land. many people were outraged at the four decades of secrecy and deception.1 They felt they had been betrayed by their own government. They demanded to know how the government could have kept such dangers secret for so long.

The documents revealed that Hanford was key to U.S. participation in the nuclear arms race. In 1943 the federal government had selected Hanford as the site for the world's first large-scale nuclear production plant. Hanford produced the plutonium for the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, during world war II. About half of all U.S. nuclear weapons were made with plutonium from Hanford. Hanford officials cited national security considerations as a justification for the secrecy.

For more information

The following publications can give you more information about the topics discussed in this section.

The Release of Radioactive Materials from Hanford: 1944-1972 --- discusses what is known about how much radiation was released from hanford into the air, water, and soil. It also describes the December 1949 "green run," Hanford's largest single release of radiation.

Potential Health Problems from Exposure to Selected Radionuclides: Plutomium, Strontium, Cerium and Ruthenium --- presents details of the release of Hanford's radiation in the form of particles (iodine-131 was released as a gas). Also described are some of the health effects that have been linked to specific radioactive elements.

Hot Spots: Weather and Hanford's Radiation Releases to the Air --- Many people in the northwest remember the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption and how the ash settled in distinct patterns as carried by the changeable winds. Many downwinders wonder how the winds may have carried Hanford's radiation that went into the air. This publication describes the wind patterns and how they might have affected the doses people received.

Radionuclides in the Columbia River: possible health problems in humans and effects on fish --- Describes how hanford released radioactive materials into the columbia river, 1944-1971. It also discusses some of the health effects that have been linked to exposure to specific radioactive elements. Included is a summary of studies that have been conducted on fish and other aquatic creatures to determine Hanford's impact on them.

Contained in the documents were descriptions of how hanford operations had released radioactive materials. The plutonium was produced in nuclear reactors along the columbia river. The reactors needed large amounts of water from the river for cooling. Materials in the river water were made radioactive when they passed through the reactors. After passing through the reactors, the water and the radioactive materials it carried were put back in the river. The radiation contaminated the water and aquatic animals downstream as far as pacific oyster beds along the Washington and Oregon coasts. The highest releases to the columbia were from 1955 to 1965.

After the plutonium was removed from the reactors, it had to be separated and purified for use in nuclear weapons. Separating the plutonium resulted in radiation being released into the air. Winds carried hanford's airborne radiation throughout eastern Washington, northeastern Oregon, northern Idaho and into Montana and Canada. Food grown on contaminated fields, and milk cows grazing there, transferred the radiation to people who ate the food and drank the milk. The years of highest releases to the air were 1944 through 1951, with 1945 being the largest.

Hanford Radiation Studies Begun

Because of public concern and anger over the once-secret information, a scientific panel, the Hanford health effects review panel, was convened in September 1986 to examine the newly released documents. The panel recommended that two studies be done to determine
(1) how much radiation people had been exposed to and
(2) if there was an unusually high rate of thyroid disease among those exposed. Thyroid disease was selected because the type of radiation that caused the highest exposures downwind from hanford, iodine-131, concentrates in the thyroid gland. in previous studies of other populations, exposure to radiation has been shown to cause thyroid disease, including cancerous and non-cancerous thyroid growths.

To determine how much radiation people were exposed to, the U.S. Department of Energy began the Hanford environmental dose reconstruction project (HEDR) in 1987. Funding for HEDR was transferred to the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) in 1992. The reason for this transfer was the Department of Energy's conflict of interest since the department also is in charge of Hanford operations. Some people remained skeptical because CDC kept Battelle Memorial Institute as the contractor to do most of the hedr work. Battelle has been a Hanford contractor since 1965.

For More Information

Readers interested in learning about how radioactive materials function once they are inside the human body can request a copy of radioactivity in the body. This HHIN publication lists which organs in the body received the largest dose from nearly a dozen radioactive materials.

By analyzing the 19,000 pages and other historical documents and by using computers, HEDR estimated how much radiation hanford released and how much people were exposed to based on where they lived and what they ate and drank. For most of those exposed, the greatest part of their total dose came from drinking milk and eating food that was contaminated with radioactive materials from Hanford. For certain people, such as Native Americans, the largest contributor to dose was probably eating contaminated fish. Between 1944 and 1972, according to hedr's estimates, about 2 million people were exposed either through the air or the columbia river.

In addition to the hedr project (to determine how much radiation people were exposed to), the federal government sponsored a second study, the hanford thyroid disease study (HTDS). CDC began HTDS in 1989 and plans to complete it in late 1998. CDC has contracted with the Fred Hutchinson cancer research center in Seattle to carry out the study. The HTDS is investigating whether thyroid disease, including thyroid cancer, is increased among people who were exposed as infants and children to iodine-131 from hanford. By its completion, the study will have examined over 3,000 people for thyroid disease.

Radiation Health Effects: How Radiation Causes Harm

To understand why cancer and thyroid disease are of concern, it is useful to know how radiation can cause harm to the body. When radiation enters the body and hits a cell, one of four things can happen:

    (1) Radiation may pass through the cell without doing damage;
    (2) It may damage the cell, but the cell may be able to repair the damage before producing new cells;
    (3) It may damage the cell in such a way that the damage is passed on when new cells are formed; or
    (4) It may kill the cell.

Internal and External Exposure to Radiation

Radiation exposure may be internal or external. Internal exposure comes from eating or drinking contaminated food or water, or from breathing contaminated air. A radioactive substance can also enter the body through cuts in the skin. alpha and beta radiation contribute to internal exposure. External exposure can come from beta, gamma and x-ray radiation that penetrates the body. both internal and external radiation can directly harm cells. Exposure to hanford's radiation was primarily internal. Exposure from the atomic bombings in japan was primarily external.
If the radiation passes through the cell without doing damage or the cell repairs itself successfully (numbers 1 and 2 above), there is no lasting damage or health effect. If the damage is passed on when new cells are formed (number 3 above), there may be a delayed health effect, such as cancer or genetic effects. any DOSE of radiation may produce a delayed health effect. Delayed effects from radiation exposure may occur months, years or decades later. It is not possible to predict if or when these effects will occur.

If the damage to a cell is not repaired and is passed on to new cells (number 3 above), a cancer can begin to grow. It may take years or even decades for a cancer to grow large enough to be discovered. This period between exposure to radiation and the discovery of cancer or other health effects is called the latent period. The latent period varies for different types of health effects and different types of radiation doses.

When radiation kills a cell (number 4 above), there will be acute (immediate) health effects if the dose is high and many cells die. An example of an acute effect is death within days or weeks from radiation sickness, as happened to the highly exposed people in the atomic bombings in japan. Other acute effects include vomiting and loss of hair. From what is currently known, doses to people from Hanford's environmental releases were not enough to produce immediate or direct effects.

Difference Between Exposure and Dose

"Exposure" refers to how much radioactive material entered a person's body. Not all radiation entering the body stays there. Much of it is flushed out through breathing or along with other waste products.
"Dose" refers to the amount of radioactive energy that is actually absorbed by tissues in the body. For instance, about a third of the iodine-131 entering the body is absorbed by the thyroid. Traces of it are absorbed by other body organs. The rest is flushed from the body.


Radiation can cause most types of cancer. Some cells or organs - breast tissue and the thyroid, for example - are very sensitive to radiation. Others, such as bone cells, are not as sensitive.

Whether or not exposure to radiation will cause cancer depends on a variety of factors. These include: the amount and type of radiation DOSE; individual characteristics that make some people more susceptible to cancer than others; age; gender; whether the exposure occurred over a short or a long time; and the presence of other substances that enhance the cancer-causing power of radiation.

There has been much controversy over the extent to which low-dose radiation causes cancer. One of the more widely-known reports was published in 1990 by the fifth committee on the biological effects of ionizing radiations (known as BEIR V).2 BEIR V concluded that information from scientific studies about people receiving low doses was insufficient to determine cancer risk.

Overall, BEIR V concluded that cancer risk from radiation exposure is higher than regulatory and advisory groups had previously described. BEIR V estimated cancer risk but acknowledged uncertainty concerning these risk estimates. BEIR V estimated that for every 10,000 adults exposed over a short time period to 1 rem of radiation, eight would die from radiation-induced cancer.3 If the exposure took place during childhood, the risk for fatal cancer was estimated to be twice as high. BEIR V also concluded that when the dose was received over a long time, the lifetime risk of death from cancer was lower by a factor of 2 or more than if the same dose had been received over a short time. Most hanford exposures occurred over long times (months, years or decades).

Other scientists have drawn quite different conclusions, arguing that BEIR V either overestimated or underestimated the risk of radiation-caused cancer. For instance, a team of scientists found that radiation doses received by survivors of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima were higher than current estimates.4 If this is true, beir v cancer-risk estimates may be too high, as they are strongly influenced by the Japanese survivor studies.

Others argue that the BEIR V report underestimates the risk of radiation-caused cancer. Among these scientists is Dr. John Gofman. He concluded that for every 10,000 adults exposed to 1 rem of radiation, 26 would die from radiation-induced cancer.5 Gofman pointed out that about 2,200 of these 10,000 adults will die from cancer induced by all causes. Gofman also said that the risk is even higher for children.

Contrary to BEIR V, Gofman believes that receiving a low dose of radiation over weeks or months (such as in the Hanford situation) does not lower the risk for radiation-induced cancer. In fact, he argues that a dose of radiation given over a longer time will produce a greater cancer risk than the same dose given over a short time.

Additionally, two other scientists have been sharply critical of BEIR V. Rudi H. Nussbaum and Wolfgang Kohnlein have pointed out a number of inconsistencies within the beir v report. They also argue that studies published after beir v support the position that there is a greater risk of health effects from chronic low doses than is reflected in current radiation protection regulations.6

Why there aren't clear answers

Scientists are unable to determine with certainty the relationship between cancer and radiation exposure. Many people find this frustrating. However, it is important to know.

for more information...

The network offers two publications that explore some of the problems in the study of radiation-induced cancer and the resulting controversy.

Epidemiology: Understanding Health Studies explains the basics of studying disease in human populations. It also summarizes five past studies on the possible health effects of hanford's releases on the public.

Health Risk Viewpoints: Radiation and cancer presents the opinions of three scientists. Each was asked to comment on whether people exposed to radiation released from hanford have an increased risk for developing cancer.

That there are three key factors that complicate this Scientific Research. First, there are many things that can cause cancer besides exposure to radiation, making it difficult to measure which ones were caused by radiation exposure. Cigarette smoking, exposure to pesticides and other toxic chemicals, and random genetic mutations also can cause cancer. second, people receive radiation from sources other than Hanford, such as background radiation and medical procedures. Third, not everyone exposed to radiation gets cancer.

Thyroid Disease

The type of radiation that caused the highest doses downwind from Hanford, iodine-131, concentrates in the thyroid gland. Exposure to some types of radiation has been shown to cause thyroid disease, including cancerous and noncancerous thyroid growths. The htds is gathering information on all types of thyroid disease, whether or not previous studies have suggested links between radiation exposure and thyroid disease. While the htds will not be completed until late 1998, thyroid disease studies from other types of radiation exposures may offer some comparisons to the hanford situation.

Studies of environmental exposure to iodine-131

Because people downwind from Hanford were exposed to airborne releases of iodine-131, studies of other people who were exposed to airborne releases of iodine are of interest. The situations of the Nevada-Utah downwinders, the Marshall Islanders and children exposed as a result of the Chernobyl accident have some similarities with the Hanford situation (mainly exposure to iodine-131). However, there are also some important differences that limit comparisons with hanford, including:

  • the other thyroid doses were received over a relatively short time period;
  • other isotopes of iodine were part of the releases in the other areas; and
  • people were exposed to external radiation sources as well as internal ones.

Nevada-Utah downwinders

people who lived downwind (downwinders) from the nevada test site were exposed to nuclear fallout, including iodine-131, caused by atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. A study of these downwinders suggests a dose-response relationship between the occurrence of thyroid growths (nodules and cancer) and iodine exposure. In this setting, a "dose-response relationship" means that the risk of having a thyroid growth (the response) increases as the dose increases. In other words, people with higher doses have greater risk than people with lower doses. The scientists who did the study concluded that the radioactive iodine exposure "probably caused" between one and 12 of the 19 cases of thyroid growths among the study population of about 2,500.7

Marshall Islanders

In 1954 Marshall Islanders were exposed to radioactive fallout from a nuclear weapon test in the south pacific. They were exposed to some iodine-131, but most of the thyroid exposure came from other radioactive forms of iodine. the Marshall Islanders suffered both acute and delayed effects from radiation. eight years after the blast, some marshall islanders developed thyroid disease. After 27 years, the Marshall Islanders had an increased rate of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) and both noncancerous and cancerous thyroid growths. It is difficult to say that it was the iodine-131 or the other radioactive iodines alone that caused these thyroid problems because the Marshall Islanders also received external radiation.

children living near Chernobyl

In 1995 scientists reported that the rates of thyroid cancer were significantly increased among young people who were exposed to Chernobyl's radioactive fallout.8 before the 1986 accident, childhood thyroid cancer in the areas around Chernobyl was rare. The current rates are up to 200 times higher than normal. The rates in the table below are the number of thyroid cancers per million people. Childhood thyroid cancers are those thyroid cancers diagnosed before the children turn 15 years old.

Most (about 85 percent) of the chernobyl thyroid dose came from iodine-131 and was received over a short time. The rest of the thyroid dose came from other radioactive isotopes of iodine. At Hanford, nearly all of the thyroid dose was from iodine-131 and was received over a number of years. HEDR estimated that children living downwind from Hanford received total thyroid doses in the range of 3 to 235 rad for the period 1944 through 1951. Because of uncertainties, the estimated dose could have been as high as 870 rad.10

Until further studies around chernobyl are completed, it is not clear if radioactive iodine was the only cause of the high rates of thyroid cancer. Among other possible contributors were an iodine deficiency in the exposed population before the accident and a higher than normal sensitivity to the harmful effects of radiation exposure among some of those exposed.11 Another contributor could have been the greatly increased number of thyroid examinations after the accident.12

Childhood Thyroid Cancer near Chernobyl9
(Before and After the 1986 Accident)
1981-1985 1986-1990 1991-1994
no. of
rate* no. of
rate* no. of
rate* thyroid dose
gomel region, belarus 10.52110.514396.415 to 570 rad
northern Ukraine 10.1212.09711.55 to 200 rad
Bryansk and Kaluga
regions, Russia
0031.22010.06 to 180 rad
* Number of Thyroid Cancers per Million People

Medical Exposures to Iodine-131

Much of what is currently known about the health effects of iodine-131 comes from studies of the medical uses of iodine-131. one group of people exposed to iodine-131 received a one-time high dose (thousands of rad) to treat hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland). Another group received a one-time low dose (50-100 rad) of iodine-131 for tests to diagnose thyroid disease. Studies of these two groups of people do not show any link between iodine-131 and thyroid cancer.

color="455699">For More Information...
The network has developed a health bulletin that presents summary information about Hanford's radioactive releases along with a brief screening and assessment guidelines for thyroid disease.

However, the length of time people were studied varied. The longest study followed people an average of 20 years. Scientists believe that the latent period for thyroid cancer can range from five to more than 40 years. They believe that the very high doses of iodine-131 used to treat people with hyperthyroidism result in killing off cells so that cancer cannot develop.

External Gamma and x-ray Radiation of the Thyroid

While there is not conclusive evidence linking iodine-131 and thyroid cancer, there is a link between thyroid cancer and exposure to x-rays and gamma radiation. studies of people who received x-ray treatments of the head and neck show that x-rays can cause thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer was the first solid tumor to show an increased rate in Japanese atomic bomb survivors who were exposed to gamma radiation.

