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Welcome to the PCCA Dance Club Home Page....

Dance Club News and Updates!(May have to highlight text depending on brownser)

Meet the Members of Dance Club


Our goal is to raise 8,000 or more dollars in total. We have planned to put aside 75% of all profits toward the National High School Dance Festival(scheduled in March)and 25% toward summer dance scholarships. We hope to fund as many dancers as possible with the profits we hope to aquire in the upcomming months.


At our Dance-a-thon on Friday, September 12, 2003, We made a profit of $1,000!!!!!! This is wonderful for our first fundraiser!! Thank you to everyone who participated. Let's keep this enthusiasm going!

"The dance is a poem in which each movement is a word." --Mata Hari

^^^Please sign our guestbook and give us your support!!!!

get this gear!

^^^Give us your feedback...tell us what we're missing!!

get this gear!

^^^Pass this site on to other members, friends, etc!



Jessica M.-