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Maltae Home The Lexicon Maltae to English
a I
aene west
aigaong instead
aither to plan
Ana lord
ate We
ayong thoroughly
batu world
bulak to move
daewaiv mortar
daivog to do
dao to be
daoyuk to come
detaif city
dhati stone
dhatihon brick
edaed face
emaob down
faena language
faenayat speech
faenayu to speak
fagi day
fagitao common
fagitao common
faof to use
fat to begin
furop to build
gai cat
gaitae stealthily
gaitao stealthy
gaito stealth
gaiyo to purr
go she
gon they fem
hagas nothing
ho big
hosur plain
ibaidh to scatter
igeta impossible
kae in
katuno to move
ke You
kel star
kelaet to shine
kelat brightly
keleto shine
keletol shiny
kesa You PL
kura east
lak tower
lat one
litair tar
mao He, it
maon they, mas. in
mub north
naeb to confuse
ngal heaven
odep to bake
pao slow
paolait to reach
paoyu to settle
rot to have
sao man
shin now
shu earth
shutao whole
si and
sur field
talaen to find
thathop to stop
tona all
toth south
uduf name
udufaet to call
vul while
yaidh to say
yuti to go