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Bakhchisaray People's Theater-Studio

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The Bakhchisaray Crimean Tatar People's Theater-Studio was established in 1999.

Its principle was, is and will be:

promotion of Crimean Tatar classical literature,
traditions and customs; contribution to improve mutual understanding of peoples of different ethnic background; work with young generation - future leaders of the world.

Many exceptional writers and poets our nation had once, but almost all of them were murdered in Soviet GULAGs. Names of Noman Çelebijihan, Asan Sabri Ayvazov, Bekir Çoban-zade, Umer Ipçi and many others should never be forgotten and their works shall be brought to attention of the world...

To this day, we have in repertoire:

Tatarlığım (Tatarness) - performance about
tragic events of May 18th, 1944

Qurban (Sacrifice) - performance based on Holy Qur'an Ayats
about Prophets Abraham and his son Ishmael

Anneçigim, nerdesin?! Kel!
(Mother, Where Are You?! Please Come!)
- performance based on the story written in 1927 by Asan Sabri Ayvazov

Crimean Tatar wedding ceremony



What's new
We conduct seminars at secondary schools on using elements of theater at literature and history lessons. The project proposal to conduct 10 such seminars was supported by the International Renaissance Foundation
We participated in the Day of the Crimean Tatar language organized at Kyiv State Culture and Arts University.

Our performance based on Sevdali Bulut (The Loving Cloud) story of well-known Turkish dramatist Nazim Hikmet, will be presented in March 2003.





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Our address: Ukraine, 98400, Crimea, Bakhchisaray, Rechnaya street, 125

©2001-2002 Bakhchisaray Crimean Tatar People's Theater-Studio

Last updated: August 2002