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Smoke & Fire








Explore fire and clay through raku, pit, and sawdust firing.








Coarse Description

Discover the poetic relationship between fire and clay and be immersed in an age-old creative process.  This class focuses on different methods and techniques of raku, pit, and sawdust firing.  Students will gain an understanding of the history and science behind these firing techniques and create ceramic objects, suitable for theses firing methods.  They will also experience the process up close and personal, learning about kiln placement, fire and smoke management, and ware transfer.




Where: Honolulu Academy of Arts  Art Center at Linekona

Dates: Wednesdays, January 28- May 12 2004

Time: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM




Please Note

Students should have some experience in ceramics and expect some physical activity, excessive heat and smoke.  Remember that the focus of this class is on the firing process so there will be less time devoted to building/ making than other ceramic classes you may have taken in the past.  Numerous smaller projects will be more suitable that one or two masterpieces.


Raku Firing Process