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6 March 2012
lune head farm
Now Playing: david bowie - because you're young
Topic: travels with kyle 2012

lune head farm i

lune head farm ii

lune head farm iii

untitled #177

untitled #186

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 21:45 GMT
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warcop ranges
Now Playing: clouds - souleater
Topic: travels with kyle 2012

warcop ranges i

warcop ranges ii

untitled #167

untitled #150

untitled #151

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 21:37 GMT
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signs of winter
Now Playing: nick cave & the bad seeds - loom of the land
Topic: travels with kyle 2012

welcome to teesdale i

county durham

gateway to cumbria



welcome to teesdale ii

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 21:28 GMT
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5 March 2012
snow day
Now Playing: beirut - st. apollonia
Topic: london

untitled #43

Almost a week after the snowfall captured in my previous post, we had another overnight snowfall allowing me to capture the portraits of Kyle cavorting in a local park the next day [also in a previous post], and to capture the snow up close and personal, rather than from the warmth and dry of my home.

Below are some of the other photos I captured.

untitled #40


untitled #48

untitled #42

untitled #25

untitled #50

untitled #34

untitled #20

untitled #28

untitled #52

untitled #36

untitled #9

For those who might be interested, I have work available for sale as open editions on RedBubble [unframed photographic prints, matted, framed and canvas prints], as well as postcards, greeting cards, and calendars.

Calendars are available for any starting month, and I'm more than happy to create custom calendars of my work, should you like!

Most of my self-portraiture is only available as limited edition prints, so please contact me directly if you're interested in any on RedBubble that are not for sale; or if there are any other images of mine you have seen on my blog or website that you would like to purchase that aren't on RedBubble.

Additionally, if you would prefer a signed print or a limited edition print, please also feel free to contact me for details.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 17:25 GMT
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3 March 2012
snow patrol
Now Playing: snow patrol - chasing cars
Topic: london

untitled #4

I'm from a country where it doesn't snow in the cities.

If you're lucky it might snow in some alpine areas a couple of hours out of the city (see Victorian and New South Wales snowfields), but mostly you only see snow if you go hunting for it, and rarely do you ever see it actually falling. If need be, the holiday resorts manufacture their own snow so that they can maintain a ski season in years when the snowfall isn't up to par.

I think the first time I saw snow was in about sixth grade when my parents took us away for a day to the Victorian snowfields, and my brothers and I had our first experience of throwing snowballs at each other, making a snowman, and just generally mucking about in the snow. I can't recall ever attempting to ski, but my memory may be fuzzy on this.

Apart from that, and being sleeted upon in November 2006 whilst tramping around the Tongariro Crossing area of New Zealand (I wasn't brave enough to climb the scree with Hugh and Jamie, who subsequently got properly snowed upon), my heaviest actual snowfall experienced previously was pretty piddling - a flurry in Birmingham city centre a couple of weeks after arriving in the UK in 1999, and a similarly brief "white Christmas" in Newcastle a few weeks later.

Even in the 2.5 years I lived here previously, most of the snow I experienced was already on the ground; including waking up one morning to go to work between the Christmas and New Year holidays to walk out of my front door in Reading and stop on the doorstep utterly perplexed at what confronted me. It took a good couple of beats before my sleep-deprived brain registered "It snowed!" Having snowed overnight whilst we slept, I had still not been snowed upon, good and proper; and since I had to work, I left my housemate and my then-boyfriend to run around in said snow in their boxer shorts throwing snowballs at each other whilst I attempted to venture into town without falling on my arse.

So you can imagine that I was pretty excited by actual snow, actually falling, at the start of February right outside my house. There were a few preliminary flurries over the weeks leading up to it, but I'd managed to blink and miss every single one. And given the windows to my bedroom are quite high up, and mostly obscured from view by the sloping loft conversion ceiling when I'm sitting at my desk, it was only because I was talking with my housemates at the time and my landlady mentioned it, that I even noticed.

Suffice to say, despite the cold, I grabbed my camera and wandered out to try to catch some photos - some at the beginning of the snowfall from the footpath outside my house, the rest from the warmth and dry of my bedroom, the landing, the kitchen and lounge.

