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Valdemar Doveiko
Foto Gallery

The photography has been playing an important role in the life of Valdemar Doveiko. Moreover it has become the style of his life. Nowadays he is an independent photographer, which, of course, gives him a lot of freedom, but causes some problems...
During his studies in Poland, he dialed with the "Gazeta Wyborcza" and "Gazeta Pomorska". The, after his arrival in Lithuania, he became working in the "Gazeta Wilenska".
The sphere that he is mostly interested in is the Lithuanian village. Beside the cycle of photos on the mentioned above topic is being prepared now.
In addition, the author would like to express his gratitude to the whole personnel of the "Nasz Czas", with which he has already been working for two years.

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©2002 Valdemar Doveiko. All rights reserved.
Last Updated: Wednesday, January 16, 2002