Parathyroid Disease

Parathyroid glands help maintain the level of calcium in the body and are located around the thyroid. studies of people receiving x-ray treatments to the head and neck have demonstrated a higher rate of hyperparathyroidism than expected. Further, those people who had hyperparathyroidism and a history of radiation treatments also had a greater frequency of thyroid disease than those who had hyperparathyroidism but did not have radiation treatments.13 Radioactive iodine in the thyroid exposes the parathyroid which may cause tumors in the parathyroid glands. The Hanford thyroid disease study is investigating whether hyperparathyroidism is increased among people exposed to hanford's radioactive releases.

Other Radiation Health Effects

Although cancer is the most studied of all radiation health effects, exposure to radiation can harm the human body in other ways. The following are brief summaries of some other radiation health effects. Publications are available from the network on some of these health effects.

Immune System

The immune system is a complex network in the body that helps fight diseases and foreign substances. Studies have shown that radiation exposure can weaken the immune system. Autoimmune diseases are those in which a person's own immune system attacks one or more tissues or organs. These diseases include multiple sclerosis and lupus. While there have not been any studies concerning hanford and autoimmune diseases, some Hanford-area residents are concerned that their exposure to radioactive materials has triggered such diseases. They believe that there are a higher than normal number of autoimmune disease cases among those who were exposed. For more information on the immune system and radiation's effects on it, see Immune System and Radiation.

Genetic Effects and Birth Defects

Genetic effects of radiation exposure occur when radiation damage to a parent's DNA code is transmitted to a child. (The DNA code contains information required for the development and maintenance of all organisms.) Genetic effects caused by radiation fall into two categories:
(1) Effects that appear in the children of an exposed parent and
(2) effects that appear in later generations.

Health problems present at birth are called birth defects. These can arise spontaneously or through harm to normal developmental processes by radiation or by other toxic exposures.

For more information about these health effects, see HHIN'S genetic effects and birth defects from radiation exposure. This publication includes a summary of a birth defects study of children born in the hanford area. The study found an increase in one kind of birth defects, neural tube defects. but the study's scientists did not attribute this increase to hanford radiation exposure.

Nervous System

The nervous system coordinates and regulates the body's activities. It consists of the brain, the spinal cord and other nerves. HHIN"S the nervous system and radiation describes the nervous system and past studies on radiation effects involving this system. It also includes a collection of opinions on what information would be needed to determine if a link exists between hanford's radiation and health effects of the nervous system. the people presenting opinions include scientists and members of the public.

Other Effects on the Lives of Those who were Exposed

The secrecy surrounding the hanford releases, the involuntary nature of the exposure and the lack of information about radiation health effects have left some people understandably frustrated, mistrustful and angry. Many people report feeling that the emotional and economic toll has been great. This is especially true for those who have thyroid diseases and other illnesses and whose family members, friends and neighbors are ill or have died. For additional reading on these aspects, see HHIN"S Coping with Uncertainty and Illness: Concerns of Hanford Downwinders.

Downwinder Perspective

Many callers to the hanford health information lines have reported concerns about their health. Scientific research has not - or at least not yet - related health problems to exposure to radiation released from hanford. however, some DOWNWINDERS do have health problems and believe that these problems are related to hanford. The following personal perspective is offered to help readers understand these experiences and concerns.

"When I arrived in Richland in 1954, I was healthy, happy, full of energy and a bride of two weeks. It wasn't long before I began having horrific migraines, and unexplained attacks of vomiting and diarrhea that sent me to the hospital because I was dehydrated. tests could not explain my symptoms - yet they persisted. I was weak to the point of exhaustion. And I lost an alarming amount of weight.

Within a few years it became impossible for me to participate in family and social events. More often than not, I stayed home and on more than one occasion, my husband and children went on vacation trips without me. Two of my pregnancies ended in miscarriages. By my early 30s, i was a semi-invalid. I was diagnosed with endometriosis (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus). When I was 35, I was rushed to the hospital unconscious and hemorrhaging. An emergency hysterectomy saved my life. Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Was it connected to living there (near Hanford)? the doctors didn't connect it - yet?

Both of our children were born with immune dysfunctions. A simple cold was an alarming matter. They were often anemic and our pediatrician tested them for Leukemia. both had skin cancer. My adult daughter has endometriosis. Connected? I wonder...

Without warning, my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It had already metastasized to his kidney, then to his liver. he died in 1990. His question was, "are our medical problems because we lived in Richland for 25 years?" It weighs heavily upon my heart. Is there a connection? Studies and medical monitoring may one day answer his question. We greatly miss his loving presence in our lives."

- name withheld by request.


1 - for further reading about hanford, secrecy and deception, see Atomic Harvest: Hanford and the lethal toll of america's nuclear arsenal by Michael D'Antonio (crown pub. 1993); The Dragon's Tail: Radiation Safety in the Manhattan Project, 1942-1946 by Barton C. Hacker (University of California 1987); On the Home Front: The Cold War Legacy of the Hanford Nuclear Site by Michele Stenehjem gerber (University of Nebraska 1992); and Sordid Sorcery: The History of Hanford's Deception by The Hanford Education Action League (HEAL 1992).

2 - National Research Council (BEIR V). Health effects of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation. National Academy Press, 1990. BEIR V was a committee of 17 scientists from the National Academy of Sciences. The chair of BEIR V was Arthur C. Upton.

3 - BEIR V, p. 162.

4 - T. Straume, et al. "Neutron Discrepancies in the DS86 Hiroshima Dosimetry System." Health Physics, October 1992, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 421-426. in 1992, Straume was with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. His colleagues were from SAIC in San Diego, the University of Rochester (N.Y.) and Hiroshima University.

5 - J.W. Gofman. Radiation-Induced Cancer from Low-Dose Exposure: An independent analysis. Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, 1990, chapter 25, p. 15. Gofman is professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of California, Berkeley.

6 - R.H. Nussbaum and Wolfgang Kohnlein. "Inconsistencies and open questions regarding low-dose health effects of ionizing radiation." Environmental health perspectives, vol. 102, no. 8, August 1994, pp. 656-667. Nussbaum is professor Emeritus of Physics and Environmental Sciences at Portland (OR.) State University. Kohnlein is professor and director of the Institute for Radiation Biology at the University of Munster in Germany. see also "Health Consequences of Exposures to Ionizing Radiation from External and Internal Sources: Challenges to radiation protection standards and biomedical research," medicine and global survival, vol. 2, no. 4, December 1995, pp. 198-213.

7 - R.A. Kerber, et al. "A Cohort Study of Thyroid Disease in Relation to Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Testing." Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 270, no. 17, November 3, 1993, p. 2082.

8 - V.A. Stsjazhko, et al. "Childhood Thyroid Cancer since accident at Chernobyl" (letter). British Medical Journal, vol. 310, march 25, 1995, p. 801.

9 - table is adapted from V.A. Stsjazhko, et al. "Childhood Thyroid Cancer since accident at Chernobyl" (letter). British Medical Journal, vol. 310, March 25, 1995, p. 801.

10 - Technical Steering Panel of the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. Representative Hanford Radiation Dose Estimates, revision 1. April 21, 1994, p. 2.

11 - M. Balter. "Children become the first victims of fallout." Science, vol. 272, April 19, 1996, p. 359.

12 - E. Ron, J. Lubin, and A.B. Schneider. "Thyroid Cancer Incidence." nature, vol. 360, November 12, 1992, p. 113. Ron and Lubin are with the Epidemiology and Biostatistics program at the National Cancer Institute. Schneider is with Humana and Michael Reese Hospitals at the University of Illinois.

13 - A. Katz and G.D. Braunstein. "clinical, biochemical, and pathologic features of radiation-associated hyperpara-thyroidism." archives of internal medicine, vol. 143, January 1983, pp. 79-82.

Are My Health Problems Caused
by Radiation from Hanford?

This is one of the most-often-asked questions when people call the Hanford Health Information Network (HHIN). Many people exposed to the radioactive releases from Hanford want to know if this exposure caused their health problems. Some people who were exposed have developed cancers and other diseases.

Many scientists agree that radiation exposure can increase the likelihood of certain health problems. However, at this time it is not scientifically possible to determine whether or not an individual's health problems were caused by radiation from Hanford.

Why the "Cause" Is Hard To Know

There are several reasons why it is hard to know if Hanford's releases were the cause of a person's health problems. One reason is that a number of factors may be involved in producing a disease. Another reason is that there are no tests or measurements that show past exposures to radiation.

A third reason is that a given radiation exposure may or may not result in harm to the body. When radiation enters the body and hits a cell, one of four things can happen.
1. Radiation may pass through the cell without doing damage.
2. It may damage the cell, but the cell may be able to repair the damage before producing new cells.
3. It may damage the cell in such a way that the damage is passed on when new cells are formed.
4. Or it may kill the cell.

Another Way To Look at the Question of What Caused Health Problems

Medical scientists respond to this question in terms of risk. Risk is the likelihood of getting a disease. Many scientists and public health officials believe that any radiation dose could increase the risk for cancer and possibly other health problems. (Dose is the amount of radiation absorbed by a part of the body.) Having an increased risk does not always lead to developing a disease. Having an increased risk means that the chances of getting a disease are higher than if the exposure had not occurred.

To find out about the risk of disease from past radiation exposure, scientists do two kinds of studies. A dose reconstruction study attempts to reconstruct the levels of radiation dose that people may have received. This includes finding out what kinds of and how much radiation people were exposed to and how they were exposed, then estimating radiation dose levels. The second kind of study is a health study, or epidemiologic study. This study tells how much risk of disease is likely at a certain level of radiation dose.

Hanford Doses and Risk

Two studies focus on radiation doses from Hanford and the risk of health effects.

The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project sought to find out the amount and types of radioactive materials Hanford released between 1944 and 1972, and how people were exposed. HEDR also provided estimates of the range of radiation doses people may have received. The HEDR Project found that Hanford released more than 200 kinds of radioactive elements (radionuclides). The study concluded that a radioactive form of iodine, iodine-131, accounted for more than 98 percent of the radiation dose that most people received outside the Hanford site.

Additional scientific work for this study is being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The HEDR Task Completion Working Group oversees this work. The Working Group includes representatives of the state health departments of Idaho, Oregon and Washington, and CDC. The additional HEDR work focuses on (1) exposures to people who were on the Hanford site, and (2) exposures from Hanford's releases to the Columbia River. Reports are expected in 2000 and 2001, respectively.

The Hanford Thyroid Disease Study (HTDS) is a health study. Its purpose is to investigate whether thyroid disease is related to levels of estimated radiation dose among persons exposed as children to Hanford's air releases of iodine-131 during the 1940s and 1950s. The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center conducted the research. CDC sponsors the study.

The draft study report, made public in January 1999, does not find a link between estimated thyroid dose from iodine-131 and the amount of thyroid disease in the study population. The study did find thyroid diseases among HTDS participants. However, those who had higher estimated radiation doses appeared to be no more likely to have thyroid diseases than were those who had lower doses. CDC notes that these results do not prove that such a link does not exist. It is not possible for an epidemiologic study such as the HTDS to determine if an individual person's thyroid disease is or is not caused by exposure to radiation released from Hanford.

In February 1999, CDC asked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to conduct a scientific peer review of the HTDS Draft Final Report. The NAS completed its peer review in December 1999. The review panel wrote that the HTDS investigators "probably overstated the strength of their findings that there was no radiation effect." The panel found that the study methods were of high quality. However, the panel said that additional analyses are needed to explain what the study data mean about the full range of possible risk to the thyroid. The panel commended CDC for public involvement during the nine years of the study but found shortcomings in the way the report was released. The panel recommended several steps for improving communication of the final report to the public.

CDC plans to respond to issues raised by the NAS, by other scientific reviewers and by the public in a revised final HTDS report. This report is expected by December 2000.

For more information, call the HTDS information line at 1-800-638-4837 or visit the HTDS Web site at or the CDC site at

For the NAS report, visit


Published March 2000

Important Notice: The Hanford Health Information Network (HHIN) closed in May, 2000. HHIN Web pages are provided as archived information only, and are not currently maintained. Information contained on the HHIN Web pages may be out-of-date.

All HHIN publications are available.

Hanford Health
Information Network

Radioactive Materials Released from Hanford, 1944-1972

Hanford Health Information Network
sponsored by
Washington State
Department of Health
Health Division
Division of Health


Factors that Affect Radiation Dose

Hanford Releases and Dose Reconstruction

Potential Health Effects of Iodine-131

Other Effects

Recommendations for Health Screening and Assessment


This health bulletin will provide you and your health care provider with information about the releases of radioactive materials from Hanford and their potential health effects. Hanford, a federal nuclear facility located in south central Washington state, produced plutonium for nuclear weapons. Individuals who lived near Hanford or used the Columbia River below Hanford between 1944 and 1972 (the years of major releases), may have received radiation doses (the amount of radiation absorbed by the body) that could have caused, or may cause, health problems.

This bulletin focuses on the health effects of iodine-131 because it contributed the most to radiation dose from Hanford's air emmissions. Other Hanford Health Information Network publications address other radioactive substances.

Factors that Affect Radiation Dose

The box on the map indicates the study area for which the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project estimated the amounts, or "doses," of radiation that people living in this area may have received from Hanford's releases to air. The shaded area outlines the counties which include the Project's study area. It also shows areas of the Columbia River below Hanford. People living along the river and in other areas may have been exposed to radioactive materials through water from the Columbia River. This does not mean that radiation harmed the health of everyone living in these areas. It does mean that these people may be more at risk for health problems related to radiation than people who do not live in these areas. Some of the radioactive materials released from Hanford went beyond the shaded area into Montana and Canada.

A person can be exposed to radiation in two ways: internally, such as drinking milk contaminated with iodine-131; or externally, such as from chest X-rays. When taken into the body, some radioactive substances concentrate in one or more parts of the body. For example, iodine-131 concentrates in the thyroid gland. Other radioactive substances are distributed throughout the body.

Factors contributing to the radiation dose a person may have received from Hanford include:

  • Eating radioactively contaminated milk, fruit, berries or leafy vegetables;

  • Eating radioactively contaminated fish and shellfish; drinking contaminated Columbia River water, and boating on or swimming in the Columbia River below Hanford;

  • The distance and direction from Hanford a person lived or spent time during the years of the radioactive releases, as well as the length of time a person spent there; and

  • A person's gender and age. These affect the amount of food consumed, metabolism, body weight, and the weight of different organs. For instance, infants, children and teenagers concentrate more iodine in the thyroid gland than do adults.

    Hanford Releases and Dose Reconstruction

    From 1944 through 1972, Hanford released many radioactive materials into the air. The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project was established decades later. HEDR estimated how much radioactive material was released from Hanford, how that material may have reached and exposed people, and what radiation dose people living in the HEDR study area (see map) may have received from Hanford's releases.

    HEDR reported that the major releases into the air occurred from 1944 to 1957 and included an estimated 740,000 curies of iodine-131.2 The HEDR estimated that over this period, iodine-131 was the major contributor to radiation dose from the air releases. HEDR calculated dose estimates for 12 representative (typical) individuals for six of the radioactive materials released. These were: iodine-131, cerium-144, ruthenium-103, ruthenium-106, strontium-90 and plutonium-239.

    From 1944 to 1971, Hanford released many radioactive substances into the Columbia River through water used to cool the reactors. The largest river releases occurred between the late 1950s and mid-1960s.3 According to HEDR, major contributers to dose from the river releases were sodium-24, phosphorus-32, zinc-65, arsenic-76 and neptunium-239. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now working to complete estimates of representative doses from the Columbia River and for people who worked on-site at hanford.

