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  neo cubism 12

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DE LA CROIX NEO CUBISM______________





Adios Pampa Mia, 8ftx6ft






Composition No. 65






Provence, 8ftx6ft







                                                                                                                                                     Plate # 656, Salon de L’Art Moderne

     Between the Divine and “Le Riducule”, 12ftx10ft







                                                    From the Audrey Hepburn Collection






                             Plate # 333, Salon de L’Art Moderne, 12ftx10ft  Not definitely sure about the original title. Originally, it was called “ Multiple Choices”







 Plate # 213, Salon de L’Art Moderne,  8ftx6ft, Private Collection of S. Kumar



                                                                                                                                                        Plate # 543, 8ftx8ft










    Oriflame desTempliers, Private Collection of Eugenie-Lamy Comtesse de Gaillard, Le Caire, L’Egypte, 10ftx8ft




                                                                                                        From the Audrey Hepburn Collection. Plate # 654



 La Coquette et le Zig Zag, 8ftx6ft, Plate # 876,  Private Collection of Richard Breton











 Plate # 876, Salon de L’Art Moderne. EDITION LIMITEE, Le Dernier Train  (The Last Leaving Train), 12ftx8ft                Peruvian Wisdom, 8ftx6ft



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