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neo cubism-usa 2

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De La Croix Neo Cubism- Usa/Florida Show

A Presentation By The Baker Collection, USA

Les Galleries Solange Berthier





Face to Face, 6ftx4ft, 1995                                                Almost Out of Troubles, 8ftx8ft, 1997  

Mirage of Hope, 8ftx4ft, 1998


      Plate:54/MB                                                                     Reversing Curses, 6ftx4ft, 1997                               


Cruising Happy Cities, 8ftx6ft, 1997




Standing Tall, 6ftx4ft, 1998                                                                     Sailing with Childish Games, 8ftx8ft, 1986            



Plate # 87/MB


 ¾ In and The Rest Deeper in, 8ftx6ft, 1986  


       Burning Will to Hang On, 8ftx6ft, 1998


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