    Potential Health Effects of Iodine-131

    When iodine-131 is taken into the body, it concentrates mainly in the thyroid gland. Exposure to iodine-131 increases the risk for certain thyroid diseases. Science does not yet have clear answers about how much the risk for various thyroid diseases may be increased by iodine-131 exposure from Hanford.

    In January 1999, the CDC released the Draft Final Report from the Hanford Thyroid Disease Study (HTDS). The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center conducted the study for the CDC. The study evaluated whether thyroid disease was related to the levels of estimated radiation doses among persons exposed as children in the 1940s and 1950s to Hanford's air releases of iodine-131.

    The initial HTDS results were released in a draft report. While the study found thyroid diseases among HTDS participants, the initial results did not show a link between the estimated thyroid dose from iodine-131 and the amount of thyroid disease among participants. Those with higher estimated doses appeared to be no more likely to have thyroid diseases than were those with very low doses.

    A National Academy of Sciences review panel wrote that the HTDS investigators "probably overstated the strength of their findings that there was no radiation effect." The panel found that the study methods were of high quality. However, that panel said that additional analyses are needed to explain what the study data mean about the full range of possible risk th the thyroid. A revised HTDS report is expected by December 2000.

    The HTDS findings need to be viewed in light of other studies that suggest there is a link between iodine-131 and both benign and malignant thyroid tumors. A study was done of people who lived downwind from the Nevada Test Site and were exposed to nuclear fallout that included iodine-131. Study participants with higher doses were more likely to have thyroid nodules than were those with lower doses.4

    Since 1992, scientists studying possible effects from the 1986 Chernobyl accident have reported that the rates of thyroid cancer were significantly increased among young people.5 Some recent data suggest a connection between radionuclide exposure and the thyroid cancers. Most of the exposure was from iodine-131. However, scientists cannot yet clearly describe the roles of iodine-131 and other factors in contributing to this increase. These other factors include exposure to additional radionuclides and a deficiency of nonradioactrive iodine in the diet (iodine deficiency disorder).

    The National Research Council recently began a study to review the last 10 years of studies on the health effects of low-level ionizing radiation. Over the next three years, this study (called BEIR VII) will develop principles for quantifying the risk from this exposure.

    When using information from dose reconstruction and health studies, readers should keep in mind that the strength of a study's findings is affected by a number of factors, such as the quality of the information available about doses or health outcomes, and the study's design.

    Other Effects Many people exposed by Hanford are worried about their health. The involuntary exposures, the secrecy of the releases and the lack of health information have left some families understandably frustrated, mistrustful and angry. Many report feeling that the emotional and economic toll has been great, especially those who have thyroid diseases and other illnesses and whose family members, friends and neighbors are ill.

    Recommendations for Health Screening and Assessment

    A person who has received regular health care and has no symptoms of a disease may not need to see his or her health care provider. However, anyone with concerns about radiation exposure or thyroid disease should see his or her health care provider.

    Special Attention to the Thyroid
    The following guidelines are recommended for use by health care providers when assessing a person exposed to Hanford's radioactive releases into the air, since the most likely health effect is thyroid disease.6


    • Review of current symptoms
    • Standard medical history, including thyroid problems
    • Record place(s) of residence between 1944 and 1972
    • Record prior head and neck radiation treatments
    • Record exposure to radiation for diagnosis or treatment, including iodine-131 exposure
    • Record occupational exposures, including work with radioactive materials or X-ray equipment

    Physical Exam

    • A complete exam with special attention to the thyroid

    Recommended Diagnostic Tests

    Follow-up of Problems

    • Appropriate care and treatment or referral as needed
    • Referral to specialists as needed

    Recommendations for People without Problems

    • People without detectable problems should be re-evaluated yearly unless the health care provider decides less frequent screening is needed.


    • Be open and empathetic to the concerns of those who believe they were affected by Hanford.


    1. TSP Fact Sheet, Number 6, "Radioactivity in the Food Chain," February 1990.
    2. W.T. Farris, et al., "Atmospheric Pathway Dosimetry Report, 1944-1992," PNWD-2228 HEDR, October 1994, p. B.4.
    3. C.M. Heeb and D.J. Bates, "Radionuclide Releases to the Columbia River from Hanford Operations, 1944-1971," PNWD-2223 HEDR, May 1994, p. vii.
    4. R.A. Kerber, et al., "A Cohort Study of Thyroid Disease in Relation to Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Testing," Journal of the American Medical Association , Vol. 270, No. 17, November 3, 1993, p. 2082.
    5. P. Jacob, et al., "Thyroid Cancer Risk to Children Calculated," Nature, Vol. 392, No. 6671, March 5, 1998, pp. 31-32.
    6. See, for example, Hanford Thyroid Disease Study, "Recommended Guidelines for Evaluation of Thyroid Disease in Persons Potentially Exposed to Environmental Radioiodine, ",Feb. 1997,
    Published Summer 1995 (Revised Winter 2000)

    Hanford Health
    Information Network

    Hanford's Radioactive Releases

    How Radiation Exposure Occurs

    What the Body Does with Radioactivity

    Hanford's Releases and Radiation Dose

    Air Releases chart

    River Releases chart

    Selected Sources

    Production of plutonium at the Hanford Site released many radioactive substances into the environment for more than 40 years. This publication discusses the way that exposure to radiation occurs, how the body handles internal radiation exposure, and which tissues and organs received most of the dose from the radioactive materials released from Hanford. Dose is the amount of radiation, or energy, absorbed by the body.


    In producing plutonium, Hanford released radioactive materials into the air and the Columbia River. Much of the information about the radiation released from Hanford comes from the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project. The HEDR Project estimated how much radioactive material was released from Hanford, how that material may have reached and exposed people, and what radiation dose the people living in the HEDR study area may have received from Hanford's releases.

    Scientific experts for lawsuits against Hanford contractors have estimated that Hanford's releases were higher than the HEDR scientists estimated them to be. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now evaluating these reports.

    When using information from dose reconstruction studies, readers should keep in mind that the strength of a study's findings is affected by a number of factors, such as the quality of the information available about doses and the study's design.

    The HEDR Project estimated that six radioactive materials released into the air account for nearly all the radiation dose a person may have received from the air pathway. The Project also estimated that five substances account for most of the dose a person may have received from the water pathway. (The air and water pathways are the key ways in which people received radiation exposure.) These 11 substances are listed in the tables later in this publication. The HEDR Project also calculated dose estimates for representative (typical) individuals. The Project's Technical Steering Panel published the summary results and representative dose estimates in April 1994.


    Radiation exposure can be external or internal. External radiation exposure occurs when the radiation source is outside, or external, to the body. Examples of this kind of exposure are standing in a cloud of radioactive gas or swimming in water that has radioactive material in it. Internal radiation exposure occurs when radioactive material is taken into the body by eating, drinking, breathing, or through breaks in the skin.

    In addition to the exposure to Hanford radiation, external and internal radiation exposure comes from a variety of sources. These include medical uses of radiation, such as medical and dental X-rays, and radioactive substances in the environment, such as radon and cosmic rays. Most U.S. residents have also been exposed to fallout from nuclear weapons tests, such as the Nevada Test Site in the 1950s and 1960s.

    For most people exposed to Hanford's radioactive releases outside Hanford's boundaries, internal radiation exposure is estimated to be the main exposure route. This information sheet focuses on internal exposure from radioactive materials released by Hanford.

    The HEDR Project estimated that iodine-131 accounts for 98 percent of the radiation dose that most people received from Hanford's air releases. Most of this dose came from drinking milk from cows and goats that fed on pasture downwind of Hanford, and from eating locally grown leafy vegetables and fruit. The HEDR Project also concluded that people were exposed by Hanford's radioactive releases to the Columbia River, mainly through eating non-migratory fish. People also were exposed by drinking Columbia River water, spending time along the shoreline or swimming in contaminated stretches of the river.


    When radiation enters the body and hits a cell, one of four things can happen:
    1. Radiation may pass through the cell without doing damage.
    2. It may damage the cell, but the cell may be able to repair the damage before producing new cells.
    3. It may damage the cell in such a way that the damage is passed on when new cells are formed.
    4. Or it may kill the cell.

    If radiation passes through the cell or the cell repairs the damage (1 or 2 above), there is no lasting damage or health effect. If the damage is passed on when new cells form (3 above), there may be a delayed health effect such as cancer. If radiation kills a cell (4 above), there will be immediate health effects if the dose is high and many cells die. From what is currently known, doses to people outside Hanford's boundaries from Hanford's releases were not high enough to produce immediate or direct effects.

    To understand how the body handles radioactivity from internal exposure, it is also important to know where the radioactivity goes in the body and how long it remains.

    Distribution in the Body

    Some radioactive substances concentrate in specific organs. Others are distributed throughout the body. Some substances that concentrate in one organ may also give a radiation dose to other organs and tissues.

    When a radioactive substance concentrates primarily in one organ of the body, that organ receives a larger radiation dose from the substance than do other organs or tissues. This is called an organ dose. Some of the radioactive substances that concentrate in specific organs are chemically similar to substances the body needs in order to function. The body does not recognize the difference between a radioactive and nonradioactive substance. For example, strontium-90 is chemically similar to calcium. So the body uses strontium in the bone in much the same way it does calcium.

    Other radioactive substances may concentrate in certain organs or tissues even though they are not chemically similar to substances the body needs to function. An example is neptunium-239, which concentrates in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Instead of concentrating in one organ, some radioactive substances are distributed throughout the body. This is called a whole-body dose. Tritium, for example, is a form of hydrogen. Since hydrogen is part of water molecules, which are present throughout the body, tritium is distributed throughout the body and delivers a dose to all tissues.

    Some of the radioactive substances that concentrate in one organ or tissue are also distributed and absorbed by other organs and tissues. In this case, the substance will give a radiation dose to those other organs or tissues, but that dose typically will be much smaller. For example, iodine-131 concentrates in the thyroid gland. The parathyroid glands, which lie close to the thyroid, also receive a dose from iodine-131. However, the radiation dose to the normal parathyroid is from four to 20 times lower than the dose the thyroid gland receives. In addition, iodine-131 gives a radiation dose to other organs and tissues, such as the reproductive organs and breast tissue. However, the dose from iodine-131 received by the reproductive organs and breast tissue is much less than the dose to the thyroid. For example, the radiation dose to the breast is 30,000 times less than the dose to the thyroid. The radiation dose to the ovary is nearly one million times less than the dose to the thyroid.

    Length of Time in the Body

    Once a radioactive substance is taken into the body, it will continue to give off radiation until either the radioactivity has decayed or the body has eliminated the substance through normal metabolism. Both of these processes occur at the same time.

    The rate of radioactive decay of a substance determines its half-life. The half-life is the amount of time it takes for a radioactive substance to lose one-half of its radioactivity. Half-lives for different substances vary from millionths of a second to billions of years. When an atom decays and becomes stable, it is no longer radioactive.


    Much of what is known about radiation and human health comes from studies of people exposed to medical uses of radiation, survivors of the atomic bombing of Japan, and, more recently, people exposed to radiation from the accident at the Chernobyl plant. People exposed in these situations generally received higher radiation doses than did people exposed to radiation released from Hanford. In general, people exposed by Hanford's releases received lower radiation doses over longer periods of time.

    Potential Health Effects

    Radiation can cause many types of cancer. Whether or not exposure to radiation will cause cancer depends on a variety of factors. These include: the amount and type of radiation dose, individual characteristics that make some people more susceptible than others, the person's age and gender, whether the exposure occurred over a short or a long time, and the presence of other substances that enhance the cancer-causing power of radiation. Scientists do not yet agree on the extent to which low-dose radiation, such as people received from Hanford, causes cancer.

    HHIN has heard from many Hanford-exposed people who express concern that other non-cancer health problems, such as autoimmune thyroid disease or multiple sclerosis, may be related to exposure to radiation from Hanford. Very little is known from human health studies about low-dose radiation and health problems other than cancer. A limited number of studies have investigated this relationship. Current studies and future studies may provide more information. It is also possible that current research methods may not be sensitive enough to detect a link between low-dose radiation and such health problems, if a link exists.

    Many scientists and public health officials believe that any radiation dose could increase the risk for cancer and possibly other health problems. Having an increased risk does not always lead to developing a disease. Having an increased risk means that the chances of getting a disease are higher than if the exposure had not occurred.

    Current Studies of Low-Dose Health Effects BEIR VII. In 1999 the National Research Council began a study to review the last 10 years of studies on the health effects of low-dose ra-diation. Over the next three years, this study (called BEIR VII) will develop principles for determining the amount of risk from low-dose exposures.

    Hanford Thyroid Disease Study (HTDS). The purpose of the HTDS is to investigate whether thyroid disease is related to levels of estimated radiation dose among persons ex-posed as children to Hanford's air releases of iodine-131 during the 1940s and 1950s. The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center conducted the research. CDC sponsors the study.

    The draft study report, made public in January 1999, does not find a link between estimated thyroid dose from iodine-131 and the amount of thyroid disease in the study population. The study did find thyroid diseases among HTDS participants. However, those who had higher estimated radiation doses appeared to be no more likely to have thyroid diseases than were those who had lower doses. CDC notes that these results do not prove that such a link does not exist. It is not possible for an epidemiologic study such as the HTDS to determine if an individual person's thyroid disease is or is not caused by exposure to radiation released from Hanford.

    In February 1999, CDC asked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to conduct a scientific peer review of the HTDS Draft Final Report. The NAS completed its peer review in December 1999. The review panel wrote that the HTDS investigators "probably overstated the strength of their findings that there was no radiation effect." The panel found that the study methods were of high quality. However, the panel said that additional analyses are needed to explain what the study data mean about the full range of possible risk to the thyroid. The panel commended CDC for public involvement during the nine years of the study but found shortcomings in the way the report was released. The panel recommended several steps for improving communication of the final report to the public.

    CDC plans to respond to issues raised by the NAS, by other scientific reviewers and by the public in a revised final HTDS report. This report is expected by December 2000.


    Based on the HEDR Project's representative dose estimates, it is likely that Hanford's releases resulted in low whole-body doses. A whole-body dose is one in which approxi-mately the same dose is received by each organ, as may happen with exposure to tritium. But some people - particularly those living near Hanford before 1960 - may have received high doses to the thyroid gland or other organs.

    The tables below provide information on the six radioactive materials Hanford released to the air and the five released to the Columbia River that contributed the most to radiation dose, as estimated by the HEDR Project. In the first two columns, the tables list these radioactive substances and show HEDR's estimates (measured in curies) of how much Hanford released. For each substance, the table also shows the main exposure pathway, the main body organs or tissues affected and the half-life of the substance.

    Radioactive substances released to the air for which doses are being estimated by the Dose Reconstruction Project.
    Substance Amount Released
    from Hanford
    Main Routes
    of Exposure
    Organs Receiving
    Main Dose
    Iodine-131 762,000 curies* ingestion thyroid 8 days
    Ruthenium-103 1,160 curies external
    whole body
    39.4 days
    Ruthenium-106 388 curies inhalation
    GI tract
    368 days
    Strontium-90 64.3 curies ingestion bone surfaces
    red bone marrow
    28.8 years
    Plutonium-239 1.78 curies inhalation lungs
    bone surfaces
    24,100 years
    Cerium-144 3,770 curies inhalation
    GI tract
    284 days

    *For comparison: The Three Mile island nuclear power plant accident in 1979 released between 16 and 24 curies of iodine-131. The 1986 accident at the Chernobyl plant released between 35 million and 49 million curies of iodine-131. The nuclear bomb fallout from aboveground tests at the Nevada test Site (1951-1970) released approximately 150 million curies of iodine-131.

    Note: Scientific experts for lawsuits against Hanford contractors have estimated that Hanford's iodine 131 releases were higher (900,000 curies) than the HEDR estimate shown above.

    Radioactive substances released to the Columbia River for which doses are being estimated by the Dose Reconstruction Project.
    Substance Amount Released from Hanford (as estimated by the HEDR Project)* Main Routes
    of Exposure
    Organs Receiving
    Main Dose
    Phosphorus-32 229,000 curies ingestion red bone marrow 14.3 days
    Zinc-65 491,000 curies ingestion whole body 245 days
    Arsenic-76 2,520,000 curies ingestion GI tract
    stomach for infants
    26.3 hours
    Sodium-24 12,600,000 curies ingestion stomach 15 hours
    Neptunium-239 6,310,000 curies ingestion GI tract 2.4 days

    *From a 1994 HEDR Project report (Heeb, PNWD-2223 HEDR, January 1994).


    This information sheet serves as an introduction to the topic of how certain radioactive substances released from hanford are handled by the body. Other network publications can provide further information:

    The Release of Radioactive Materials from Hanford: 1944-1972 provides more detailed information about Hanford's radioactive releases.

    An Overview of Hanford and Radiation Health Effects offers a brief history of Hanford's releases and information on the potential health effects of radiation.

    Potential Health Problems from Exposure to Selected Radionuclides: Plutonium, Strontium, Cerium and Ruthenium discusses four radionuclides Hanford released to the air.

    Radionuclides in the Columbia River: Possible Health Problems in Humans and Effects on Fish discusses five radio-nuclides Hanford released to the river.

    Selected Sources:

    Heeb, C. M. Radionuclide Releases to the Atmosphere from Hanford Operations, 1944-1972. PNWD-2222 HEDR, January 1994.

    Heeb, C. M. and D. J. Bates. Radionuclide Releases to the Columbia River from Hanford Operations, 1944-1971. PNWD-2223 HEDR, January 1994.

    Phipps, A.W., G.W. Kendall, J.W. Stather, and T.P. Fell. Committed Equivalent Organ Doses and Committed Effective Doses from Intakes of Radionuclides. National Radiological Protection Board of the United Kingdom, NPRB-R245, 1991.

    Roessler, Genevieve. "Radiation Dose," Radiation Dose Newsletter by the Technical Steering Panel of the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. Oct. 1993.

    Till, John and H. Robert Meyers, ed. Radiological Assessment: A Textbook on Environmental Dose Analysis. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983.

    Published Spring 2000

    Hanford Health
    Information Network


    Ernest Sternglass: Radiation Relatively More Harmful at Low Levels

    Alice Stewart: Total Risk of Radiation Exposure Underestimated

    Gregg Wilkinson: Hanford's Radiation and the Risk of Cancer


    This publication discusses the question of whether there is an increased risk for developing cancer among people who were exposed to radiation released from Hanford. It offers the opinions of three scientists: Drs. Ernest J. Sternglass, Alice M. Stewart and Gregg S. Wilkinson. Their essays follow in alphabetical order.

    Many people who have called the Hanford Health Information Lines have asked about the relationship between cancer and the exposure to radioactive materials released from Hanford. The chance of a person getting cancer from exposure to a hazardous or radioactive substance is called a risk estimate. Even though the relationship between cancer and radiation exposure is an estimate, any exposure to radiation carries with it some risk of producing harm.

    Hanford-specific health risk estimates will not be possible until health studies of people exposed to Hanford's radioactive releases are completed. However, the Network asked scientific experts to offer their opinions as to the likely risks posed to humans from the Hanford releases.

    To better understand the following essays, here are the questions the Network asked each of the scientists:

    In your opinion, what kind of dose range from Hanford could have posed a public health risk by causing cancer?

    Comment specifically on the various nuclides for which doses will be calculated by the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project.

  • How would you show that this dose range was responsible for cancer? What evidence could be used?

  • What do you mean by a public health risk?

  • Are there other issues you consider important to understanding the relationship between Hanford and the risk of cancer?

    The Network gave each contributor the current estimates of the annual releases of 11 radionuclides released from Hanford. (Please refer to HHIN's The Release of Radioactive Material from Hanford: 1944-1972.) These are the radioactive materials for which the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction project is calculating doses.

    The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project was established to estimate what radiation dose people living near Hanford some time between 1944 and 1992 might have received from releases of radioactive materials. The Technical Steering Panel, which directed the study, completed its role in 1995. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now working with the HEDR Task Completion Working Group to continue public participation and to assure completion of the remaining HEDR activities. When using information from the Dose Reconstruction Project and other studies, readers should keep in mind that research results depend on a number of factors, such as the information available, and the methods and type of analysis used.

    The Network asked each scientist to write for the general public. Network staff edited each piece to make it as easy to understand as possible without losing the necessary scientific details.

    Each scientist has approved the edited version of their essay and selected references follow each piece. A complete bibliography of all the references used by the three scientists is available from the Network.

    ERNEST J. STERNGLASS, Ph.D. has been Professor Emeritus of Radiology at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Medicine since 1983. He has held professorships in radiology and physics at several universities, including Stanford, Indiana University, and the Institute Henri Poincare in Paris, France. Dr. Sternglass was the Director of the Apollo Lunar Scientific Station Program while at Westinghouse Research Laboratories. His doctorate in Engineering Physics (1953) comes from Cornell University, as does his post-graduate and undergraduate degrees in Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering, respectively. He taught physics at George Washington University and held a research fellowship at Cornell University. Dr. Sternglass has received many academic and professional honors, is a member of several professional societies and holds 13 patents. He is the author of several books on low-level radiation.

    Radiation Relatively More
    Harmful at Low Levels

    Constant, low levels of radiation are relatively more harmful than higher levels of exposure over a short time.

    Exposure to radioactive substances, such as those released from Hanford, increases the risk of cancer. There is increasing evidence that the risk of cancer is proportionately greater at low doses. These low doses are only a thousandth of the dose levels of the Japanese atomic bomb survivors. The atomic bombs exposed the Japanese to short bursts of external radiation.

    Internal radiation doses from contaminated food and water over a long time appear to damage the body much more than the same doses from short external exposures, such as X-rays. Around Hanford, people received internal exposure over a long time.

    Highly toxic forms of oxygen, called free radicals, can increase the harmfulness of radiation exposure. The power of free radicals to do harm increases as the dose levels decrease. The lower the dose per year, the higher the risk. The increasing harmfulness of free radicals has been found down to levels of 20-200 millirem per year. This level of exposure is equal to the amount received from background radiation.

    The interactions between the damage to different organs from various radioactive substances are very complex. A dose estimate to a given organ is not enough information to estimate possible damage to the body. Whether internal exposure will result in a cancer that spreads to other parts of the body depends on the ability of the immune system to detect and destroy the cancer cells. The immune system fights diseases in the body.

    Strontium-90 is one of the substances released from Hanford. Strontium-90 irradiates the bone marrow where cells of the immune system originate. Eating food contaminated with strontium-90 affects the ability of the immune system to detect and destroy cancer cells.

    To measure the public health risk from Hanford's radiation releases, it is necessary to look at cancer death rates over time. The change in cancer death rates since the early 1950s in the area downwind from Hanford should be compared with the change in cancer death rates in the areas upwind.

    Joseph J. Mangano did such a comparison for the area around the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee (Mangano 1994). In the 94 counties around Oak Ridge, the age-adjusted cancer death rate rose 34.1% between 1950-52 and 1987-89. It rose 5.1% for the United States as a whole during that time. In the nearby counties exactly downwind of Oak Ridge, the cancer death rate rose 50.8% while it rose only 7.1% upwind of the facility.

    These findings strongly support the idea that airborne releases were the cause of some deaths from cancer and agree with another study recently published (Gould 1994). This second study showed that even smaller airborne releases from commercial nuclear power plants in nine regions of the United States correlated closely to breast cancer death rates.

    This evidence shows that constant, low levels of radiation are relatively more harmful than higher levels of exposure over a short time. This is especially important for people who were exposed to the radiation releases from Hanford.

    Selected References

    Gould, J.M., E.J. Sternglass, "Nuclear Fallout, Low Birthweight, and Immune Deficiency." International Journal of Health Services: 1994; 24 (2): 311-335.

    Mangano, J.J. "Cancer Mortality Near Oak Ridge, Tennessee." International Journal of Health Services: 1994; 24 (3).

    ALICE M. STEWART, M.D., has been a Senior Research Fellow at Birmingham University in England since 1974, where her work continues on the Oxford Survey of Childhood Cancers. This study began over 30 years ago while she was pursuing her career in scientific research in social medicine at Oxford University. Her epidemiological findings while at Oxford linked the use of pre-natal X-rays to childhood leukemias. She continues to speak out against the risks of low-dose radiation exposure to workers in the nuclear industry. Dr. Stewart was a founding member of both the International Epidemiological Society and the Society for Medicine. She received her medical degree from Cambridge University in 1932 and was the youngest woman to be elected to the British Royal College of Physicians before 1947. She continues to study the health of workers in U.S. nuclear weapons facilities.

    Total Risk of Radiation
    Exposure Underestimated
    Influence of Weakened Immune System Missed

    Exposure to radiation can harm the immune system. A weakened immune system can result in an exposed person catching an infection and possibly dying from it or any infection-related cause of death. Such a person might also have developed a cancer from the radiation exposure. But because the person died from another illness first, the cancer did not have time to fully develop and be diagnosed. By not accounting for deaths from weakened immune systems, current risks of cancer deaths from radiation exposure underestimate the harmfulness of radiation.

    The present method used to estimate effects of radiation grossly underestimates the cancer risk from low-dose exposure. Evidence for this comes from studies of Japanese A-bomb survivors, British children and American nuclear workers. The Japanese A-bomb survivor study misrepresents the cancer risks because it fails to take into account those people who died before 1950. It wasn't until 1950 that U.S. scientists began the A-bomb survivor study.

    It is unlikely that the harmfulness of radiation is reduced at low-dose levels. Rather, it is possible that the mutations to cells caused by repeated and unavoidable exposures to background radiation are the most common cause of cancer. In addition, a large British study of childhood cancer deaths (Oxford Survey of Childhood Cancers) has found many reasons why detection of cancers caused by constant low-level radiation is always a complex problem.

    According to data from the Oxford Survey, childhood cancers include a relatively large number of embryomas, cancers of the embryo. These may be the result of exposure while in the womb to background radiation, as well as medical X-rays. Furthermore, for all cancers that began in the womb, there was evidence of mounting sensitivity to infections while the cancers were growing. Consequently, deaths during the latency period (the time it takes for cancers to develop) of a childhood cancer are common. The latency period deaths also result in falsely low rates of leukemia and lymphoma for children who have survived high rates of infant mortality. Leukemia and lymphoma are cancers of white blood cells.

    Besides causing early cancer deaths, infections can also shorten the latency period. In countries with low rates of infant mortality, cases of leukemia and lymphoma are relatively common. However, these cases are distributed unevenly: there are higher rates in rural areas and in people who are well-to-do.

    According to the Oxford Survey, immunizations against infectious diseases have reduced the risk of an early cancer death. However, African children who live in areas of holoendemic malaria and have survived a high risk of dying during infancy rarely develop leukemia. Therefore, it is possible that, even in children, the spread of cancer cells can be prevented by immune system reactions to the dangerous situations created by the malarial parasite. Based on this evidence, the number of cancers depends less upon the level of exposure to background radiation than upon the nature and intensity of indigenous infections. In addition, the number of cancers depends on such things as levels of family income, population density and the availability of immunizations.

    The only measurable effect of the Hanford releases could be the one caused by the releases of iodine-131. By its effect on the thyroid gland, these releases would increase the risk of cancers that are normally rare. Thyroid cancers accounted for only three of the 22,351 cancers eventually included in the Oxford Survey. Therefore, even a single case of thyroid cancer among persons exposed (in the womb or as young children) to the iodine releases from Hanford would be a highly suspicious finding.

    Evidence of a special association between radioactive iodine and thyroid cancers has already been obtained from Marshall Islanders and Ukrainian children. Therefore, I recommend that a study identify all live births for the period of 1944-1955 in the regions covered by the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project, as well as all cancer deaths in this population. This relatively simple procedure would detect any thyroid cancer effect of the reconstructed doses. Remember, even one case of thyroid cancer would be highly suspicious. Comparing the thyroid cancer effect to other populations and other cancers could be done to estimate the overall effect of all the Hanford releases.

    Selected References

    Bithell, J.F., A.M. Stewart, "Pre-Natal Irradiation and Childhood Malignancy: A Review of British Data from the Oxford Survey." British Journal of Cancer: 1975; 31: 271-287.

    Gilman, E.A., G.W. Kneale, E.G. Knox, A.M. Stewart, "Pregnancy X-rays and Childhood Cancers: Effects of Exposure Age and Radiation Dose." Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection: 1988; 8 (1): 3-8.

    Kneale, G.W., A.M. Stewart, L.M. Kinnier Wilson, "Immunizations Against Infectious Diseases and Childhood Cancers." Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy: 1986; 21: 129-132.

    Stewart, A.M., G.W. Kneale, "The Immune System and Cancers of Fetal Origin." Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy: 1982; 14: 110-116.

    Stewart, A.M., J. Webb, D. Giles, D. Hewitt, "Malignant Diseases in Childhood and Diagnostic Irradiation In Utero." The Lancet: 1956; ii: 447.

    Gregg S. Wilkinson, M.A., Ph.D. is a Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, and Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, Texas. Prior to joining the faculty at UTMB, Dr. Wilkinson was an Associate Epidemiologist with Epidemiology Resources, Inc., and he also served as the Principal Investigator for the nationwide study of U.S. plutonium workers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He received his doctorate in 1973 from the State University of New York at Buffalo and held a post-doctoral fellowship at Duke University Medical Center. In addition to his research concerning low- dose effects from ionizing radiation, Dr. Wilkinson's research interests include the epidemiology of neural tube and other birth defects, environmental and occupational epidemiology and epidemiological methods.

    Hanford's Radiation and the Risk of Cancer

    At what levels of exposure to radioactive materials is there an increased risk of cancer? Two factors must be known before that question can be answered. First, information on exposures (or doses) to individual members of the population under consideration must be calculated. Second, health problems that the population experienced after the exposure must be identified. From this information, a risk estimate can be made.

    Risk estimates are based on statistical calculations. For mathematical reasons, risk estimates are more supportable if there has been a large number of people exposed and their range of doses is large.

    We still lack sufficient information to assess the risk to people exposed to the Hanford radiation releases because there is no comprehensive information on the health of those exposed. Additionally, dose estimates for specific individuals are not yet available.

    Regarding the list of radioactive materials for which doses are being calculated, I am limiting my comments to the radioactive elements with which I have some experience: plutonium-239 and iodine-131.


    Plutonium-239 has a very long half life of more than 24,000 years. Because of this, there is a concern that releases to the environment will be cumulative and, for all practical purposes, permanent. However, plutonium must be inhaled, ingested or injected (through contamination in wounds) before it can cause biological damage.

    Plutonium causes cancer in animals. One human study suggested that Rocky Flats workers who had plutonium uptakes of more than two nanocuries had increased risks of dying (Wilkinson 1987). A similar study of Hanford workers, however, found no increased risks (Gilbert 1989). Unfortunately, the Hanford study had little chance of detecting anything other than huge increases in risk. This was due to the relatively small number of exposed workers and the skewed nature of the exposures. There were few workers with recorded body burdens greater than 5% of the maximum permissible body burden (2 nanocuries). The U.S. Department of Energy sets the standard for the maximum permissible body burden at 40 nanocuries of plutonium.

    Generally, workers experience higher exposures to plutonium than the public. Thus, doses for the population exposed to the Hanford releases are probably not high enough to result in detectable increases in disease rates. This does not mean that there is no increase in risk. Rather, it is very difficult to detect anything other than very large increases in risk. This is due to the limitations of existing information and the methods that epidemiologists have available to them.

    Most studies that have measured plutonium uptake by the potentially exposed public have been inconclusive or have not found increased levels of plutonium in human tissues that could be attributed to the operations of weapons facilities (Cobb 1982, Nelson 1993). Unfortunately, in recent years the emphasis of programs that were monitoring the amount of plutonium taken up by the public and by workers has shifted almost exclusively to only monitoring nuclear workers (Nelson 1993).


    Potential risks associated with iodine-131 are a serious concern. Researchers have found an increased rate of thyroid growths in people who were exposed as children. Their doses were as low as nine rads (Ron 1989). The thyroid easily absorbs iodine-131 through the food chain. Scientists have recently identified an increased thyroid cancer incidence among people in Los Alamos County, New Mexico. No one has begun a comprehensive dose reconstruction at Los Alamos. The sustained high level of thyroid cancer in a population living near that nuclear weapons plant is cause for concern.

    There is a low chance of dying from thyroid cancer because it can be successfully treated. Because of this, researchers should study cancer incidence rather than cancer deaths to determine if increased risks of thyroid cancer are present. A further complication in determining risk is that many tumor registries do not collect information on benign growths or other types of illnesses. Studies show that there is also an increase in benign growths among radiation-exposed individuals. Other thyroid abnormalities may be present. Thus, the sum of thyroid problems which may be due to iodine-131 exposure will be difficult to determine.


    A valid estimate of the health risk posed by Hanford releases will require accurate individual dose estimates, accurate measures of disease incidence and at least a moderate number of affected individuals. Risk estimates may only be possible for thyroid disease from exposure to iodine-131. For other health problems and for other radioactive materials, valid estimates of disease rates and exposure levels are unlikely. Because exposures from Hanford are unique, comparisons with other exposures, other health problems or animal studies may be of limited value and often misleading.

    Selected References

    Cobb, J.C., B.C. Eversole, P.G. Archer, et al. "Plutonium Burdens in People Living Around the Rocky Flats Plant." Final Report submitted to Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. Box 15027, Las Vegas, NV 89114. June 1982.

    Gilbert, E.S., G.R. Petersen, J.A. Buchanan, "Mortality of Workers at the Hanford Site: 1945-1981." Health Physics: 1989; 56:11-25.

    Nelson, I.C., V.W. Thomas, R.L. Kathren, "Plutonium in South-Central Washington State Autopsy Tissue Samples: 1970-1975." Health Physics: 1993; 64 (4): 422-428.

    Ron, E., B. Modan, D. Preston, et al. "Thyroid Neoplasia Following Low-Dose Radiation in Childhood." Radiation Research: 1989; 120: 516-531.

    Wilkinson, G.S., G.L. Tietjen, L.D. Wiggs, et al. Mortality Among Plutonium and Other Radiation Workers at a Plutonium Weapons Facility. American Journal of Epidemiology: 1987; 125: 231-250.

    Published Summer 1994
    Genetic Effects and Birth
Defects from Radiation Exposure

    The Basics of Genetic Effects and Birth Defects

    How Radiation Can Harm a Cell

    Studies of Genetic Effects and Birth Defects from Exposure to Radiation

    Radiation Exposure of Either Parent before Birth

    Effects of Radiation Exposure before Birth

    Laboratory Experiments and Genetic Effects

    Downwinder Perspective

    Summary of Studies

    Genetic Effects, Birth Defects and Hanford


    Selected References

    People exposed to the release of radioactive materials from Hanford have many questions and concerns about radiation's effects on their personal and family health. One concern is whether radiation from Hanford caused genetic effects or birth defects.

    This report discusses genes, mutations and birth defects, and how radiation can harm a cell. Then it reviews studies on the effects of parental radiation exposure before pregnancy and the effects of radiation exposure before birth. Next, it presents results from new laboratory research. Lastly, this report discusses the information in relation to Hanford's releases.

    Other HHIN publications may be referred to for information about other aspects of exposure to Hanford's radioactive releases. An Overview of Hanford and Radiation Health Effects summarizes the potential health effects of radiation from Hanford. Radioactivity in the Body discusses how the body handles internal radiation exposure. The Health Bulletin contains a map of the area for which representative dose estimates are now available from the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project. The Health Bulletin also has a list of factors that affect the dose of radiation a person receives.

    The Basics of Genetic Effects and Birth Defects

    Characteristics such as eye, hair or skin color that make each person unique are called genetic traits. These traits are based on information contained in the genes of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which are inherited at the time of birth. Genes are part of the 23 pairs of chromosomes found in human cells.

    Changes in the genes of DNA can arise spontaneously (naturally) or as a result of exposure to radiation or to chemical and physical agents. Such changes are known as mutations. When these changes result from radiation exposure they are called radiation-induced mutations.

    There are two types of mutations: germline and somatic. A germline mutation, or inheritable genetic effect, occurs when the DNA of a reproductive cell (sperm or egg) is damaged. Radiation-induced germline mutations may cause health problems which include miscarriages, stillbirths, congenital defects, premature death (death in the first year of life), chromosomal abnormalities and cancer in later life.

    A somatic mutation, which is not inheritable, occurs when the DNA of a non-reproductive cell is damaged. Radiation-induced somatic mutations may also cause health problems but affect only the exposed individual [see the HHIN publication An Overview of Hanford and Radiation Health Effects].

    Health problems present at birth are known as birth defects. These can arise spontaneously, through impairment of normal developmental processes by radiation or by other toxic exposures. A birth defect caused by a germline mutation from a mother or father's exposure before conception is an inherited or genetic effect.

    Other birth defects may occur if a child was exposed to radiation during the mother's pregnancy. These birth defects include a reduction in height, severe mental retardation, small head size and impaired brain development, the latter of which may indirectly reduce an individual's intelligence quotient (IQ) and school performance.

    How Radiation Can Harm a Cell

    When a radioactive particle or wave hits a cell in the body, one of four things can happen:

  • It may pass through the cell without doing damage.

  • It may damage the cell, but the cell may be able to repair the damage before it produces new cells.

  • It may damage the cell in such a way that the damage is passed on when new cells are formed.

    It may kill the cell.

    Studies of Genetic Effects and Birth
    Defects from Exposure to Radiation

    This section summarizes the results of studies on genetic effects and birth defects related to radiation exposure. Most research of radiation and genetic effects and birth defects involves exposure to external radiation, such as X-rays. In contrast, nearly all of the dose from Hanford came from internal exposure. That is, people were exposed to this radiation through the food and water they consumed and the air they breathed.

    When reviewing studies of external exposure, it is important to understand that the study results may not apply to people exposed to internal radiation. Also, an internal exposure from a radioactive substance may give a dose mainly to one organ, such as iodine-131 gives to the thyroid. The genetic effects from internal radiation exposure may be different than those caused by external radiation exposure.

    Radiation Exposure of Either Parent before Pregnancy

    Children of Hanford Workers

    Studies by Lowell E. Sever, an epidemiologist with Battelle's Seattle Research Center, and others reported an association between neural tube defects and the radiation dose fathers received before their children were conceived. This effect was observed in children whose parents received low doses (10 rem or less) of external whole-body radiation while working at Hanford. These results were not supported by studies of children born to Japanese atomic bomb survivors who received higher doses of radiation.

    Other research suggests there is reason to believe that radiation exposure before pregnancy can increase the frequency of birth defects. Further studies are underway. One study being done around the Hanford Site is investigating the relationship between parents' exposure to radiation and leukemia in their children.

    Children Born in the Hanford Area

    Sever and others also conducted a study of birth defects in Washington's Benton and Franklin counties near Hanford. The researchers examined the number of cases of certain birth defects between 1968 and 1980. There were more neural tube defects than expected when the county rates were compared with rates from Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Cleft lip was reported less often in Benton and Franklin counties than in the three-state area.

    Using information from a study of Hanford workers, the researchers concluded that the increase in neural tube defects was not explained by parental employment at Hanford or by occupational exposure to radiation. The researchers also concluded it was unlikely that exposure of the general public to radiation from Hanford operations caused the increase in neural tube defects. This conclusion was based on a dose estimate of slightly more than 1 rem for the years 1974-1980.

    This Hanford study includes only a few of the years which fall within the Hanford Health Information Network's Congressional mandate to focus on 1944-1972 - the years of the largest releases. In addition, the study's dose estimate for the public only included the years 1974-1980, during which there were limited Hanford operations. Also, the study was conducted prior to any dose estimates being available from the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project.1

    Japanese Atomic Bomb Survivors

    William J. Schull (Director and Ashbel Smith Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center), Masanori Otake (Department of Statistics, Radiation Effects Research Foundation - RERF, Hiroshima, Japan) and other scientists have reported on genetic studies of children whose parents were exposed to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs. The studies found essentially no difference between the rate of inherited birth defects in children whose parents were exposed to radiation and in those whose parents were not exposed. These researchers, however, believe that genetic damage did occur because of the radiation exposure. Animal research and laboratory experiments suggest that inherited genetic effects from radiation exposure should occur in humans. It is possible that current research methods may not be able to detect the genetic effect in humans.

    Cancer Survivors

    John J. Mulvihill (epidemiologist in genetics at the National Cancer Institute) and J. Byrne (Department of Internal Medicine at Loma Linda University in California) studied cancer survivors who received radiation treatment or chemotherapy (drug treatment). They investigated whether the offspring of the cancer survivors had higher rates of genetic disease than children of parents without cancer. People in the study group were diagnosed with cancer before the age of 20 and had survived for more than five years. The researchers compared the study group to a group of people without cancer.

    The rates of genetic diseases were the same in both the cancer survivors group and the non-cancer group. This indicated that there was not a higher rate of genetic disease in children of cancer survivors who had undergone radiation therapy or chemotherapy or both.

    Leukemia in Children Born to Radiation Exposed Fathers

    In 1990, Martin J. Gardner (Environmental Epidemiology Unit at the University of Southampton, England) and colleagues published the results of a study of leukemia and lymphoma among young people born and living near the Sellafield nuclear power plant in West Cumbria, United Kingdom. The researchers concluded that leukemia in children was linked to their fathers' exposure to external whole-body radiation before conception of the child.

    For children whose fathers worked at the nuclear facility, the rate of childhood leukemia was twice as high as normal. There was also an eight-fold increase of leukemia in children whose fathers received a life-time dose greater than 10 rem or a dose greater than 1 rem within the six months before the children's conception. Leukemia, however, was also found more often than expected in children whose fathers were farmers or worked in the steel or chemical industries.

    Interpretation of this finding includes consideration of the very small number of fathers whose children had leukemia. Out of the 46 fathers who worked at Sellafield, four had children with leukemia. In comparison, out of the 276 fathers who did not work at Sellafield, but were part of this study, only three had children with leukemia.

    Several scientists attempted to reproduce the results of Gardner's study. A study by P.A. McKinney (Information and Statistics Division, Scottish Common Services, Edinburgh, Scotland) indicated a 2.5-fold increase in leukemia in children whose fathers had radiation doses similar to those in the Gardner study. A study by J.D. Urquhart (Principal Research Officer, Information Services Division, Scottish Health Services, Edinburgh, Scotland) found that there was a 42 percent reduction in leukemia in children of exposed fathers compared with unexposed fathers.

    Other scientists have developed different explanations about the results of Gardner's study. H.J. Evans (Human Genetics Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland) found that most of the children had a genetic disorder that caused acute lymphatic leukemia and that this disorder was not related to a father's radiation exposure. L.J. Kinlen (Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Oxford, England) suggested that the increase in leukemia was due to a virus and found increased childhood leukemia in children born in other towns.

    A number of scientists have concluded that Gardner's finding is not consistent with data from other research. Although Sir Richard Doll and Sarah C. Darby (both with the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, England) believe that Gardner's finding is biologically plausible, they disagree with Gardner's conclusion. They argue that the conclusion is not supported by what is currently known about radiation genetics, or the inherited nature of childhood leukemias, or studies of the children of atomic bomb survivors or nuclear facility workers. Doll and Darby conclude that the association between a father's radiation exposure and leukemia is a chance finding.

    Tom Sorahan (Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham, England) and Penelope J. Roberts (Medical Physics and Medical Engineering Department, Southampton General Hospital, England) evaluated the relationship between childhood leukemia and a father's radiation exposure before his child's conception. Using data already collected for the Oxford Survey of Childhood Cancer, these researchers estimated a father's radiation dose based on his reported occupation. The researchers found little support for the idea that a father's exposure to external whole-body radiation in the six months before a child's conception is a risk factor for childhood cancer. The study suggested, however, that a father's internal exposure to radionuclides was connected with childhood cancer risk more often than was exposure to external whole-body radiation.

    Effects of Radiation Exposure before Birth

    Research suggests there is a relationship between X-ray exposure before birth and development of childhood cancer. A large study by Alice M. Stewart (Senior Research Fellow, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham, England) and one by Brian MacMahon (Professor Emeritus, School of Public Health, Harvard University) each found an association between medical X-ray exposure before birth and childhood cancer. These findings indicate that the most sensitive period of exposure for developing leukemia is about the seventh month of pregnancy. The most sensitive period of exposure for developing all cancers, except leukemia, is the first six months of pregnancy.

    Studies of children born to mothers who received whole-body radiation doses of between 50 and 100 rad following the Japanese atomic bombing showed that the children had an increased risk for small brain size and mental retardation. This was especially true for those women who were eight to 15 weeks pregnant at the time of exposure. Compared with non-exposed children, children exposed to whole-body radiation doses during this period before birth had lower intelligence test scores and performed less well in school. Atomic bomb survivor studies also suggest that children exposed to radiation before birth have cancer rates equal to or higher than children who were exposed from ages one to nine.

    Laboratory Experiments and Genetic Effects

    Laboratory experiments suggest that plutonium-238 may produce genetic damage in cells. Munira A. Kadhim (MRC Radiobiology Unit, Chilton, England) reported that alpha particles from plutonium-238 produced a high frequency of chromosome damage in descendants of cells grown in the laboratory. Research by Hatsumi Nagasawa and John B. Little (both are with the Department of Cancer Biology, Harvard School of Public Health) indicates that alpha particles from plutonium-238 can cause genetic damage in the chromosomes of a cell for doses as small as 0.03 rem (30 mrem).

    These findings from laboratory studies suggest that plutonium-238 can possibly induce genetic effects in humans from small doses of radiation. Two factors need to be considered when interpreting these findings: (1) genetic damage is constantly being repaired by the cells themselves, and (2) laboratory experiments with cells cannot be used to predict exactly what might occur in cells inside the human body.

    E. Janet Tawn (Medical Department, British Nuclear Fuels, Sellafield, England) and colleagues studied the chromosomes of white blood cells in plutonium workers. An increase in chromosomal aberrations, or changes, were found. This suggests a relationship between plutonium exposure and genetic effects.

    Scientists do not agree on the significance of some chromosomal aberrations. One perspective is found in a report issued by a National Academy of Sciences committee that studied the biological effects of ionizing radiation (known as BEIR V). The scientists commented that the implications, if any, of an increase in chromosomal aberrations in white blood cells are not clear. Another perspective is offered by John Gofman (Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California, Berkeley). He argues that if aberrations increase in white blood cells, they also increase in other cells, including reproductive cells. Gofman's opinion is that many birth defects of unknown origin result from chromosomal damage induced by radiation.

