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Bodega Dunes Camping

My nephew, Jedrek, at the beach.
Another picture of Jedrek by the beach.
This is the beach within the Bodega Dunes Campground.
This is my campsite with my tent.
This was taken on the way back to the campsite, it's by Portuguese something, I forgot.
A relaxing path to the beach
Beautiful California Coast
I forgot the name of this place, I have to ask Joe where this was taken.
Houses by the coast.
This was taken at one of the stops by Highway 1.
Taken at the same spot.
Dinner time with (clockwise) Cath, Jade, Joe and Jedrek.
This picture was taken opposite the ocean view.
Houses which has a nice view of the ocean.
This was taken at Sonoma, on my way home.
Seals on the rocks.
More pictures of rocks.
The beach, again.
And another picture of the beach.

I still have more pictures which I did not post on this page, if you want to have a copy please email me at: