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  Waynflete School
  Go Get Instant Messenger
  Go Get some Email

  Contact List
  View Guestbook
  Sign Guestbook




If you have anything to say/add/remove/whatever on this site, send it to

or send it to me on instant messenger, screen name being ThaBulldog

OR you can send it to me on ICQ, #48500192

The contact list is pretty far from being complete, so send in emails, its really easy to add new names and information, but somewhat inconvenient. 

Theres a guestbook on this page, so feel free to sign it if you have anything to say.  Uhh... I could get a mesage board with a response kind of system if its really in high demand, but that would also take a little bit more time, this website has been pretty simple so far. 

So everyone have a good summer, and I'll see you whenever if not in 10 and a half months. 


From Stephanie and Chloe: 2 August 2003

Hey all! I signed the guest book, which you all should do! I hope life is treating you good... Stephanie and Chloe love you!