    Animal studies, mainly using mice, have detected genetic effects from radiation exposure that have not been detected in human studies. This may suggest that humans are less sensitive to radiation than mice. Since genetic mutations from radiation are found in all animal species studied, it is expected that they do occur in humans.

    Summary of Studies

    Animal research and laboratory experiments suggest that inherited genetic effects of radiation exposure should occur in humans. However, studies of the offspring of the Japanese atomic bomb survivors have not detected inherited genetic effects. Some studies suggest that exposure of a father to radiation before conception of a child may cause leukemia in that child, while others suggest this exposure does not cause leukemia as an inherited genetic effect. A child's exposure to radiation before birth is linked to problems such as childhood leukemia, mental retardation, small head size and lower IQ.

    Again, it is important to understand that results from studies of external exposure may not apply to people exposed to internal radiation.

    Genetic Effects, Birth Defects and Hanford

    In comparison to the doses of most groups studied for genetic effects and birth defects, the Hanford dose estimates are generally considered low. This does not rule out the possibility that genetic effects and birth defects could be caused by a dose from Hanford.

    Some people exposed to Hanford's releases may have received doses equal to or higher than doses in the large study by Stewart. This study linked X-ray exposure before birth to leukemia in children. However, the effects of exposure to X-rays may not predict the effects of exposure to the substances released from Hanford.

    In April 1994, the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project released draft dose estimates for representative individuals. According to these estimates, even people who received the highest exposures were in the low-dose category for whole-body exposure (below 50 rad).

    The Dose Reconstruction Project developed dose estimates for six radioactive substances released into the air: iodine-131, plutonium-239, ruthenium-103, ruthenium-106, strontium-90 and cerium-144. Iodine-131, which concentrates in the thyroid gland, accounts for most of the dose to most people from the air pathway. The highest estimated dose to the thyroid was 870 rad. This was for a child who lived in Ringold, WA, from 1944 to 1951 and drank milk from a cow fed on fresh pasture. This is equivalent to an estimated whole-body dose of 26.1 rem EDE (Effective Dose Equivalent).2 A typical adult had a cumulative estimated whole-body dose from exposure to all six air pathway substances of 1 rem EDE from 1944 to 1972.

    For releases into the Columbia River, the Dose Reconstruction Project made dose estimates for five radioactive substances: zinc-65, phosphorus-32, neptunium-239, sodium-24, and arsenic-76. The highest estimated cumulative dose to an adult's red bone marrow was 2.8 rem EDE, and to the lower large intestine was 4.8 rem EDE. The highest estimated cumulative whole-body dose for an adult was 1.4 rem EDE.

    downwinder perspective

    Many callers to the Hanford Health Information Lines have questions and concerns about whether exposure to radiation from Hanford caused or may cause genetic effects and birth defects. Some downwinders have health problems and believe that they are, or might be, related to Hanford. The following personal perspective is offered to help readers understand these experiences and concerns.

    "My mother worked at Hanford. I know she worked in a research building (or on an experimental project) and that she was contaminated with plutonium. My mother was three months pregnant when she left her Hanford job. She was fired because she was pregnant with me. It says so in her medical records. As far as I know, the delivery was hard and she didn't have any other children after me. My mother died at 44. I have high blood pressure and an enlarged thyroid. When I was 18 years old, I had my gall bladder removed.

    I don't think it affected me as far as birth defects, but it's always in the back of my mind. And I wonder if my health problems are related to all of this. She [my mother] worked there, she was exposed to plutonium. Would this be happening to me now if she hadn't? What about my children?

    I worry about my children. I don't know how this will affect them. I understand that it could take years for you to know if anything is wrong. This is very scary. Some things you read say that we were exposed to a certain amount of radiation and that it is nothing to worry about. And then you hear something else that says any amount is harmful. I don't think anyone really knows if Hanford's radiation will affect future generations. But I can't help but worry."

    * This perspective was contributed by a woman whose mother worked at Hanford and who now has children of her own. She was born in 1952 and lived in Richland until 1954. Name withheld by request.


    As with other health effects from radiation, it is assumed that any exposure to radiation carries some risk of genetic effects and birth defects. There are many questions which require additional study. The answers to these questions can be used to determine the magnitude of the risk for genetic effects and birth defects.

    Selected References

    Gardner, M.J., M.P. Snee, A.J. Hall, et al. "Results of Case-control Study of Leukaemia and Lymphoma Among Young People near Sellafield Nuclear Plant in West Cumbria." British Medical Journal. 1990.

    Gofman, John W. "Radiation-inducible Chromosome Injuries: Some Recent Evidence on Health Consequences - Major Consequences."Committee for Nuclear Responsibility. Spring 1992.

    Otake, M., W.J. Schull. "Radiation-related Small Head Sizes Among Prenatally Exposed A-bomb Survivors." International Journal of Radiation Biology. 1993.

    Otake, M., W.J. Schull, J. Neel. "Congenital Malformations, Stillbirths, and Early Mortality Among Children of the Atomic Bomb Survivors: A Reanalysis."Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) Technical Report 13-89 [RERF TR 13-89]. Hiroshima: RERF, 1989.

    Sever, Lowell E., Ethel S. Gilbert, Nancy A. Hessol, and James M. McIntyre. "A Case-Control Study of Congenital Malformations and Occupational Exposure to Low-Level Ionizing Radiation." American Journal of Epidemiology. 1988.

    Sever, Lowell E., Nancy A. Hessol, Ethel S. Gilbert, and James M. McIntyre. "The Prevalence at Birth of Congenital Malformations in Communities Near the Hanford Site." American Journal of Epidemiology. 1988.

    Schull, W.J. "Critical Assessment of Genetic Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Pre- and Post-Natal Development." Issues and Review in Teratology. 1984. 1 - The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project was established to estimate what radiation dose people living near Hanford some time between 1944 and 1992 might have received from releases of radioactive materials. The Technical Steering Panel, which directed the study, completed its role in 1995. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now working with the HEDR Task Completion Working Group to continue public participation and to assure completion of the remaining HEDR activities. When using information from the Dose Reconstruction Project and other studies, readers should keep in mind that research results depend on a number of factors, such as the information available, and the methods and type of analysis used.

    2 - The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project has used the tissue weighting factors from ICRP Publication No. 26 (1977).

    Published Fall 1994

    Hanford Health
    Information Network
    The Immune System and


    Radiation Doses from Hanford

    Immune System

    High-Dose Radiation

    Low-Dose Radiation

    Hanford Radiation and the Immune System

    Release of Radioactive Materials from Hanford

    Downwinder Perspective


    This publication offers an introduction to the possible connections between radiation exposure and effects on the immune system. It begins with a brief overview of radiation doses from Hanford and a description of the immune system and its functions.

    In some sections, this publication discusses studies on the health risks associated with radiation at or above a certain dose. However, any exposure to radiation poses a health risk. This is the basic assumption of radiation protection standards. When reading about these studies, one should keep in mind that health risks may exist below the doses discussed.

    Some people believe that there is a higher-than-usual rate of immune system diseases among individuals exposed to the releases of radioactive materials from Hanford. This is discussed later in this publication.

    Other Hanford Health Information Network publications provide more detailed discussions about other potential radiation health effects. (See also, Selected Radionuclides and Radionuclides in the Columbia River, Radiation and Cancer, Genetic Effects.)

    Radiation Doses from Hanford

    People living in the Hanford region were exposed to radioactive substances over many years. The radiation dose a person received depends on a number of factors, including the years over which exposure occurred; age at exposure; the amount of contaminated food and water consumed; the distance and direction lived from Hanford; and the length of time lived there.

    Most studies of radiation health effects have been of people who received high doses over a short time from external radiation sources. The risks from these single, high doses may not be the same as the risks from lower doses over a long time. For this reason, it may not be possible to draw conclusions about the effects of low doses from high-dose studies. The situation of people exposed to radioactive materials released from Hanford is different from other exposed populations that have been studied.

    This publication discusses the possible connections between radiation exposure and effects on the immune system.


    The immune system is a complex network that helps fight diseases and foreign substances. The most important cells in the immune system are lymphocytes which are a type of white blood cell. Of the cells of the immune system, lymphocytes are the most susceptible to radiation.

    The immune system helps fight infectious diseases, such as pneumonia and chicken pox. When the immune system is not working properly, serious illness can result from immune system disorders or autoimmune diseases.

    Immune system disorders include allergic reactions and disruption of the immune surveillance system. The prime function of this system is to detect and eliminate cells and molecules foreign to the body.

    In autoimmune diseases, the immune system is no longer able to distinguish between the body's own cells and foreign cells, such as germs. This inability to distinguish between "self" and "non-self" results in an immune system response directed at the person's own tissues. This is called an autoimmune response. Rheumatoid arthritis, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, insulin-dependent diabetes, some blood disorders, and multiple sclerosis are examples of autoimmune disease.

    The immune system may be impaired at birth or during a person's lifetime. It may be weakened by such things as malnutrition, treatment with X-rays or drugs used to treat cancer. When the immune system is disrupted, a person is more susceptible to infection, and sometimes to autoimmune disorders and some cancers, such as multiple myeloma.

    Is there any connection between a person's exposure to radiation in the environment and effects on the immune system? Studies attempting to answer this question typically address the effects of either high- dose or low-dose radiation.


    Researchers know more about how high-dose radiation affects the immune system than about whether and how low-dose radiation affects it. High-dose radiation can be defined as any exposure above 50 rad to the whole body. Such exposures often occur over a short time. Information about the high-dose radiation effects on humans comes mostly from studies of Japanese atomic bomb victims, radiation accidents and medical uses of radiation.

    The effects of radiation on the immune system generally intensify with the amount of dose received. Massive cell death, inflammation and infection are the acute effects of high-dose radiation exposure. The number of lymphocytes declines within the first 12 to 48 hours after exposure. This is followed over several weeks by a decline in the number of other blood cells. The decline in lymphocytes is one of the best early signs of the severity of the radiation injury. During this period of decline, fevers, infections and bleeding can result in death. In those who survive, the time for recovery of the immune system varies depending on the level of exposure. The immune system usually recovers within a couple of months.

    Death always occurs at whole-body radiation doses above 1500 rad. Despite supportive medical treatment, death is probable at whole-body doses between 500 and 1500 rad without a bone marrow transplant. Most people survive whole-body doses between 200 and 400 rad, particularly with supportive care. Whole-body doses below 200 rad generally cause a moderate decrease of white cells and mild intestinal symptoms, including nausea and vomiting.

    Medical researchers have studied the use of high-dose radiation in treating diseases. Radiation treatments are used to kill cancer cells. High doses of whole-body radiation are often used as part of a patient's preparation for a bone-marrow transplant. This whole-body radiation lowers both the number and function of lymphocytes, as well as other types of white blood cells. Partial body exposures cause less serious effects. The higher the dose, the greater the decrease in cells.

    Since lymphocytes are particularly active against bacteria and viruses, patients who receive whole-body radiation treatments are more susceptible to infections. There is a short-term increase in the risk of bacterial and viral infections. With either whole-body or partial body exposures, high-dose radiation treatments may lower lymphocyte levels for several years. During this period of time, there is an increase in the risk of shingles, which is caused by the chicken pox virus.

    There is some information to suggest that the age of a person at the time of exposure also affects radiation sensitivity. Certain people, such as infants, young children and the elderly, tend to be at greater risk for health effects from radiation exposure. Lymphocytes in newborns are the most sensitive to radiation. Current studies are trying to define why certain cells in the immune system are more sensitive than other cells and what aspect of their function is affected. The results of these studies may be of interest to people exposed to Hanford's radioactive releases.


    Researchers know less about the effects of low-dose radiation on the immune system than about the effects of high-dose radiation. Low doses can be defined as those less than 50 rad to the whole body.

    Low-dose radiation has been shown to cause mutations and chromosome aberrations in the lymphocytes of children and adults. Researchers do not know how this information relates to the overall health of the immune system.

    Low doses can cause leukemia, a cancer of cells in the immune system. Leukemia is currently the only blood system disorder clearly related to low-dose exposures. Dr. Alice Stewart and others found an increased risk of leukemia in children exposed to X-rays while in the womb. There is currently no medical evidence that cell mutations in exposed persons will cause immune system diseases.

    Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

    In 1994, a team of Japanese scientists reported finding an increased risk for autoimmune hypothyroidism among people exposed during the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in World War II.1 This study did not include the survivors of the Hiroshima bombing. Apparently, this is the first report of detecting a significant increase in an autoimmune disease among people who survived the atomic bombings.

    The authors pointed out that the doses assigned to the study participants did not account for any internal exposure from bomb fallout, just the external dose from the bomb blast. There is no information to calculate internal doses from fallout. By contrast, radiation exposure from Hanford was generally low-level and nearly all of the dose was internal. The Hanford Thyroid Disease Study is including an assessment of autoimmune thyroid disease in its study.

    An earlier article reported on a pilot study of autoimmune thyroid disease among women who had been previously treated with X-rays for tuberculosis.2 Michael M. Kaplan and his colleagues found a higher rate of autoimmune thyroid disease among those exposed compared with a control group who had not been exposed. This small study considered both Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease. Although the women were exposed to X-rays (rather than iodine-131), the article did point out that average doses ranged between 11 and 112 rad to the thyroid and were delivered over several years.

    Release of Radioactive Materials from Hanford

    The U.S. government chose the Hanford Site in 1943 to produce plutonium for use in nuclear weapons. The process of creating plutonium continued at Hanford for more than 40 years. Throughout this era, Hanford operations released radioactive materials that contaminated the air, soil, groundwater and the Columbia River.

    In 1986, responding to public pressure and requests under the Freedom of Information Act, the U.S. Department of Energy released 19,000 pages of previously secret or inaccessible documents. Until then, few people knew about the radioactive releases. The documents created widespread interest and concern. Studies of the health and environmental effects soon followed. One such study is the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project.

    The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) Project was established to estimate what radiation dose people living near Hanford some time between 1944 and 1992 might have received from releases of radioactive materials. The Technical Steering Panel, which directed the study, completed its role in 1995. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now working with the HEDR Task Completion Working Group to continue public participation and to assure completion of the remaining HEDR activities. When using information from the Dose Reconstruction Project and other studies, readers should keep in mind that research results depend on a number of factors, such as the information available, and the methods and type of analysis used.

    Air releases: Hanford released many radioactive materials into the air. Most of these emissions occurred during the separation of plutonium from the nuclear reactor fuel. The Dose Reconstruction Project estimates that the iodine-131 released was the major contributor to radiation dose. Dose is the amount of radiation absorbed by the body. The Dose Reconstruction Project considers iodine-131 to represent the greatest health threat from Hanford's past operations. From 1944 to 1972, Hanford released an estimated 739,000 curies of iodine-131 into the air. For comparison, the 1979 accident at Pennsylvania's Three-Mile Island reactor released an estimated 15 curies of iodine-131.

    The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project has estimated radiation doses from the following radioactive materials released into the air: iodine-131, ruthenium-103, ruthenium-106, plutonium-239, strontium-90 and cerium-144.

    River releases: From 1944 to 1971, Hanford released other radioactive materials into the Columbia River through river water used to cool the reactors. The major river releases occurred between 1955 and 1964. The Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project is estimating doses from the following radioactive materials released into the river: arsenic-76, sodium-24, neptunium-239, phosphorus-32 and zinc-65.

