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Name: Charlene Jackson
Age: 20-something...a woman never tells her age...
From: Heart's Delight (Trinity Bay)

Previously: Actor with Rebel Island Theatre (Pete Soucy, Carbonear); March 2001-August 2002 (more details on the Theatre Resume page).

Currently: MUN Student (Major: English/Drama specialization; Minor: History; starting a diploma in Performance & Communications Media in the 2004 winter semester).

Can Usually Be Heard Saying:
- "Go play in traffic."
- "Yellow ball in the side pocket!" (if you know this statement is "ripped off", I like you already)
- "May [insert topic here] burn in hell and spend all eternity sitting next to the Bay City Rollers."
- "Whatever happened to all the intelligent people? Are they having a convention I don't know about?"
- "There's favouritism in hell if you bring your own splits..."
- "I have no life. I have no social life. But maybe I'm better off."
- "Can you direct me to the nearest river?" (Hamlet reference + inside joke = you have no idea what this means)
* Thanks to April for noting some of the things I say...and for not taking them too seriously either.


Type of Personality:Oh geeze...I wish someone else were writing this... I've been called "weird", "freak", "nuts" and many other things in my life so I don't know if that counts. I've been told I have a very dramatic persoanlity, but I can be rather quiet when I want to be. I'm soft-hearted (or so I hear) and I often worry about things a little too much. People tend to laugh at me quite a bit, so I hope that means I have a good sense of humour.

Social Status: Dammit, I hate that phrase....oh, what the's no secret. I'm not a "social butterfly". I have a handfull of friends ( but, for the most part, I spend my time alone, usually reading. Sounds boring, but I'm happy. As far as "partying" goes, I see it like this: why waste all that money on booze in order to get drunk and act foolish when I'm quite capable of acting foolish for free. Guess they call people like me "social drinkers"...*shrugs* So what do I enjoy? A small gathering of friends instead of a huge crowd of people; a small pub rather than a dance bar...are you getting the picture?

Admirable Qualities in Other People: Intelligence is the main issue with me. Then there's maturity (Why? Because I've dated 30 year olds with the mental capacity of a 14-year-old. I have more horror stories...), good sense of humor (sarcastic humour and wit, hell, anything but tasteless humor. I don't appreciate the whole Tom Green/Jackass kind of "funny"), trustworthy, and a love of literature and thearte would be absolutely wonderful.

- Shallow-mindedness; down-right rude people
- "Da b'ys"
- Shopping
- People who judge others by their age instead of by who they are
- "Pretty boys" (that means all the Matt Damon fans reading this hate me already)
- Druggies who think they're so "enlightened" that they're the equilivant of Ghandi
- Modernizations of Shakespeare with "actors" who can look good on screen but can't deliver the verse for the life of them (*cough* Keanu Reeves *cough*)
- Speaking of "actors"...Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Keanu Reeves and Ashton Kutcher, just to name a few of the "new talent" who can't even act their way out of a paper bag. Well, Keanu's not exactly new..."Bogus!" *shudders*
- A certain member of the male species that finds an eeire joy in following me around MUN. So if you see me being followed by a pudgy fellow with glasses, a goatee and a high sqeak of a voice that often antagonizes me with "Captain Kirk to Chekov!! hehehehe!! Starship Enterprise to Captain Chekov!! hehehehe!!" please, by all means, save me.


Bands: Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, U2, The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, Blue Rodeo, Don McLean, The Pogues, Donovan, Simon & Garfunkle, CCR, Traveling Wilburys, The Beatles...many more...

The Night they Drove Old Dixie Down - Joan Baez
Diamonds & Rust - Joan Baez
Positively 4th Street - Bob Dylan
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright - Bob Dylan
The Hurricane - Bob Dylan
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Bob Dylan
Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones
The Sounds of Silence - Simon & Garfunkle
And if Venice is Sinking - Spirit of the West
Another Sunny Day 12/25 - John Mellencamp
Catch the Wind - Donovan
Right Next Door - Robert Cray
Boys of Summer - Don Henley

* Hamlet (Kenneth Branagh's production; uncut; 1996)
* Gone with the Wind (I never was one for romantic movies, but I couldn't resist this one. And, surprisingly, I enjoyed the book - by Margaret Mitchell - even more. I'm a sucker for the costumes too...)
* The Godfather
* Indiana Jones (especially The Last Crusade starring Sean Connery)
* The Bridge on the River Kwai
* Alice in Wonderland (yes, the Disney cartoon)
* Laurence of Arabia
* Monty Python & the Holy Grail (well, anything involving the Monty Python troupe, for that matter)
* Othello (starring Laurence Olivier; 1965)
* Ben Hur
* Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (Just because it's such a fun movie. Unfortunately, I got my copy for Christmas 16 years ago and it's starting to die on me...)
* I have a huge list, actually. I just tried my best to pick a small variety for this.

Sir Ian McKellen, Kenneth Branagh, Leslie Howard, Sir Alec Guiness, John Cleese, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Anjelica Houston, Kathy Bates, Glenn Close, just to name a few.

* The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
* The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
* The Old Man & the Sea by Earnest Hemingway
* The Oddessy by Homer
* Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
* Paradise Lost by John Milton
...and a lot more that would take me forever to list. Same goes for the plays below... Oh, and The Oddessy and Paradise Lost are actaully epics, but I was too lazy to make another category. I'm sure many people wouldn't have noticed anyway...or could care less, for that matter...

Amazing Revelations of Orca the Goldfish by David Tristram
* The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekov
* Antigone by Sopocles
* Endgame by Samuel Beckett
* The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
* Hamlet, King Lear, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Julius Caesar & Othello by Wiilliam Shakespeare (there's more, trust me...can never get enough Shakespeare)