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Current Shows & Exhibits

January 20 - March 10, 2017
"Lyme Art Association 25th Annual Associate Artists Exhibition"
Hosted by Lyme Art Association, 90 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT
Included Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me" Oil on Linen
Juror of Selection & Judge of Awards: Patricia Shippee
Opening Reception and Awards presentation Sunday, January 29, 2-4pm

January 6 - 28, 2017
"The 2017 PSC Annual Domenic DiStefano Memorial Works on Paper Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by The Philadelphia Sketch Club, 235 S. Camac Street, Philadelphia, PA
Included Painting: "West Barnstable Antiquity" Transparent Watercolour
Jurors of Selection & Judges of Awards; Bruce Garrity, Nancy Lloyd
Opening Reception January 15, 2 - 4pm

December 12, 2016 - Ongoing
"National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society of America Fall Online Exhibition"
Included Painting: "Tea with Henry ~ Winterthur" Oil on Linen
Juror of Selection and Awards: Cecy Turner, Signature Member

December 1, 2016 - Ongoing
"Pennsylvania Watercolor Society Members Online Juried Exhibit"
Included Painting: "Birdland" Transparent Watercolour
Juror of Awards: Kass Morin Freeman

November 26, 2016 - January 29, 2017
"Cape Cod Museum of Art, Looking Ahead" First Annual Juried Member Exhibition Celebrating 35 Years
Hosted by Cape Cod Museum of Art, Hope Lane, Dennis, Cape Cod, MA
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolour
Guest Juror: Kevin Howard
Opening Reception Thursday, December 1, 5:30 - 7:30pm

November 7 - 18, 2016
"American Artists Professional League 88th Grand National Exhibition"
Hosted by The Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue, NYC
Included Painting: "Fog Descends in an Amber Fugue" Transparent Watercolour
Jury of Awards; Brandon Soloff, Sam Adoquoi
Awards Presentation Sunday, November 13

November 29 - December 16, 2016
"Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club 120th Annual Exhibition"
Hosted by The National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Park South, New York, NY
Included Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me" Oil on Linen
2 Dimensional Awards Jurors; Neil Watson, Executive Director, Long Island Museum, Danette Koke, Art Dealer, Ramscale Art Association, NYC, Doug Reina, Artist and 2014 Pollack-Krasner grant recipient
Benefit Reception Supporting the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Friday December 9, 5:30 - 8pm at the National Arts Club
Awards Dinner Friday, December 26, 6 - 9pm, at the National Arts Club
*Salmagundi Award

November 11 January 10, 2017
"Provincetown Art Museum and Association Small Works Members Salon"
Hosted by Provincetown Art Museum and Association, 460 Commercial Street, Provincetown, Cape Cod, MA
Included Painting: "St. Andrews Sunset Glow" Oil on Linen
Opening Reception November 18, 6pm

November 26 - December 30, 2016
"Cotuit Center for the Arts Annual Member, Faculty, Student Exhibition"
Hosted by Cotuit Center for the Arts, 4404 Falmouth Road, Cotuit, Cape Cod, MA
Included Painting: "Birdland" Limited Edition Museum Archival Giclee from Original Watercolour
Opening reception December 3, 5 - 7pm

October 17 - November 13, 2016
"All New England"
Hosted by Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
Included Painting: "Parker & Plum" Pastel
Jurors of Selection and Awards; Geoffrey Smith, Jeff Lovinger and Domonic Boreffi
Reception October 20, Thursday 5 - 7, Awards presented at 6pm
*Awarded Honorable Mention

October 1 - 29th, 2016
"The Guild of Boston Artists 2016 Regional Exhibition"
Hosted by The Guild of Boston Artists, 162 Newbury Street, Boston, MA
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolour
Jurors of Selection; Donald Jurney, Michele Jung, Lynne Mehlman
Reception and Awards Presentation, October 1, 3 - 5pm
Artists Talk about their Paintings, October 15, 2pm

September 1 - 18th, 2016
"Allied Artists of America 103rd Exhibition"
Hosted by the Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue, NYC
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolour
Jurors of Selection for Watercolour; Yuka Imata and Massaki Noda
Awards Judge Carter Ratcliff, Art Historian and Author
Reception and Awards Ceremony, Sunday, September 18, 2016, 1 - 4pm, Awards Presentation begins at 1:30pm
*Hunter Editions Giclee Art Materials Award

September 9 - 28, 2016
"72nd Fall Salon in Honor of Mary Schein"
Hosted by Cambridge Art Association, University Place Gallery and Kathryn Schultz Gallery, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA
Included Painting: "Reflecting Pool with Ruins ~ Chanticleer" Oil on Linen
Awards Judge, Ed Schein
Exhibition Reception Friday, September 9, 5:30 - 7:30 Awards Presentation 6pm at University Gallery

August 20 - September 23, 2016
"86th Annual National Open Juried Exhibition Connecticut Women Artists"
Hosted by The Slater Memorial Museum, located on the Norwich Free Academy Campus, 108 Crescent Street, Norwich, CT
Included Paintings; "Tea with H. F. at Three ~ Winterthur" Oil on Linen, "The Ocean Sings to My Soul" Oil on Linen
Juror of Selection and Awards Judge, Min Jung Kim, Director New Britian Museum of American Art
Exhibition Reception and Awards Ceremony, August 20, 1 - 3pm
Museum Hours Monday - Friday 9 - 4pm, Saturday and Sunday 1 - 4pm

August 12, 2016 - ongoing
"Easel Art Summer Online Exhibit"
Hosted by Cape Cod Art Association
Included Painting: "Birdland" Transparent Watercolour
Juror and Awards Judge, Timothy Struna
*Awarded "Best in Show"

July 16 - July 29, 2016
"38th Annual Juried Painting & Sculpture Exhibition for Salmagundi Non-Members"
Hosted by The Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Included Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me" Oil on Linen
Exhibition Closing Night Awards Reception; Friday July 29, 7 - 9
Main Gallery Hours Monday - Friday 1 - 6pm, Saturday and Sunday, 1 - 5pm

July 11 - August 21, 2016
"The National 2016"
Hosted by The Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, Cape Cod, MA
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolour
Jurors of Selection and Awards; Dan Cutrona, Bao LeDe, Andrew Kusmin
Exhibition Reception July 14, Thursday, 5 - 7pm, Awards at 6pm

May 13 - June 10, 2016
"New Haven Paint and Clay Club 115th Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by the Creative Arts Workshop of New Haven, 80 Audubon Street, CT
Included Painting: "Fog Descends in an Amber Fugue" Transparent Watercolor
Juror of Selection and Awards, Barkley Hendricks
May 13, 2016, 5 - 7pm, Awards Presented at 6pm
*Whitney Center Award

May 7 - December 2016
"Bennington Center for the Arts 2016 Small Works Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by Bennington Center for the Arts, 44 Gypsy Lane, Bennington, VT
Included Painting: "Masonic Temple ~ Philadelphia" Oil on Linen
Juried by Curator, Shirley Hutchins and Exhibition Selection Committee

April 15 - May 14, 2016
"Bristol Art Museum, the Joy of Art All Media Member Exhibition"
Hosted by Bristol Art Museum, 10 Wardwell Street, Bristol, RI
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolour
Juror of Selection, Carol FitzSimonds
Opening Artists Reception April 15 7:30-9pm, Awards presented May 13, 7pm

April 13 - May 1, 2016
"Scituate Arts Association & Front Street Art Gallery 2016 Juried Art and Sculpture Exhibition"
Hosted by Front Street Art Gallery, 124 Front Street, Scituate, MA
Included Painting: "Red Lily Pond ~ Turtle Soup" Oil on Linen
Jurors of Selection and Awards; Nancy Colella, Becky Haletky, Vcevy Strekalovksy
Opening Awards Reception April 22, 6:30 - 9pm, awards at 7:30pm
*Awarded Third Place, Oil

May 6 - June 4, 2016
"Newburyport Art Association 19th Regional Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by Newburyport Art Association, Newburyport, MA
Included Painting: "Tea with H. F. at Three ~ Winterthur" Oil on Linen
Juror of Selection and Awards, Ms Karen E Haas, Lane Curator of Photography, Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Opening Reception and Awards, May 15, 2 - 4pm
Gallery Hours: Tues - Sat 11-5, Sun 1-5 closed Monday

May 2 - June 4, 2016
"National Art League 86th Juried Open Exhibition"
Hosted by National Art League, Douglaston, NY
Included Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me" Oil on Linen
Juror of Selection and Awards, Hayoon Jay Lee
Opening Reception and Awards, May 15, 2016, 2 - 4pm
*Jack Richeson & Co Award

May 4 - 20, 2016
"Academic Artists Association 66th Annual National Exhibition of Traditional Realism"
Hosted by Art Center East, Vernon, CT
Included Painting: "Lacework on Montague" Transparent Watercolour
Jurors of Selection and Awards; Douglas Gillette, Dan Riccio
Opening Awards Reception: Sunday, May 1, 2016, Awards announced at 2pm

May 16 -June 12, 2016
"All Cape Cod National Exhibition"
Hosted by Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
Included Painting: "Woodend Light ~ Provincetown" Transparent Watercolour
Jurors of Selection and Awards; Abby Lammers, David Lewis, Ron Wilson
Opening Awards Reception: Thursday, May 19, 5 - 7pm, Awards at 6pm

March 20 - April 1, 2016
"Hudson Valley Art Association 83rd Annual Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by Salmagundi Club Center for American Art since 1871
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolour
Jurors of Selection for Watermedia; Tim Saternow, Joan Rudman, AWS
Awards Judge for Watercolor: Naomi Campbell
Awards Reception: Friday, April 1, 5 - 8pm

April 8 - 30, 2016
"Philadelphia Sketch Club 153rd Annual Exhibition of Small Oils"
Hosted by Philadelphia Sketch Club
Included Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me" Oil on Linen
Jurors of Selection/Awards Judges; Alex Kanevsky, Alice Ho, Bill Scott
Exhibition Reception: April 17, 2016, 2 - 4pm, Awards and Medals presented at 3pm

January 2 - 24, 2016
"Philadelphia Sketch Club Annual Domenic DiStefano Memorial Works on Paper Exhibition"
Hosted by Philadelphia Sketch Club
Included Painting: "The Asparagus are Happy ~ Chanticleer" Transparent Watercolour
Jurors of Selection/Awards Judges; Beatrice Bork, Dale Levy, Calvin Jones
Exhibition Reception: January 10, 2016, 2 -4pm, Awards and Medals presented at 3pm

January 9, 2016 - February 14, 2016
"New Britain Museum of American Art 46th Annual National Exhibition"
Hosted by New Britain Museum of American Art,
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolour
Juror of Selection and Awards: Judith McElhone, Executive Director, Five Points Gallery Torrington, CT
Exhibition Reception and Awards, Sunday, January 10, 1 - 2:30pm

February 15 - March 13, 2016
"Cape Cod Art Association's Artists Choice 2016"
Hosted by Cape Cod Art Association,
Included Painting: "Red Lily Pond ~ Turtle Soup" Oil on Linen
Jurors of Selection: Douglas Gillette, Stan Goodwin, Betsy Payne Cook
The public will determine Award Winners, online or in person during this Exhibition until 3pm March 11
Exhibition Reception February 18, 5 - 7pm, Awards reception March 24, 5-7pm

November 13, 2015 - January 10, 2016
"Provincetown Art Association & Museum Member Salon Exhibition"
Hosted by Provincetown Art Museum,
Included Painting: "Ancient Way ~ Provincetown" Transparent Watercolour
Exhibition Reception: Friday, November 20, 6pm
Gallery Hours: Thurs - Sun, 12 - 5pm
General Admission $10, Friday Evenings, FREE, Members and children under 12, FREE

November 19, 2015 - January 5, 2016
"Blue Biennial Exhibition"
Hosted by Cambridge Art Association,
Included Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me" Oil on Linen, University Place Gallery
Juror of Selection and Awards Katherine French, Gallery Director, Catamount Arts, VT
Exhibition Reception at University Place Gallery & Kathryn Schultz Gallery, December 3, 7 - 9pm
Awards Presented at Kathryn Schultz Gallery, 7:30pm
Gallery Hours: Kathryn Schultz Gallery Tues-Sat 11-5pm, University Place Gallery Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-1pm

December 1 - 18, 2015
"Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club 119th Exhibition"
Hosted by the National Arts Club, 15 Gramercy Park South, New York, NY
Included Painting: "Fog Descends in an Amber Fugue" Transparent Watercolour
2 Dimensional Awards Jurors: William Crow, Artist and the Metropolitan Museum of Art Managing Educator; Ann Aptaker, Art Professor at NY Institute of Technology; Doug Safranek, Artist and Instructor at the Art Students League
Metropolitan Museum of Art Benefit Reception, Friday, December 11, 5:30 ~ 8:00, Awards Dinner December 18, 6 - 9pm