    Soil contamination: Hanford operations dumped billions of gallons of radioactive water into trenches and surface ponds. This radioactive water then seeped through the soil and into the groundwater. The Dose Reconstruction Project believes there was little direct human contact with the contaminated groundwater in the past.


    Some people believe that there is a higher-than-usual rate of immune system diseases, particularly autoimmune diseases, among people exposed to Hanford's releases. These people believe there is a link between radiation from Hanford and diseases of the immune system.

    For people exposed to the radiation from Hanford, researchers have not yet studied the effects on the immune system. In April 1994, the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project released draft dose estimates for representative individuals. According to these estimates, people receiving the highest exposures were still in the low-dose category for whole-body exposure (below 50 rad). Therefore, from what is known about other exposed populations, most people exposed to Hanford's releases probably did not experience a measurable decrease in lymphocytes or an increase in infections. Certain people, such as infants, young children and the elderly, tend to be at greater risk for health effects from radiation exposure.

    Multiple Sclerosis

    Multiple sclerosis is one disease about which some people exposed to Hanford's radioactive releases express concern. Multiple sclerosis is a disorder which damages the substance that helps to send messages along nerves. Multiple sclerosis is usually considered an autoimmune disorder.

    The prevalence of multiple sclerosis is higher in some places than others. This disease occurs more often in northern latitudes and in cooler climates. Many people feel that the area downwind from Hanford has a high rate of multiple sclerosis.

    There have not been any scientific studies on the number of multiple sclerosis cases in the Pacific Northwest. Such studies are very difficult and costly to do for multiple sclerosis. What information is available for this region comes from the Multiple Sclerosis Society. The Multiple Sclerosis Society keeps a count of the number of cases that individuals voluntarily report to the Society. 

    Using the Society's information together with population figures for Washington state, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Central Washington Chapter, estimated the prevalence rate of multiple sclerosis. The Society's estimated rate in Yakima, Kittitas, Benton, Franklin and Klickitat counties is 200 cases per 100,000 people. These counties are all in Eastern Washington; Benton and Franklin counties are usually considered to be in the immediate downwind area from Hanford. The Multiple Sclerosis Society puts Western Washington's rate at 65 cases per 100,000 people. Again, these rates are based on voluntary reports to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

    The highest rate of multiple sclerosis in the world that is confirmed by scientific study is 309 cases per 100,000 people in the Orkney Islands, Scotland.3 In the United States, a study of Olmsted County, Minn., found 160 cases per 100,000.4

    Genetic factors, which influence inherited characteristics, may also be important in multiple sclerosis. Certain gene combinations are common in people with multiple sclerosis. One study looked at the ability of lymphocytes to repair DNA (the genetic material of the cell) and survive after exposure to radiation. It found no differences between people with multiple sclerosis and healthy people. In patients with multiple sclerosis, there may not be any increase in sensitivity to radiation.

    Currently, scientists believe that there is not enough information to evaluate the relationship between Hanford radiation releases and multiple sclerosis. The high number of cases of multiple sclerosis in Central Washington may have a number of explanations. Viruses, pesticides or other environmental factors may contribute to the cause of multiple sclerosis.

    downwinder perspective


    Many callers to the Hanford Health Information Lines have reported concerns with immune system disorders and autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Scientific research has not - or at least not yet - related immune system problems to exposure to radiation released from Hanford. However, some downwinders do have these health problems and believe that they are related to Hanford. The following personal perspective is offered to help readers understand these experiences and concerns.

    "Any time I become the least bit fatigued, I get sick. My lymph nodes are constantly swollen and painful. Before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and placed on daily thyroid medication, I had frequent urinary tract infections and cat scratch fever, which would not go away. Even now, I am sick probably 60 percent of the time with colds and congestion. I frequently require antibiotics in order to get over what would be a minor, routine illness for another person. It's really discouraging.

    "It seems like my immune system is compromised and I can't help but wonder if this is related to radiation exposure from Hanford. I have done a lot of reading about the subject. As I understand it, studies available today don't tell us one way or the other whether immune system problems are related to Hanford. I've spoken with other downwinders about this. Some, like me, are ill much of the time with immune system problems. Many of the downwinders I've talked with believe these health problems are related to Hanford."

    This perspective was contributed by a downwinder who was born in the Tri-Cities area and lived there until the age of 10 (during the 1950s). This downwinder recalls that, while the family lived in the Tri-Cities area, they purchased their food locally and often swam in the Columbia River. Name withheld by request.


    Because individuals were exposed to radioactive substances from Hanford over many years, health effects may have resulted that, at present, are not connected to radiation exposure. Current studies related to Hanford may increase our knowledge about the relationship between iodine-131 exposure and thyroid disease. Additional studies may help determine whether there is a relationship between other health problems reported by downwinders and past radioactive releases from Hanford.

    High doses of radiation weaken the immune system. Even low doses can cause leukemia, a cancer of cells in the immune system. However, scientists do not have enough information now to say if there is a relationship between immune system problems experienced by downwinders and their exposure to Hanford's radioactive releases.


    1. Shigenobu Nagataki, M.D., et al. "Thyroid Diseases Among Atomic Bomb Survivors in Nagasaki." Journal of the American Medical Association, August 3, 1994; 272 (5): 364-370. Dr. Nagataki is from the Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Nagasaki. The Foundation is funded by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare and the U.S. Department of Energy.

    2. Michael M. Kaplan, et al. "Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Salivary Gland Evaluations in Patients Exposed to Multiple Fluoroscopic Examinations during Tuberculosis Therapy: A Pilot Study." Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 1988; 66 (2): 376-382. Kaplan is an MD in the Endocrinology Division of the New England Medical Center Hospital in Boston. The research was funded by the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health.

    3. A.D. Sadovnick and G.C. Ebers. "Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis: A Critical Overview." Le Journal Canadien des Sciences Neurologiques. 1993; 20: p. 21.

    4. D.R. Wynn, M. Rodriguez, W.M. O'Fallon and L.T. Kurland. "A Reappraisal of the Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis in Olmsted County, Minnesota." Neurology. 1990; 10: pp. 780-786.

    For Further Reading

    S. Finch. "Radiation Injury." In: Wilson, J., et al. (eds.). Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twelfth Edition, Volume 2. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991: 2204-2208.

    R. Hoppe. "Effects of Irradiation on the Human Immune System." In: J.M. Vaeth and J.L. Meyer (eds.) Radiation Tolerance of Normal Tissues. Frontiers of Radiation Therapy in Oncology, Vol. 23. Basel: Karger, 1989: pp. 140-149.

    Lawrence Steinman. "Autoimmune Disease." Scientific American, September 1993, pp. 107-114.

    Alice Stewart and G. W. Kneale. "Non-Cancer Effects of Exposure to A-Bomb Radiation." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 1984

    Published Fall 1995

    Hanford Health
    Information Network

    Understanding Health Studies

    What is Epidemiology?

    What Has Epidemiology Accomplished?

    Downwinder Perspective

    Important Challenges for Studies
    on Radiation Health Effects

    Four Key Elements in
    Understanding Epidemiology

    The Hanford Experience


    For Further Reading

    Epidemiology is the study of disease in human populations. This branch of science has been essential in saving the lives of millions of people by discovering the causes of many diseases. By identifying what causes certain diseases, epidemiology has prompted advances in medicine and better ways of controlling and preventing disease.

    Many people have called the Hanford Health Information Network over the last several years with questions about whether their exposure to Hanford radiation caused their health problems. As will be discussed later, epidemiology cannot presently answer those questions on an individual basis but only on a group or population basis. However, epidemiology can help to determine whether exposed populations have experienced more health problems than they would have under normal circumstances, that is, without the exposure.

    Epidemiology in the nuclear arena is nearly always controversial. With regard to Hanford, epidemiologic studies are viewed by some as a way to prove that certain health problems were caused by Hanford's radiation releases. For other people (including some scientists), epidemiologic studies of populations downwind or downstream of Hanford are viewed as a waste of taxpayer funds. Still others feel distrustful of science because so many studies in the past have provided no link between radiation exposure and health problems. However, some people see in epidemiology a promise that at least some of their questions might be resolved.

    It is the purpose of this report to explain the basics of epidemiology. Readers might find this information useful when reading news stories about study findings or more formal reports on epidemiologic studies, or when discussing studies with scientists and government agencies.

    In this report, we will explore:

    1. what epidemiology is and its importance,
    2. the challenges in doing epidemiologic studies,
    3. the significance of some of the key terms, and
    4. the epidemiologic studies that have been done around Hanford.

    This report is an introduction to epidemiology. It focuses on the possible health effects of environmental exposures to low-level radiation, especially as they relate to Hanford. It does not deal with exposures to workers nor exposures from toxic chemicals. Nor does it consider the study of health effects resulting from high-level radiation exposures.

    What Is Epidemiology?

    Epidemiology is the study of disease in human populations. Environmental epidemiology is the study of the ways things in the environment can be factors in causing disease. To study diseases and their causes, epidemiologic studies use scientific methods. Such studies are commonly referred to as disease studies or health studies.

    Many exposed people have raised the question: "Did my exposure cause my health problems?" Science cannot currently answer that question. What epidemiology can try to answer is: "Are there more health problems among those exposed because of their exposure to radioactive materials?"

    The basic approach of epidemiology is to compare groups of people. In doing so, it explores whether an association, or a link, exists between exposures and health effects. The comparisons are usually done by placing people into categories. There are two main categories: exposure and disease. A "cohort" study compares groups of people based on exposure. It tries to determine whether disease occurs more frequently or less frequently among a population (or group of people) which has been exposed than among those who have not been exposed.

    A "case-control" study compares groups of people based on disease. It examines whether exposure occurred more frequently or less frequently in persons who have a particular disease than in persons who do not have that disease.

    What Has Epidemiology Accomplished?

    "Epidemiology's major contribution to the understanding of radiation health effects is the identification of 'late effects' of radiation exposure in human populations."1 "Late effects" are health problems that are caused by an exposure but are not detected for many years, such as cancers or genetic effects.

    New insights gained through epidemiologic studies have resulted in better ways to protect people from radiation exposure. For example, pregnant women used to undergo routine X-rays. But an epidemiologic study by Dr. Alice Stewart detected that these prenatal exposures were associated with a higher occurrence of leukemia among the children of those mothers.2 Now when a pregnant woman receives medical X-rays, the fetus is protected from the X-rays.

    downwinder perspective

    Many callers to the Hanford Health Information Lines have questions and concerns about the release of radioactive materials to the Columbia River and possible effects on humans and on fish. Some downwinders have health problems that they believe are, or might be, related to Hanford. The following personal perspective is offered to help readers understand these experiences and concerns.

    "Valuable health data can be gathered from ordinary people. Individuals notice when something is amiss. It may start with a group of friends sharing observations around a kitchen table. They eventually tally deaths or illnesses in their area over a period of time. This informal data gathering says, 'Hey, something drastic has happened to us, and we want to know what happened!'

    "That concern prompted me to survey the health of my high school classmates who graduated from 1951 through 1954. Results showed something serious had happened. Similar "studies" were coincidentally being done by individuals in other communities. "Hanford Downwinders" have many health problems in common, in addition to cancer and thyroid disease. Unfortunately, full documentation of health effects for those now deceased is largely lost.

    "The citizens affected by Hanford's emissions resemble "canaries in the mines." Their stories warn of serious human and environmental consequences for nuclear-oriented countries.

    "Formal scientific studies will, of course, reveal important information. But troubling uncertainties exist. Records were made at a time when it was important for findings to support the efforts of the Cold War. And data based on earlier studies funded by the nuclear industry need very critical evaluation before being used.

    "A more comprehensive health picture continues to be available from those still living. That information may rival "scientific" study and present a more accurate picture about what long-term, low-level radiation exposure does to people.

    "Questions still remain for me. How do we get the most valid picture about all the health effects on citizens who lived even hundreds of miles from Hanford? And what is in store for future generations? From my point of view, those are the questions that studies should answer. Maybe these answers can be found in something other than epidemiological studies.

    This perspective was contributed by a downwinder who lived in Northern Idaho during the time of the highest radioactive releases to the air - Name withheld upon request.

    Important Challenges for Studies on Radiation Health Effects

    There are five main challenges to consider when designing, conducting or evaluating studies of possible links between low-level radiation exposure and groups of exposed people with specific illnesses:

    1. Other things can cause the same kinds of health effects that radiation exposure can cause. Although some studies have established a very strong link between radiation and certain types of cancer, radiation is not the only cause of cancer. Leukemia, for example, is one form of cancer that has been found to be associated with exposure to radiation. Yet, there are other things that can cause leukemia.

    2. Usually there are no individual dose estimates. Thus far, there have been no epidemiologic studies around Hanford that have used individual dose estimates. The use of such estimates can greatly enhance the validity of a study's findings. Without accurate estimates, it can be much more difficult to assess whether any health problems detected are connected to the exposures.

    3. People are exposed to other sources of radiation. The planet we live on is naturally radioactive. Long before scientists discovered radiation, all living things were being exposed to low levels of naturally occurring radiation. In addition to natural sources, people are also exposed to radiation from medical and dental procedures, consumer goods (such as tobacco products) and fallout from nuclear weapons testing. The current prevailing scientific view is that even the smallest exposure to radiation has the potential to cause a health effect.

    4. People are different and can change. People move around, eat different foods, have different lifestyles and genetic backgrounds, and change their habits over time. All of these factors can directly or indirectly influence their health and the study of their health.

    5. Health effects from low-level exposures cannot be detected immediately. There are long delays between the time of exposure and the time when a health effect occurs. This period of time is called the latency period. The length varies among diseases and among individuals. For leukemia, the latency period is as short as five years. For thyroid cancer, it will usually take at least five years or so before the cancer can grow large enough to be diagnosed as cancer. Most thyroid cancers would be expected to appear within 10 to 20 years following exposure. For some people, the delay could be much longer.

    There are no known limits as to how long a latency period can be. It is possible that health effects can occur many decades following a harmful exposure. For genetic effects, it may be several generations before an effect shows up.

    These five factors are significant challenges to scientists and citizens in trying to determine possible health effects from radiation exposure. Some scientists have the luxury of examining problems under a microscope in the controlled setting of a laboratory. The scientists doing environmental epidemiology have a harder job. The factors listed above help determine what an epidemiologist can and cannot do and why the results of epidemiologic studies are sometimes inconclusive or inconsistent. For citizens concerned about the same questions, it is important to understand the challenges in doing epidemiologic studies.

    These different characteristics of the study population can sometimes work as "confounding factors." Confounding factors can mask an effect so that the relationship of the health problem and the exposure is not recognized. They can also make it appear as though there is an effect when, in fact, none exists.

    Four Key Elements in Understanding Epidemiology

    There are four key elements in an environmental epidemiologic study. These are by no means a complete list, but they are the most essential elements for understanding environmental epidemiology in the context of Hanford's relatively low-level radiation exposures.

    1. The Nature of Epidemiologic Evidence

    Many people who were exposed to radiation from Hanford want to know whether the health problems they, or their families or friends, have experienced were caused by radiation. Unfortunately, this kind of question cannot be answered with certainty. As mentioned above, the kinds of health effects that may be caused by low-level radiation have other causes as well. These other causes are usually unknown, and there is currently no way to determine what caused a particular case of disease. This is why epidemiologists must learn about the effects of radiation by finding out whether diseases happen more frequently among groups of exposed individuals than among unexposed groups.