I even woke at random points through the night to check if it was still snowing (eg. 4:30am and again at 8:30am), and shooting off some more photos.

My landlady and housemates were not so excited by the prospect of snow, with concerns about driving and potential flight delays. And though I worried about the impact it would have on Kyle's arrival (it caused slight additional delay); and knew that the novelty would pass once I had to venture out, once the snow had turned to sludge, and when the pure white snowfall was discoloured by so many neighbourhood dogs' urine, I think my inner tourist was showing.

untitled #6

untitled #55

untitled #48

untitled #19

untitled #61

untitled #58

untitled #60

untitled #59

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 14:17 GMT
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27 February 2012
i can't stand up for falling down
Now Playing: curtis mayfield - future shock
Topic: self-portraiture

i can't stand up for falling down

Last year was not my best year for a number of reasons. Though there were highlights like moving to London, and undertaking a one month residency at Hospitalfield, overall last year I was not at my emotional, mental or artistic best.

Maybe it's because I've been voluntarily unemployed since January 1 [though technically I'm self-employed; and even without that, when opting to temp, when not actually on an assignment you're not technically 'unemployed', you're 'between jobs'], and Kyle's recent visit has definitely played a part, but I'm currently feeling pretty optimistic about the year ahead.

Aside from my annual new year mantra which I took up a number of years ago now to "make this one count", I've also resolved to shut out the "noise" this year, and just get on with it.

By this I mean, think, care and worry less about what others are doing and saying (within both my personal and professional lives), and also know when to shut out my own internal "noise".

I let too much peripheral "stuff" get to me and distract me from the important things last year, and I wasted a lot of time and energy being caught up with all of that. I don't want to waste any more energy on those negative elements this year.

The most important thing to me is to do what I want to do with my photography; do what I enjoy and makes me happy. Focus on what I want, and what I want to do, and block out all the rest.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 21:18 GMT
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Now Playing: lady gaga - paparazzi
Topic: portraits


I was almost entirely unaware of it until late in the day on our travels around the Tower of London and then Trafalgar Square on the Wednesday after Kyle arrived, but whilst I was snapping off shots of the sights around London, often Kyle was snapping off shots of me [as well as myriad shots of the sights].

Only when going through our shots on our respective computers or on the LCDs later in the day did I realise exactly how many shots of me he was taking. Mostly captured as I was taking photos, or perusing what I'd taken on my LCD, or wandering ahead of him here and there. He was actually shooting me here as I shot him, I believe.

I usually dislike being photographed by other people, especially candidly, but he managed to capture quite a few that I really like [including some very odd ones]; though there are also many of me, as I turned to find him aiming his camera at me once more, with an "Oi! Quit that!" look on my face.

Between his recent visit and his random screenshots from our Skype conversations, I think his collection of photos of me might now have exceeded that of my parents, though would still run second to my thousands of self-portraits.

He also captured some excellent images of subjects other than me during his stay, including some taken on a reconnaissance around the cottage we stayed in, that I didn't go on [I was enjoying a rare lie-in, savouring the warmth of our cosy bed as the sun rose].

Admittedly I was a bit rubbish on the exploration side, as the cold was getting to me, and my trainers really weren't appropriate footwear for clambering over fences and clomping through mud and snow. Add to that the cold I came down with [and still have!] on the Monday after we arrived in County Durham and I was a bit reluctant to venture too far from the car if I didn't have to.

I'm ashamed to say I didn't even manage any self-portraits whilst we were away, as we were also so rarely at the cottage we rented, as we had long days exploring the local regions and were usually knackered by the time we finally returned in the evenings, with only enough energy for imbibing a few cans of cider and Guinness, respectively, and a few quick games of Monopoly.

But sometimes you just need a holiday, right?

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 19:29 GMT
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fucking tourist
Now Playing: jason segel & walter - man or muppet
Topic: life

fucking tourist

I've been a little absent from the online world the past few weeks, primarily because Kyle arrived for an all-too-brief visit, albeit approximately 25.5 hours later than scheduled, making it even briefer.