November 28 - December 27, 2015
"Cotuit Center For The Arts Member Exhibition"
Hosted by Cotuit Center For the Arts, 4404 Cotuit Road, Cotuit, MA
Included Painting: "Sandyneck Daybreak" Museum Archival Limited Edition Giclee from Original Watercolour
Exhibit Reception, Tuesday, December 1, 5 - 7pm
Gallery Hours: Mon - Sat 10 - 4pm

November 8 - 20, 2015
"The American Artists Professional League 87th Grand National Exhibition"
Hosted by Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Included Painting: "Lacework on Montague" Transparent Watercolor
Jurors of Awards: John A Varriano, Cesar A Jerez
Artist Demonstration by John Traynor: Sunday, November 15, 12 - 2, Awards Reception: 2:15 - 4:30
*Awarded Honorable Mention, Watermedia for Traditional Art

October 22 - November 16, 2015
"Cape Cod Art Association All New England National Exhibition"
Hosted by Cape Cod Art Association, Route 6A, Barnstable, MA
Included Painting: "Fog Descends in an Amber Fugue" Transparent Watercolor
Jurors of Selection and Awards: Paul Schulenburg, Anne Heywood, Mark Chester
Opening Reception: Thursday, October 22, 5 - 7pm, Awards Ceremony begins 6pm
Gallery hours: Monday - Saturday 9 - 4, Sunday 12 - 4

October 3 - 24, 2015
"Guild of Boston Artists 2015 Regional Juried Exhibition"
Guild of Boston Artists .
Hosted by Guild of Boston Artists 162 Newbury Street, Boston, MA
Jurors of Selection & Awards: Stapelton Kearns, David Lowrey, Melody Phaneuf
Included Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me" Oil on Linen
Awards Reception: Sunday, October 3

September 3 - 13, 2015
"Allied Artists of America 102nd Annual Exhibition"
Allied Artists of America .
Hosted by Salmagundi Club 47 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY
Jurors of Selection for Oils: Gary Erbe, Mike Rohner, Lucille Berrill Paulsen
Included Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me" Oil on Linen
Awards Judge: Dr. Carol Lowrey, Curator and Art Historian
Reception & Awards Ceremony: Sunday, September 13th, 1 - 4pm Awards Presentation beginning at 1:30pm

September 25 - November 13, 2015
"Pennsylvania Watercolor Society 36th International Exhibition"
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society .
Hosted by Carlisle Arts Learning Center 38 W. Pomfret St. Carlilse, PA
Juror of Selection: Iain Stewart, NWS
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolor
Awards Judge: Luke Buck
Opening Reception & Awards: September 27, 2 - 4pm, Awards presentation begins at 3pm

September 11 - 25, 2015
"Cambridge Art Association Fall Salon in Honor of Mary Schein"
Cambridge Art Association .
University Place Gallery, Harvard Sq & Kathryn Schultz Gallery, Lowell St
Included Painting: "Tea with H. F. at Three ~ Winterthur" Oil on Linen
Awards Judge: Ed Schein
Reception & Awards Presentation: Friday, September 11, 6 - 9 pm
*Honored with the "Ed Schein Award"

October 3 - 29, 2015
"Rhode Island Watercolor Society 21st Annual National Watermedia Competition"
Rhode Island Watercolor Society .
Juror of Selection and Awards: Ted Nuttall,
Included Painting: "Lacework on Montague" Transparent Watercolor
Opening Reception & Awards: Saturday, October 3, 4 - 7pm

September 1 - October 23, 2015 extended through November 6, 2015
The Warwick Museum of Art "29th Annual Rhode Island Open Juried Exhibit"
Hosted by Warwick Museum of Art, 3259 Post Road, Warwick, RI
Juror of Selection and Awards: Francoise McAree, International Artist
Included Painting: "Ladybug Picnic ~ Chanticleer" Oil on Linen
Awards Reception: Wednesday, September 9, 6 - 8pm

Past Shows & Exhibits

August 7 - September 18, 2015
Lyme Art Association "Summer Days, Starry Nights Juried Exhibition"
Cooper-Ferry, Foster Caddell & Cole Galleries
Hosted by Lyme Art Association, 90 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT
Juror of Selection: Jeanne Potter, Master Watercolor Artist, former Director of the Maritime Gallery, Mystic Seaport, CT
Included Painting: "County Fair" Pastel
Opening Reception: August 14, 6 - 8pm

