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Song of the Day:                                                                     Oct. 30, 2003

"Breathing" - Yellowcard


I'm learning how to play the fingers hurt oh so bad. Stupid steel string!! I don't have any dolls to friends hasn't made any yet. New layout soon...probably using frames. I want Tony Hawk looks interesting. It will probably feed my boredom. Anyway....


Song of the Day:                                                                     Oct. 19, 2003
"Cute Without the E (cut from the team)" - Taking Back Sunday

I know I haven't updated for a really long time, sorry I went out of town and have been busy. Well I got 2 new cds that I am very happy about. 1st one- Dashboard Confessional, 2nd- Taking Back Sunday. Next cds to buy....count the stars, cauterize, the new SOCO cd and a few others. Nothing friend Cristal started dolling from dollmakers so I gonna probably put those up soon.




Song of the Day:                                                                     Sept. 30, 2003

Hands Down- Dashboard Confessional

I changed the layout again...I didn't like the grey. I hope you like Brand New but if you don't sorry...I do. I might set up a vote thing that way you can vote on what or who you want on the next layout. (I'm thinking All American Rejects but....) I also started a little "Song of the day" thing. It's mostly because almost everyday I have a different song in my head that I bother my friends with..hahaha. I'm working on a shirt that is gonna say "Joel" on the front and "Madden" on the back XD! (I must make sure everyone at my school knows who I love. muhaha) No new dolls, school sucks.