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crickl's nest
Fri, Apr 15 2005
Divine humor
Topic: Humor/memes
A friend of mine recently showed me an internet video clip. We were talking about that creepy Burger King commercial with the guy in a king mask who looks into someone?s window, just staring at him, then the man he?s staring at starts getting this goofy smile on his face?.weird! So he said there was a commercial that was taken off the air in Germany because people complained that they saw ghosts in it and heard backward talking. He said to listen carefully to hear it and lean close to see what he couldn?t make out but might be the ?ghosts?. (this should have been my first clue?lean close, turn up the sound) lol Here is the clip: Well not to spoil the surprise for you, but at the end of the car commercial, a goblin jumps in front of the screen and does this crazy, scary scream and scares the bajeebers out of you! So naturally, I played the trick on my kids. I told them the story and showed them the clip, telling them I thought the supposed ghosts were just sun rays or fog or something, but to look closely at the trees. Well, they about hit the roof, my daughter Emma actually screamed and jumped off the couch. Ha! Gotcha! This was a few days ago.

Last night I was loading the video clip just to bother Emma again, who was sitting beside me on the couch. It takes about 5-10 minutes to fully load and get ready to play on my computer, so I turned the laptop toward Emma and got up to go to my room?while I was in my room, my husband was talking to me about some things, then I went to the kitchen, then came back to sit on the couch. Do you think God has a sense of humor? I know He does. At the precise time that I was in mid-sit, that goblin jumped out and screamed. My head was at the same level as the speakers, I had totally forgotten that I had left it loading. I screamed and my feet slipped out from under me and I fell the rest of the way to the couch, half laughing, half choking on my Oreo, part peeing my pants! Then, after that lovely display, I couldn?t stop laughing and choking?.the girls were laughing and telling me how it served me right. And I guess it did. I am a practical joker at heart, but I don?t like it when I am the subject of a joke. And how did that happen just perfectly unless God set it up? Hmmmmmm?

Other proofs of God?s sense of humor: giraffes, monkeys, weird bugs and fish, pictures composed of precisely set stars in the sky, sneezes, and west Texas. Besides, we are made in His image and even little toddlers have a sense of humor. Doesn?t it just make you smile to think of a baby laughing, of clouds in goofy shapes, of how dogs are so goofy and seem to understand you and communicate back with you? And what does smiling and laughter do for us? It lowers blood-pressure, relaxes us, puts us at ease with each other and makes the emotional and social ground level between people. It?s a good thing that God gave us humor?.and I enjoy it to the fullest. I love to find it every day in the world or in other people, even when they don?t realize they are cracking me up! Human nature, mixing up words while talking, being a clutz, facial expressions?.these can all be FUNNY. I love it?.and I?m starting to appreciate the little practical joke played on me last night. That was a good one?.heh heh heh. My only problem is this: When someone plays a trick on you, you want to get them back! That is not an option in this case. *Drat*

by crickl at 10:25 AM PDT
Updated: Tue, Nov 29 2005 8:18 PM PST
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