June 14 - June 25, 2015
"Weather'd" Post Office Gallery National Open Juried Exhibition
Shore Road, Truro, Cape Cod, MA •
Included Painting: "Ancient Way ~ Provincetown", Watercolour
Opening Reception: Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 7 - June 19, 2015
The Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Annual Member Exhibition
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art
Hosted by Salmagundi Club • 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY •
Awards Judge: Richard Price, President Northeast Watercolor Society and Alice Schwarz, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Director of Adult Programs
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude", Transparent Watercolour
Awards Reception: Friday, June 19th, 6 - 8pm
*Awarded Second Place in Watercolor

May 26 through June 5, 2015
Salmagundi Club 37th Annual Juried Painting & Sculpture Exhibition for Non-Members
Hosted by Salmagundi Club Center for American Art since 1871
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude", Transparent Watercolour
Awards Judge: Antonio Masi, President American Watercolor Society
Reception and Awards Presentation: Thursday, May 28, 6 - 8pm
*Awarded the Thomas Moran Memorial Award, Salmagundi's Top Watercolour Award

June 19 through August 1, 2015
"104th Annual Exhibition" • Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts • 576 Chamberlain Highway, Meriden, CT •
Hosted by Mystic Art Center • 9 Water Street, Mystic CT •
Jurors: Mark Patnode and Jaclyn Conley (more info at
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude", Transparent Watercolour
Opening Reception and Awards: Thursday July 2 6 - 8pm
Gallery Hours: Open Daily, 11 - 5pm.

May 4 - May 30, 2015
85th National Art League Open Juried Exhibition
Hosted by National Art League • 44-21 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, (Long Island) NY
Juror and Judge: Joe Gyursak • Selected Paintings: "Tea with H. F. at Three ~ Winterthur," Oil on linen and
"Ladybug Picnic ~ Chanticleer", Oil on Linen
Awards Reception: May 17 2- 4pm
*Jack Richeson & Co. Ltd Merchandise Award

May 1 - June 5, 2015
18th Annual Regional Juried Exhibit
Hosted by Newburyport Art Association • 65 Water Street, Newburyport, MA •
Juror of Selection and Awards: Kaveh Mojtabai, Publisher ArtScope Magazine
Selected Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me", Oil on Linen
Awards Reception: May 3, 2 - 4pm
*selected from 484 entries for this Exhibition

May 26 - June 5, 2015
37th Annual Juried Painting and Sculpture Exhibition for Non-Members
Original Oils, Watercolors, Pastels, Colored Pencils, Acrylics, Mixed Media, and Sculpture
Hosted by Salmagundi Club • 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY •
Jury of Awards: Antonio Masi, President American Watercolor Society
Included Painting: "Memories of Infinitude", Transparent Watercolour
Opening Reception: Thursday May 28, 6 - 8pm
Exhibition Hours in the Main Gallery: Open to the Public 1 - 6pm Monday through Friday, 1 - 5pm Saturday and Sunday
*the Club Bar is Open to Exhibiting Artists and their Guests during the run of the Exhibition.

April 22 - May 8, 2015
CAA at 70
An Exhibition in honor of Cambridge Art Association's 70th year featuring CAA award recipients' Art.
Presented at University Place Gallery • Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA •
Selected Painting: "Windchimes", Oil on Linen (SOLD) Ed Schein Award, Fall Salon 2013
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 30, 6 - 8pm

April 17 - May 9, 2015
152nd National Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings
Sponsored by The Philadelphia Sketch Club, est 1860 • 235 Camac Street, Philadelphia, PA •
Jurors of Selection and Awards: Dale Roberts, Rita Siemienski Smith, Elizabeth Wilson
Selected Painting: "The Ocean Sings to my Soul", Oil on linen
Opening Awards Reception: April 19, 2 - 4pm
*selected from 465 entries for this exhibition

April 17 - May 18, 2015
"Imagine Orange"
Hosted by Portsmouth Arts Guild • 2679 W Main Road, Portsmouth, RI •
Juror: Jason Wong, Director, South County Art Association
Included Painting: "St Andrews Sunset Glow ~ Hyannisport", Oil on linen
Opening Awards Reception: Friday April 17 6 - 8pm

March 20 - April 26, 2015
Members Open Exhibit
Hosted by Provincetown Art Association & Museum, est 1914 • 460 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA •
Featured Painting: "Commercial Street", Watercolour
Gallery Hours: Thursday - Sunday 12 - 5pm