    Consider, for example, Dr. Alice Stewart's study of prenatal X-ray exposure and childhood leukemia mentioned above. Leukemia sometimes occurs among children who were not exposed to X-rays in the womb. Stewart showed that leukemia happened more often in children with prenatal X-ray exposures compared to similar children without such exposures. In other words, there were "extra" leukemias among the exposed children. Stewart had no way to identify which particular cases of leukemia were the extra ones: leukemias caused by radiation cannot now be distinguished from those having other causes. However, the evidence of extra leukemias among the children exposed to prenatal X-rays was strong enough for Stewart to conclude that the risk of leukemia was greater among the exposed children. In epidemiological terms, she found evidence that risk of leukemia was associated with, or related to, the radiation exposure.

    2. Statistics

    How was Stewart able to say that the evidence was "strong enough" to base her conclusions on it? Epidemiologists use statistics, a branch of mathematics, to analyze the information collected in a study. There are two aspects of statistics that are important in understanding epidemiologic studies: significance and power. Statistical power is evaluated during the design phase of a study. The calculations of statistical power help determine whether and how large a study should be done. Statistical significance, on the other hand, is assessed at the end of the study, after the results are known.

    "Statistical significance" is the likelihood that the results found could not have occurred by chance alone. The association of disease risk with radiation exposure in a study is said to be statistically significant if the association is so strong that it is unlikely to have occurred simply by chance. If, on the other hand, the observed association is not that strong, then the association could have occurred by chance and therefore does not provide convincing evidence that risk was increased by the radiation exposure.

    "Statistical power" measures the ability of a study to find an association between radiation and disease, when such an association actually exists. If exposure to radiation does indeed increase the risk of disease, then a study with high power will be very likely to find an association. However, if the study has low power, then it has little chance of finding an association even if there is an actual association (that radiation causes an increase in risk).

    The power of a study is determined by several things, including the number of people who participate in the study and the sizes of the radiation doses they received. If the number of participants is small, or if the radiation doses are all low, then the study will have little, or low, power.

    Achieving adequate power is an important goal in the planning of an epidemiological study. A study with low power is not worth doing. Even if the radiation exposure greatly increases the risk of the disease, the study will have too little chance of producing the correct finding of an association between exposure and disease.

    The Hanford Thyroid Disease Study illustrates the role of statistical power in planning epidemiological studies. In the pilot study, the thyroid study estimated the radiation doses to the thyroid from Hanford's iodine-131 releases for over 800 people. Using this information about doses, study scientists then calculated that about 3,400 people will need to participate in the total study for it to have adequate statistical power.

    Knowing the study's power also helps with interpreting the results of the study. If a study with high power finds no significant association between radiation exposure and disease, then it is unlikely that the exposure causes large increases in disease risk. However, if no significant association is found in a study with low power, then the results are inconclusive: there is no convincing evidence that an association exists, but the possibility that radiation increases risk cannot be ruled out.

    3. Dose Response

    Dose response is the term used to describe the part of an epidemiologic analysis that examines whether there is a relationship between the disease rate and the dose level. If a study finds that the higher the dose, the higher the rate of disease, then it is more likely the radiation dose caused the disease.

    In order to do a dose-response analysis, scientists need dose estimates of those being studied. The importance of individual dose estimates has become more widely recognized in recent years. In 1991, Bernard Shleien and two officials of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did a review of about 50 epidemiologic studies around nuclear facilities. They found that the "most serious problem...was the absence of quantitative estimates of radiation dose that could be used to assess dose-response relations."3 The studies used geographic location of people as a substitute for a dose estimate. Because a person's radiation dose is determined by many factors, geographic location alone is a weak indicator of dose. The solution to such problems, according to Shleien and his colleagues, is for researchers to focus much more attention on getting firm individual dose estimates. Moreover, they "suggest that there is little value in pursuing epidemiologic analyses of radiation-induced cancer without such estimates [of dose]."4

    In spite of the potential value of individual dose estimates, the reliability of dose reconstruction is itself a controversial issue. Environmental scientist F. Owen Hoffman notes three problems with dose reconstruction: (1) it is an inexact science; (2) the circumstances, procedures and models used are complex; and (3) each dose reconstruction situation "requires the use of an extensive amount of judgment."5 For these reasons, Hoffman notes that the results of a dose reconstruction will differ from one investigator to another. To address these problems, Hoffman has proposed that especially important aspects of a dose reconstruction be independently approached by two or more teams of scientists. The particular aspects would vary from study to study.

    4. Timing

    Timing considers two aspects: (1) the possibility of an exposure causing a health effect, and (2) when to conduct an epidemiologic study.

    First, the timing of the health effect in relation to the exposure is important. A health effect cannot be caused by an exposure if the health effect is detected before the exposure occurs. The health effect must occur after the suspected exposure and be within the latency period for such a health effect.

    Second, a study must consider timing to account for "late effects." In order for a study to measure the "late effects" that might be related to a particular exposure, that study should take into account the latency period(s) involved. For example, if there were to be a thyroid cancer study of a population exposed to iodine-131, the scientists would not complete it before 10 to 20 years had passed following the exposure. This delay would allow for the latency period to pass so that the study would have a chance of measuring the effect from the iodine-131 exposure.

    The Hanford Experience

    In this section, we present a survey of the five environmental epidemiologic studies concerning Hanford that have been done to date. Each study is briefly described and discussed in light of the key elements presented above. It is important to note that none of the five studies used individual dose estimates in their analyses. This capability has only recently become available for the Hanford situation. The Hanford Thyroid Disease Study, which is currently underway, is using individual dose estimates.

    Two Columbia River Cancer Death Studies

    Two studies in the mid-1960s considered whether a link existed between radiation exposure from Hanford and rates of death from cancer. They compared cancer death rates in counties along the Columbia River and the Pacific Coast to those rates in counties not bordering those bodies of water.

    Fadeley Study

    Description: Robert C. Fadeley reported his findings in 1965.6 He looked at cancer death records for the years 1959 to 1964. Fadeley used geographic location as a substitute for exposure. In other words, he used the county (in which a person died) as an indicator of the exposure that person received from Hanford's operations. Fadeley found an increased rate of cancer deaths in Oregon counties bordering the Columbia River or the Pacific Ocean compared with the rates in counties not bordering the river or ocean. He believed that the increased cancer death rate was linked to exposure to Hanford contamination in the river and along the coast.

    Discussion: Geographic location is not a strong indicator of exposure. Also, Fadeley did not allow for enough time to elapse for cancers to develop after the years of highest exposure from the Columbia River pathway (1957-1964). According to two scientists who conducted a similar study (see next study description), Fadeley did not account for the difference between cancer rates in people who live in cities and in those who live in rural areas.

    Bailar and Young Study

    Description: John C. Bailar III, M.D., and John L. Young, Jr., M.P.H., reported in 1966 on a study that was similar to Fadeley's work.7 Along with the Oregon counties, they included counties in Washington which border the Columbia River downstream from Hanford. Including more years than Fadeley did, Bailar and Young looked at cancer death rates from 1934 to 1963. They compared the rates for the years before Hanford started to the rates during the years Hanford was operating. Unlike Fadeley, they did not find any increase in rate of cancer deaths.

    Discussion: Bailar and Young, like Fadeley, did not wait long enough (after the years of highest releases to the Columbia River) to allow for the latency period of even leukemia, about five years after exposure. They, too, used geographic location as a substitute for exposure.

    Study of Birth Defects near Hanford

    Description: Lowell E. Sever, Ph.D. and others conducted a study of birth defects in Washington's Benton and Franklin counties near Hanford.8 The researchers examined the number of cases of certain birth defects between 1968 and 1980. When the county rates were compared with rates from Washington, Oregon and Idaho, there were more neural tube defects than expected. However, cleft lip was reported less often in Benton and Franklin counties than in the three-state area.

    Using information from a study of Hanford workers,9 the researchers concluded that the increase in neural tube defects was not explained by parental employment at Hanford or by occupational exposure to radiation. The researchers also concluded it was unlikely that exposure of the general public to radiation from Hanford operations caused the increase in neural tube defects. This conclusion was based on a dose estimate for the years 1974 to 1980.

    Discussion: The study's dose estimate for the public only includes the years 1974 through 1980, during which there were limited Hanford operations. It does not include the years of highest releases of radioactive materials, 1944-1965. Also, the study was conducted before any individual dose estimates were available for the Hanford area.

    Study of Childhood Leukemia Deaths

    Description: John R. Goldsmith looked at childhood (ages 0-9 years) leukemia deaths in Benton and Franklin counties (and in two counties near Oak Ridge, Tennessee, another nuclear weapons facility).10 The time periods studied were three decades: 1950-59, 1960-69 and 1970-79. Goldsmith compared the actual deaths from childhood leukemia with the number of deaths that would have been expected. He based the expected number on national U.S. rates and the size of the local population.

    Goldsmith found a significant excess of childhood leukemia deaths during 1950-59, a non-significant excess during 1960-69 and a deficiency during 1970-79. For Benton County in the 1950-59 time period, there were eight deaths from childhood leukemia when 6.65 would have been expected. For Franklin County in that same time period, there were four deaths when 2.01 would have been expected.

    Discussion: Goldsmith did allow sufficient time to account for the latency period. However, as he himself admitted, the analysis by the decades was "arbitrary."11 Goldsmith did not estimate exposures for the people being studied. He did not discuss the power of the study, although it was probably low because of the small numbers of deaths.

    National Cancer Institute (NCI) Study

    Description: The NCI study compared the deaths from cancer between two sets of counties around 62 nuclear facilities: the first set consisted of three "study" (or exposed) counties and the second set consisted of three "control" (or unexposed) counties. The cancer deaths included in the study occurred between 1950 and 1984. The main finding was that if there was an excess cancer risk present, "it was too small to be detected" with the methods used.12 The NCI study was nationwide, but this publication describes only the Hanford component.

    To analyze the Hanford site, the NCI team selected Benton, Franklin and Grant counties as the study set. Hanford covers parts of each county. Snohomish, Walla Walla and Whitman counties made up the control set.

    Discussion: Acknowledging the inherent weakness in its own study, the NCI team provided its own critique: "It does not prove the absence of any effect."13 Of particular importance to the Hanford situation, the NCI team pointed out that since thyroid cancer is rarely fatal, it does not appear very often on death certificates.14

    The NCI study did not compare those people actually exposed with those not exposed: "the exposures of individuals are not known.... Persons who lived in particular counties at the time of death may not have been long-term residents. Some residents will have moved elsewhere and died in another part of the country. Some residents of counties that have a nuclear facility may live far from the plant, not be at any risk, and their experience may dilute that of residents living closer to the plant."15 Additionally, two of the three control counties (Walla Walla and Whitman) are now considered to be downwind from Hanford and were subjected to contamination from the Hanford releases of iodine-131 and other airborne materials.

    Information From Death Certificates

    Death certificates are usually the main source of information used for analysis of causes of death. There are several problems with doing studies based on information from death certificates:

    • Death certificates record the number of deaths caused by a disease.
      However, not all occurrences of a disease result in death.
    • Some diseases are rarely fatal, such as thyroid cancer.
      So analyses of these diseases cannot be done based on deaths.
    • The information from death certificates is not always accurate or complete.
    • Death certificate information doesn't account for all
      diseases (such as cancers present at death but not detected or diagnosed).
    • Some people might have lived most of their lives in other locations,
      but the death certificate indicates only their last residence. This becomes a
      problem if a study uses residence location as an indication of dose level.


    Epidemiologic studies can help us in trying to understand the possible connections between low-dose radiation and health effects. But the scientific field of epidemiology has limitations. Society cannot expect it to provide all of the answers to situations like the radiation releases from Hanford. It is an important tool, and we need to learn how to use it well.


    Beebe, Gilbert W. "A Methodologic Assessment of Radiation Epidemiology Studies." Health Physics. April 1984, pp. 745-762.

    Legator, Marvin S., Barbara L. Harper and Michael J. Scott, eds. The Health Detective's Handbook: A Guide to the Investigation of Environmental Hazards by Nonprofessionals. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1985.

    Shleien, Bernard, A. James Ruttenber and Michael Sage. "Epidemiologic Studies of Cancer in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities." Health Physics. December 1991 (61), pp. 699-713.


    1. - Steve Wing, Ph.D. "The Basics of Radiation Epidemiology" (Module 3). Radiation Health Effects: A Monograph Study of the Health Effects of Radiation and Information Concerning Radioactive Releases from the Hanford Site: 1944-1972 (published by HHIN and University of Washington); September 1994, p. 26. Wing is with the Dept. of Epidemiology at the University of North Carolina's School of Public Health.

    2. - Dr. Stewart is an M.D. and works as an epidemiologist in the Department of Public Health and Epidemiology at the University of Birmingham's School of Medicine in England.

    3. - Bernard Shleien, Pharm. D. et al. "Epidemiologic Studies of Cancer in Populations Near Nuclear Facilities." Health Physics. December 1991 (61), p. 710. Shleien is a health physicist and the president of Scinta, Inc. He also served as a member of the Technical Steering Panel (1988-1994) for the Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project.

    4. - Shleien, p. 710.

    5. - F. Owen Hoffman, Ph.D. "Environmental Dose Reconstruction, Approaches to an Inexact Science." It was presented at the Department of Health and Human Services Workshop on Energy-Related Epidemiologic Research Agenda, Atlanta, Georgia, Dec. 3-4, 1991. At the time, Hoffman worked under a Department of Energy contract at Oak Ridge. His field of expertise is in environmental pathways analysis for dose reconstruction projects.

    6. - Robert C. Fadeley. "Oregon Malignancy Pattern Physiographically Related to Hanford Washington Radioisotope Storage." Journal of Environmental Health; Vol. 27, No. 6, May-June 1965; pp. 883-897. Fadeley was Director of Research of the Foundation for Environmental Research in Golden, Colorado.

    7. - John C. Bailar III, M.D. and John L. Young, Jr., M.P.H. "Oregon Malignancy Pattern and Radioisotope Storage: A Reappraisal." Public Health Reports; Vol. 81, No. 4, April 1966; pp. 311-317. Both authors were with the Biometry Branch of the National Cancer Institute, Public Health Service.

    8. - Lowell E. Sever, Ph.D. et al. "The Prevalence at Birth of Congenital Malformations in Communities near the Hanford Site." American Journal of Epidemiology; Vol. 127, No. 2, 1988, pp. 243-254. At the time of this study, Sever was with the Division of Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga. The work was supported by the US Department of Energy.

    9. - Lowell E. Sever, Ph.D. et al. "A Case-Control Study of Congenital Malformations and Occupational Exposure to Low-Level Ionizing Radiation." American Journal of Epidemiology; Vol. 127, No. 2, 1988, pp. 226-242.

    10. - John R. Goldsmith. "Childhood Leukaemia Mortality Before 1970 Among Populations near Two US Nuclear Installations." The Lancet; April 8, 1989, p. 793. See also letter by Samuel Milham, Jr., and Goldsmith's reply in The Lancet; June 24, 1989, pp. 1443-1444. At the time of the article, Goldsmith was with the Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, Occupational Epidemiology Section, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva, Israel.

    11. - Goldsmith, The Lancet; June 24, 1989, p. 1444.

    12. - Seymour Jablon, M.A. et al. "Cancer in Populations Living Near Nuclear Facilities: A Survey of Mortality Nationwide and Incidence in Two States." Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA); Vol. 265, No. 11, March 20, 1991, pp. 1403-1408. Jablon and his co-authors are with the Radiation Epidemiology Branch, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

    13. - Jablon, p. 1403.

    14. - Seymour Jablon, M.A. et al. Cancer in Populations Living Near Nuclear Facilities. Bethesda, MD: Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services; 1990. National Institutes of Health publication 90-874, Vol. 1, p. 18.

    15. - Jablon, JAMA; March 20, 1991, p. 1407.

    An Overview of Hanford and Radiation Health Effects part II

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