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11 December 2011
Now Playing: pulp - being followed home
Topic: divine diptychs

Left: rowandevoe
Right: Me

From rowandevoe's Flickr post:

Selkies are Seal Faeries from Irish and Scottish Myth. In the sea, they are seals who swim with their seal sisters, but they also come on land on nights of full moons and transform into women and dance with their seal sisters. This is when men can steal their seal skins to marry them, as they are known to be the best of and most loyal wives, and they go on to have children and a family on land. But, the Selkie woman is always longing for something. If they discover their seal skins, they have the terrible choice of staying with their human families on land, or returning to the sea with the constant call of their seal sisters, which is so much stronger than their mortal family.

I love this story and concept so much, but was really struggling to put together something I felt captured the idea in the vivid way I would have liked.

My full time day job and other distractions have been a real inspiration-killer for me lately, though I'm working on fixing that [which is also the reason I'm posting this so late...]

My image is a montage of a swirling, animal skin-type cloak I borrowed from a friend for a shoot as part of my 365 days series, and a self-portrait from about 2009. I wanted to capture the sense of the sealskin mingled with water. Merle flipped my image to face right-to-left and adjusted the colour a little in this version to make it work more harmoniously with her wonderful, dreamy image.

She also put together two other pairings which I think are also both beautiful, which you can see below.



Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:54 GMT
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13 November 2011
100 people - #25: Kyle
Topic: 100 people


One Friday night in September last year, my then housemate, Nicole Jensen, caught up with a friend who was visiting Brisbane for his brother's wedding the next day. They had met in a pub nearby, and decided to adjourn back to our house for more beers.

I was home editing photos and indulging in some ciders, and Nikki knocked on my bedroom door to invite me to come out and join them, as Kyle had been admiring the print of truth lies beyond hanging over the couch in our lounge room.

We ended up spending most of the remainder of the night talking art, photography, ambitions, travel, etc.

We then stayed in contact through Twitter, and met again about a month later when Kyle boarded with us for a week to do a course in Brisbane. We hung out much of the week watching Terriers, drinking cider and beer respectively, and going to the gym. On his second last morning in town, as we caught the bus together toward the city, he asked me if I wanted to catch up for dinner that night.

Having asked if Nikki was coming with us to dinner, I surmised from his answer in the negative, that he was asking me on a date; though, in case I was unsure, he confirmed my suspicions when he met me outside the gym, giving me the option to decline at that point.

Given that, were we not to go to dinner, we would just end up going back to the house and chilling on the couch watching more Terriers and hanging out together, I figured I got a good deal either way. However, I did chuckle and ask "You know I'm leaving the country, right...?"

Suffice to say, the date went well, and knowing we had only a short time together before I left for London, Kyle came down once more from Winton on Boxing Day and we spent an intense, indulgent and utterly wonderful two weeks together.

On New Year's Day I photographed him, from which this portrait is taken.

Despite my initial reluctance to undertake a long distance relationship, ten months later here we are (though officially we've just passed our eleventh month anniversary, agreeing in retrospect that first date marked the beginning of our relationship; and we won't mention that 2.5 hour break-up...)

We video chat almost every day on Skype, for hours at a time, to the point where it's almost like we live together, despite the vast distance between us. Thankfully he's a morning person and I'm a night owl, so our mornings and evenings overlap. Through the various ups and downs we've both had over the past year, we manage to keep each other going and make each other smile (though admittedly he's usually the one who has the more difficult job with this, as the past few months life has been getting me down a bit), and his encouragement and his own achievements with his weight have definitely been an inspiration in my weight loss.

This weekend he has made the move from Winton to commence a new job in Mackay. A job with more opportunities and that will give him more experience relevant to the IT degree he is currently undertaking.

All going to plan, he will visit in February for a few weeks, and I can't wait to see him in all of his high resolution, non-pixelated goodness. It will also give me a chance to take updated portraits of him as, like me, he has lost more weight and toned up more since January.

Maybe he'll also capture me in illustration, as he is a talented artist himself, though not practicing.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 09:32 GMT
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12 November 2011
le marais
Now Playing: poison - nothin' but a good time
Topic: paris

rue du roi de sicile

rue des ecouffes

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:26 GMT
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Now Playing: augie march - baron of sentiment
Topic: paris

untitled #263

untitled #262

untitled #264

untitled #261

untitled #260

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 17:57 GMT
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10 November 2011
fur from flesh
Now Playing: inspiral carpets - uniform
Topic: death

untitled #122

untitled #113

untitled #114

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 22:40 GMT
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5 November 2011
the gunpowder plot
Now Playing: coldplay - don't panic
Topic: edinburgh

untitled #185

I was kind of looking forward to Guy Fawkes' Night and getting out to enjoy some fireworks tonight, but after hearing fireworks and crackers going off almost every night for the past two weeks, the novelty has somewhat worn off.

Between Divali, Hallowe'en and Guy Fawkes', the fireworks manufacturers are making a killing.

As it turns out, I didn't need to go out to enjoy some quality fireworks. I just stood on my bed and looked out my window and watched them go off on the other side of the church on the other side of the park on the opposite side of my street. They're still going off now. Judging by what I've seen and heard, there were about three fireworks displays just within my local area.

So, rather than go out and freeze my extremities, I settle for posting a photograph from the Edinburgh Military Tattoo in August, and spend my evening working on my website update and photo editing.

In the spirit of tonight's celebrations, here's a clip from Not Only, But Also that always comes to mind when I think of Guy Fawkes. Enjoy!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 23:09 BST
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23 October 2011
100 people - #24: Steven
Now Playing: sonny rollins - long ago and far away
Topic: 100 people


I'm not sure how Steven came across me, but I think he came to my attention either just before or just after I moved to Brisbane, and he has a lot to answer for I have a lot to thank him for.

I recall first coming across Steve on Twitter, and though I was initially skeptical about falling into share housing in Brisbane, let alone sharing with a couple, he suggested I contact Nicole Jensen about a room available in her home, and also introduced me to BTUB, aka Brisbane Twitter Underground Brigade, a gathering of Twitter users from Brisbane and surrounds on the first Friday of each month at Greystone Bar in the Southbank area of Brisbane. These two things led to me feeling a much stronger sense of belonging in Brisbane in the relatively short period I was there, than I ever expected possible.

Steve and I have a common interest in photography and lecherous observations about women. But mainly the photography.

Steve is a gentle giant. You can't tell from this portrait I took of him at the Abbey Medieval Festival in 2010, but he is actually very tall; from memory, about 6'3". He occasionally takes extremely creepy self-portraits, but really, he is a big softy at heart.

He works in a museum, is completing a degree in Creative Industries at QUT, and has been heavily involved in the volunteer photography side of both the Abbey Medieval Festival and the Caloundra Music Festival.

He's also a cider drinker, so you can see why we get along.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 20:15 BST
Updated: 24 October 2011 23:02 BST
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20 October 2011
Now Playing: jefferson airplane - we can be together
Topic: hospitalfield

untitled #19

Remembering [somewhat] warmer days.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:04 BST
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Now Playing: madonna - music inferno
Topic: self-portraiture


Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 17:58 BST
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15 October 2011
getting to grips
Now Playing: tom waits - ruby's arms
Topic: self-portraiture

getting to grips

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 16:10 BST
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