April 1 - April 19, 2015
Scituate Art Association & Front Street Art Gallery Annual Juried Art & Sculpture Exhibition
Hosted by Front Street Art Gallery • 124-8 Front Street, Scituate, MA •
Jurors of Selection and Awards: Mary Felton, Michael McNabb, Virginia Wilson
Selected Painting: "Memories of Infinitude" Transparent Watercolour
Opening Awards Reception: Friday, April 10, 6 - 9pm

February 12 - March 14, 2015
Open Juried Painting, Printmaking and Drawing Annual 2015
Sponsored by South County Art Association • Historic Helme House, 2587 Kingstown Road, Kingston, RI •
Featured Painting: "Memories of Infinitude", Transparent Watercolour on 300lb Arches Cold Press
Juror of Selection and Awards: Barbara Pagh
Opening Reception & Awards: February 12, 7 - 9pm

December 18, 2014
The National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society "2014 Fall International Online Exhibition"
Featured Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me", Oil on Linen
Jurors of Selection; A Panel of Seven Signature Artist Members and Fine Art Connoisseurs
Juror of Awards: Tom Tierney
(150 Paintings were chosen from 709 for this Exhibition)
*Awarded Third Place

December 2, 2014 - January 16, 2015
Presented by Cambridge Art Association
Sponsored by The Harvard Coop & Gill Fishman Associates
University Place Gallery at Harvard Square and Kathryn Schultz Gallery & Offices • Lowell Street, Cambridge, MA
Featured Painting: "Memories of Infinitude", Transparent Watercolour on 300lb Arches Cold Press
Juror of Selection and Awards: Alise Upitis, MIT List Visual Arts Center Assistant Curator
Opening Reception: December 5, 6 - 8pm Artist Talk, January 6, 2015
Closing Reception: January 16, 2015, 5:30 - 7:30.
56 Paintings were chosen from over 800 for this Exhibition

January 2 - 24, 2015
"The 2015 Annual Domenic DiStefano Memorial Works on Paper Exhibition"
Sponsored by The Philadelphia Sketch Club, est 1860 • 235 Camac Street, Philadelphia, PA •
Featured Painting: "Fog Descends in an Amber Fugue", Transparent Watercolour on 300lb Arches Cold Press
Jurors of Selection and Awards; Gail Bracegirdle, Giovanni Casadel, Patrick Connors
Opening Reception January 4, 2 - 4, Awards and PSC Medals presented at 3pm.
103 were chosen from 313 for this Exhibition.

November 29 - December 21, 2014
"Annual Artist Member, Faculty and Student Exhibit"
Cotuit Center for the Arts • 440 Falmouth Road, Cotuit, MA •
Featured: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me", Limited Edition Archival Giclee Print from Original Oil on Linen
Opening Reception: December 9, 5 - 7pm.

October 20 - 26, 2014
"Art for All and All for Art" Invitational Benefit Exhibition
Hosted by Bristol Art Museum • 10 Wardwell Street, Bristol, RI •
Featured Painting: "Sandyneck Daybreak", Watercolour
Artist Expo: October 25, 1 - 5pm
Reception, Artist Recognition 3pm, Sponsors Choices 3:15pm.

September 12 - October 13, 2014
"47th Plymouth Guild Open Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by Plymouth Center for the Arts • 11 North Street, Plymouth, MA •
Jurors of Selection and Awards: Richard A Sabin, Hiram Ball and Vincent Alabiso
Selected Painting: "Sun Dappled Swimming Hole", Watercolour
Opening Gala & Awards Reception: September 12, 7pm.

August 29 - October 26, 2014
"Nature and the Architectonic"
Solo Exhibition Featuring over 40 Paintings
Hosted by The Gallery at Mayflower Place • 579 Buck Island Road, West Yarmouth
Opening Reception: Friday, August 29, 6 - 8pm
For Gallery Hours and inquiries ring 508 790 0200, as this is a multi-function Gallery.

September 26 - November 8, 2014
"New England Landscape Invitational"
Hosted by Lyme Art Association • 90 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, CT 06371 • Phone: 860-434-7802 •
Juror of Selection: Jeffrey W Anderson, Director, Florence Griswold Museum
Selected Painting: "Tea with H. F. at Three ~ Winterthur", Oil on linen
Reception: October 3, 2014
This themed exhibition features the very best landscape Art by Member Artists and
Invited Guests. It is the Association's Premier Exhibition. Lyme Art Association is the
Oldest Art Association in America, est 1914!

