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WVU: The Second Post
Well, I'm starting the second semester and WVU is goin great thus far. I havn't been able to keep posting as consistantly as earlier, but hopefully i'll get more time this semester since the bulk of my classes are communications. Lotsa new stuff is prolly gonna be on here. So check it out.


Well, senior trip was a blast, enough said there. Now I go off to WVU in mid-august. I'll try to keep making stuff worthy of posting, but I suppose we'll see how that turns out after a few weeks of classes. But keep posted just in case!!
PS: I finished my business site, so if you like what you see and want some customized for you. You now have a place to go!


Class of 2003
I made a wallpaper for our class, it should be in the baccalaureate also. It's either in Latest Works or Wallpapers. I'm not sure if it's one of my best works,.. but just be sure to check it out!


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