A technical hitch delaying his flight from Mackay in Queensland to Brisbane by two hours (originally cited as being due to bad weather) caused him to miss his connecting flight from Brisbane to Singapore; and though eventually Qantas found him a seat on corresponding flights exactly 24 hours later (after feeding him and putting him up in a hotel overnight), by the time he reached Singapore, snowfall in London had impacted on flights landing at Heathrow, causing his British Airways flight to be cancelled, and him to be placed on a Qantas flight another hour later.

Thankfully the brevity of his visit didn't take away from the excitement and enjoyment of having him here with me in London, and getting to show him the sights, as well as a trip up north for a week to explore Yorkshire, Cumbria and County Durham.

Having snowed here on the Friday night, by the time Kyle arrived in the early hours of Monday morning, a lot of it had turned to slush and ice, but having never seen actual snow before, seeing the houses, train tracks, and parks coated in the stuff, Kyle felt it was all a little surreal [not dissimilar from my own experience around Christmas 2000 when I woke to find it had snowed overnight].

He had also been led to believe it would be extremely cold here, being midwinter and coming from midsummer Queensland humidity and heat; but being still fairly mild here at that stage, he was wondering what all the fuss was about.

So after a relaxing pub lunch [the first of countless consumed by us during his time here], he insisted I photograph him barefoot and in a t-shirt at a nearby park, showing him enjoying the mild weather. The original image is below.

fucking tourist

As luck would have it, the following Thursday night it once more snowed, allowing him to wander out in it with his camera almost as excitedly as I had done the previous Friday night, and for us to take a second shot the next day of him enjoying the "mild" weather, this time going for full effect with him donning shorts, a "wifebeater", and armed with a can of Carlsberg.

All he was missing was a barbeque.

After "basking" in the morning sun, he also decided to do a barefoot lap of honour:

lap of honour #13

lap of honour #14

lap of honour #15

lap of honour #16

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:13 GMT
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30 January 2012
print sale!
Now Playing: manic street preachers - everything must go
Topic: prints

I don't usually do this, but I've decided to offer the remaining unframed prints from my simulacrum exhibition for sale at the discounted price of ₤90 each + ₤10 p/h; or AU$130 each + AU$15 p/h if you're in Australia and would prefer to pay direct to my Australian bank account.

I was previously offering these prints at AU$180 each, so that's a pretty sweet discount!

The prints available are all 60cm x 40cm on 20"x30" paper if portrait or landscape format; or 60cm x 60cm on 30"x30" paper for square format images; excepting overlooked and charlotte sometimes, which are 65cm x 65cm on 30"x30" paper (first two images top left below).

All prints are #1 or #2 of editions of 5 at this size (some images are available at a smaller size in an edition of 10 - contact me directly for size & price info, if interested).

You can view the full images by clicking on the thumbnails below.

Contact me directly at propaganda@bronwenhyde.com if you would like to make a purchase!

If you'd prefer to purchase a print that's not a self-portrait, or if you are interested in buying a print of any other image of mine not included above, please feel free to contact me directly with information about which print you'd like, and I can see what I can do!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:06 GMT
Updated: 30 January 2012 15:31 GMT
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12 January 2012
sun salutation
Topic: hospitalfield

untitled #22

I'm currently wading through myriad shots from my residency at Hospitalfield in Arbroath, Scotland, in April / May 2011, to finalise the selection of images for my self-published photo book, interior / exterior.

I want to include some unseen images in the final book, so though I've been working through a lot of images, I've not been posting many; but I thought I'd post these three outtakes, especially as the lighting and post-processing are quite different to the final image from this part of my shoot that day.

I haven't decided on the definite final from this shoot, but I have it down to about 2-3, so far.

This was shortly after another shoot in an overgrown section of the yard, on the other side of the studio (the stone building to the left of this image), when I managed to step repeatedly into a cluster of stinging nettles. The after-effects of that were not my favourite experience of being at Hospitalfield!

That light creating the lens flare was lovely (and it's totally in-camera). It was probably about 15 degrees, at most that day. Weirdly, I spent a lot of my time in the middle of early spring there, the weather not getting above 17 degrees, wearing little more than a sundress and my slip-on One Stars.

untitled #21

untitled #23

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:14 GMT
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