October 25 - November 20, 2014
"Northeast Regional Watermedia Competition"
Hosted by Rhode Island Watercolor Society,est 1896 • Slater Memorial Park, Armistice Blvd, Pawtucket, RI •
Juror: Stephen Quiller •
Selected Painting: "Fog Descends in an Amber Fugue", Watercolour
Opening Reception and awards will be presented October 25, 4 - 7, 2014
Gallery Hours: Tues - Saturday 10 - 4pm, Sunday 12 - 4pm, free and open to the public
Closed Mondays and holidays.

November 10 - November 21, 2014
"American Artists Professional League 86th Grand National Exhibition"
Hosted by Salmagundi Club • 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY •
Jury of Awards: Claudia Seymour and Elizabeth Spencer
Selected Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me", Oil on Linen
Awards Reception: Sunday, November 16, 2014
*Honored with The Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Award

December 2 - 19, 2014
"118th Annual Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club National Open Exhibition"
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art
Hosted by National Arts Club • Gramercy Park South, New York, NY
Featured Painting: "Memories of Infinitude", Watercolour
2-Dimensional Awards Jurors:
Robert Armetta, Co-Director Long Island Academy
Robert Carter, Professor Nassau Community College
Michael J Ruple, Director Arcadia Contemporary Art Gallery
3-Dimensional Awards Jurors:
Amy Mann, Award Winning Sculpture
Alice W Schwarz, Museum Educator, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Friday, December 12, 2014 Metropolitan Museum of Art Benefit Reception 5:30 - 8pm
Friday, December 19, 2014 Awards Dinner 6 - 9pm

August 30 - September 26, 2014
"Connecticut Women Artists 85th Annual National Open Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by Slater Memorial Museum, Converse Art Gallery • 108 Crescent Street, Norwich, CT •
Featured Paintings: "Ladybug Picnic ~ Chanticleer", Oil on Linen and "Windchimes Softly", Oil on Linen
Juror of Selection & Judge of Awards: Carol Padberg
Opening Reception and Awards: Saturday, September 6, 2014, 1 - 3:30pm
Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday 9 - 4pm Saturday and Sunday 1 - 4pm, Closed Holidays.
*Awarded First Prize

September 5 - 26 2014
Cambridge Art Association "70th Fall Salon" in Honor of Mary Schein
Kathryn Schultz Gallery and University Place Gallery • Harvard Square, Cambridge MA •
Featured Painting: "Symphonic Lilies", Oil on Linen
Opening Reception: Friday September 12, 2014, 5:30 - 7:30pm
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11 - 5pm.

August 1 - September 20, 2014
"The 58th Regional Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by Mystic Art Center • 9 Water Street, Mystic CT •
Juror: Power Boothe, Art and Educator; Hartford Art School
Featured Painting: "Ancient Way ~ Provincetown", Watercolour
Opening Reception and Awards: August 7, 5:30 - 7pm
Gallery Hours: Open Daily, 11 - 5pm.

May 2 - July 6, 2014
"Bristol Art Museum 50 Year Anniversary Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by Bristol Art Museum • 10 Wardwell Street, Bristol, RI •
Juror of Selection and Awards: John Udvardy
Selected Painting: "Ladybug Picnic ~ Chanticleer", Oil on Linen
Artist Reception and Awards: May 2nd, 7 - 9pm
Museum Hours: Wednesday through Sunday 1 - 4pm

June 6 - July 27, 2014
"American Waters: A Marine Art Exhibition"
Featuring Members of the America Society of Marine Artists as Invited Guests
Invited Juror Russ Kramer, American Society of Marine Artists, Signature Member
Rotunda Gallery: Selections from the Estate of Yves Parent
Selected Paintings: From the Hand of Aquarius", Watercolour and
"Ancient Way ~ Provincetown, Watercolour
Enjoy an evening of Art, Music, and Refreshments June 13, 6 - 8 pm
Gallery Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 - 5, Sunday 1 - 5

June 13 - July 26, 2014
Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts 103rd Exhibition
Jurors of Selections and Awards:
Hosted by The Mystic Arts Center • 9 Water Street, Mystic CT •
Featured Painting: "Blue Skies Smiling at Me", Oil on Linen
Gallery hours: Daily, 11 - 5pm and weekends
Awards and Reception information to follow

