The Official Victoria Dracul Website

  • Victoria Dracul was born Victoria de'Sectrates to a wealthy Italian Family in Venice circa 1477. In 1498 she moved to Moldavia to join the court of Erzebet Batory. While serving as advisor to the countess circa 1501, she met & wed her ex-husband, Vampire & former Prince of Wallacia, Vlad Tepes Dracula.
  • After many years of temultuous marriage Victoria and Vlad called it quits in 1995 and entered a bitter divoce suite which left Dracula nearly pennyless. In 1997 Victoria re-appeared in the public sector as a stage entertainer and performer at the advice of long-time friend & distant relative Babushka Dildoski & Bab's friend Lil' Debby, joining on stage her sister Crystal Chandel-Lear, & long-time friends S'Fonda Coxxx & Felicia DuPree.
  • After the death of her friend Felicia in late 1998 Victoria retired from showbiz and moved back to her estate in Turgoviste, Romania (formerly Wallacia) with her sister Crystal & her cousin Sinnamon. In Turgoviste, Victoria had to put up with the ramblings of her cousin Sinnamon, who phases in & out of beliving she is one of the Golden Girls cast, & the antics of her cocaine snorting alcoholic sister Crystal. In October of 2000, two dear friends of Vicki's, Erika Bouvier & Divina, urged her and friends, Mia Li Pressonails & Robyn Roxxx, to come out of retirement and join Erika's tour of North America, Japan, and Western Europe. However by December of that year the tour was canceled due to conflicting interests (drama) and mismanagement.
  • At the begining of 2001 her friend Erika moved to Florida, leaving doubts if a show would ever get off the ground. At a going-away-gayla in Erika's honor Vicki said to reporters she questions weather she would get back into showbiz, but recently it's been released that it's in the works now is a show including Mia Li, Robyn, & Divina for Spring 2001. Rumors are circulating she also is reuniting with long time friend S'Fonda and cousin Sinnamon for occational perfomances. Crystal is still in a high security drug rehabilitation clinic in Europe.
  • When asked about her past marriage to Dracula, she meerly sneers and respondes, "I couldn't stand that supersitious self-righteous dolt anylonger, nor those 3 other whores he still has for wives."
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