June 29 - August 8, 2014
"Athenaeum of Philadelphia 200th Anniversary Art Exhibition"
Featuring Art depicting historic properties and landmarks listed on
the National Register of Historic Places listings in Philadelphia.
Jurors of Selection and Awards; Sandra Tatman, John Blatteau, William Valerio
Selected Painting: "Masonic Temple ~ Philadelphia", Oil on Linen
Awards Reception: Sunday, June 2, 2 - 5 pm, Awards at 3 pm

April 21 - May 9, 2014
"Providence Art Club Nationwide All Media Open Juried Exhibition"
Hosted by Maxwell Mays Gallery • Providence Art Club, est 1880, 11 Thomas Street, Providence, RI •
Juror of Selection and Awards: Claudia Seymour, President of The Salmagundi Club
Selected Painting: "Memories of Infinitude", Watercolour
Opening Reception: April 27, 2 - 4, Awards presented by PAC President David DePetrillo at 3pm
Reception is free and open to the public
Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday 12 - 4 and Saturday and Sunday 2 - 4
The Galleries will be closed April 20th in observance of Easter Sunday.

April 24 - May 24, 2014
"Open Juried Painting & Drawing, 2014"
Hosted by South County Art
Historic Helme House • 2587 Kingstown Road • Kingston, RI • 401-783-2195
Juror of Selection and Awards: Kate Blacklock
Selected Painting: "Tea with H. F. at Three ~ Winterthur", Oil on linen
Awards Reception: April 24, 7 - 9 pm
Gallery Hours: Wednesday through Sunday, 1 - 5 pm

May 24 - June 6, 2014
"The Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club 2014 Annual Members Exhibition"
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art
Sponsored by The Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY.
Awards Judges: Judith Levy Director of Gallery North, Setauket, NY and
Andrew Liss Assistant Director and Art Consultant for Gallery Henoch, New York, NY
Featured Paintings: "Windchimes", Oil on linen and "Saint Andrews Sunset Glow", Oil on Linen
Awards Reception: Friday, June 6, 6 - 8 pm; Demonstration May 29, 6 - 8 pm

March 30 - April 24, 2014
"118th Annual Artist Member Exhibition"
Hosted by Rhode Island Watercolor Society,est 1896 • Slater Memorial Park, Armistice Blvd, Pawtucket, RI •
Juror of Awards: Leslie Bostrom
Selected Painting: "Woodend Light ~ Provincetown", Watercolour
Opening Reception: March 30, 1 - 4pm
Gallery Hours: Tues - Saturday 10 - 4pm, Sunday 12 - 4pm, free and open to the public
Closed Mondays and holidays.

April 6 - 26, 2014
"64th Annual National Exhibition of Contemporary Realism"
Academic Artists
Hosted by Vernon Community Art Center • 709 Hartford Turnpike, Vernon, CT
Featured Work: "Fog Descends in an Amber Fugue", watercolour
Jury of Selection and Awards: Jeremiah Patterson, Fred Wessel
Opening Reception: Sunday, April 6, 1 - 4pm.

January 24 - April 27, 2014
Member Exhibition "Fresh" In Celebration of the Museum's Centennial Year
Hosted by Provincetown Art Association & Museum, est 1914 • 460 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA •
Featured Work: "The Ocean Sings to my Soul", Oil on linen
Opening Reception: Friday, January 31st, 6pm.
Admission: $7 General Admission, free for PAAM members and children 12 and under.
Gallery Hours: September 30 - May 30, Thursday - Sunday 12 - 5.

January 12 - February 6, 2014
"Annual New Artist Members Exhibition"
(Brenda is a new Signature Member. Artists are awarded this honor after inclusion in three National Watermedia Exhibitions within five years)
Rhode Island Watercolor Society, est 1896 • Slater Memorial Park •
Opening reception January 12, Sunday 1 - 4pm.

January 3 - 25, 2014
"Domenic DiStefano Memorial Works on Paper"
The Philadelphia Sketch Club, est 1860 • 235 Camac Street, Philadelphia, PA •
Jurors: Garth Herrick, Beatrice Bork, Diane Hark
FeaturedWork: "Memories of Infinitude, Watercolour
Opening Reception and Awards: January 5, 2 - 4pm
Gallery Hours: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 1 - 5pm.
*Honored with the John Geizel Award for Best Transparent Watercolour

Past Shows 2013 and Earlier

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All images, graphics, and content on these pages are © Brenda L. Bechtel, 1985-2015. All rights reserved. Please do not distribute or use images found on this site without permission from the artist.