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5 February 2010
a little hoarse
Now Playing: the dirty three - horse stories
Topic: rosebank, nsw

a little hoarse

untitled #21

one is the loneliest number

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:14 GMT
Updated: 6 February 2010 01:44 GMT
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23 January 2010
my bag is always packed
Now Playing: patti smith - horses
Topic: self-portraiture

my bag is always packed

Thank you to everyone who voted for my portfolio in the Power of Self competition. After multiple extensions the People's Choice voting is now closed and judging on the major prize will commence next week.

Just before the final deadline I got an email about the extension saying that if you hadn't received a confirmation email, to let them know. I hadn't gotten a confirmation email, but had my PayPal receipt for my entry fee and could see my entry and had people voting on it, so thought everything was fine.

So I had a momentary panic that despite all that, by not getting the confirmation, maybe my entry wouldn't be considered valid, so I replied to let them know.

I got an email back this morning that said "You are all set, and your work looks beautiful!" I'm sure they said that to everyone in my situation; and the competition is being judged by external folk, like Steve Buscemi, not the main folk behind Artists Wanted, but it still made me grin and do a little hand-clap thing to get such a lovely message.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:51 GMT
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14 January 2010
summer's lost heart
Now Playing: jarvis cocker's "summer service" on bbc radio 6 from 10/01/2010
Topic: self-portraiture

summer's lost heart

I'm much more interested in the main, non-people's-vote prize of this competition, which, if I were somehow to win, would allow me to travel to New York this year after all, and stay for longer than I'd hoped, but if you feel the urge, it would be lovely if you'd do the clicky-thing and give me as many stars as you feel I deserve for my submission to the Power of Self competition currently being run by Artists Wanted. You can vote once every 24 hours if it takes your fancy. You'll have my thanks for 1 click or 100.

I highly doubt the likelihood I'll win this as there are some absolutely brilliant entries to the competition... and that's just the artists I know...

Meanwhile, the good news is that my credit card is paid up but for money that isn't due until the start of February. I opened a new savings account yesterday to deposit my travel savings into. I have a fixed term contract as a public servant until mid-April (*fights urge to make jokes about "going postal"*... feeling a little Charles Bukowski these days). I've been editing lots of non-self-portraiture images from my backlog of images. And I'm excited about an upcoming road-trip up the east coast of Australia from Melbourne to Brisbane with Phil in late March / early April.

Why are you still reading this? Get voting!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 12:11 GMT
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2 January 2010
trailer park blues
Now Playing: beth orton - trailer park
Topic: rosebank, nsw

trailer park blues

When I was a teenager, and really, even earlier than that, I had a romantic notion about caravans, or trailers as they may be known elsewhere.

Maybe it was from growing up one of three children, though I was always lucky enough to have my own room. Maybe it was because we rented one for a family holiday one year when I was quite young. Maybe it was the romantic notion of nomadic life or transience which alternately lures and repels me to this day. I don't really know.

But from a fairly young age I used to attempt to convince my parents to buy a caravan for me to live in. I wasn't asking to move out, per se. I didn't have a license as I was too young; now I don't have a license and it has nothing to do with age. So it wasn't about trying to get far away from family. It was the concept of having a place of my own. Which, for some reason, was a concept I coveted even back then. Even if that place of my own was to be parked in the driveway of the family house.

There was something about having my own bedroom, kitchen and lounge in one. There was something about folding beds. There was something about diner-style tables and laminate. The usually kitsch-style curtains on the windows, levered windows and the shape of the caravans themselves.

The concept of caravans that had tops that could be raised and lowered fascinated me. The idea of a makeshift verandah created from a canvas awning and evenings spent outside in the heat watching storms. The inconvenience of navigating to a toilet block (or the toilet inside my parents' house) in the dark and rain obviously didn't register in my young mind.

Maybe it was the idea of having a home of my own but the freedom to move that so caught my imagination.

Like my mother, when I don't move house for a few years, I still find myself rearranging the furniture every six months or so.

I guess it's something to do with restlessness.

Either way, no matter how often I mentioned it - coaxed, pleaded - my parents' response was always in the negative. The word "firetrap" was used often. I'm sure "eyesore" featured in there strongly too.

But still every time I see one, I think of how much it looks like home. No matter how decrepit. And possibly even more so if it is decrepit. I realise the impracticality. The heat in summer, the cold in winter, and all the other negatives in between.

But for some reason, the romantic notion still remains.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:28 GMT
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31 December 2009
neither an end nor a beginning but a going on
Now Playing: david gray - say hello wave goodbye
Topic: self-portraiture

title or description

Well, here we are. The end of another year, another decade. Out with the old, in with the new, eh?

The past year has been none too shabby; the past decade was a mixed bag. The next year and decade are bound to be full of ups and downs, but if I have anything to say about it, they'll be full of adventures, creativity, travel, new experiences, and more photography than you can poke a stick at.

Some "fast" facts about the last decade for me:

I opened this decade (and the new millenium) in "style" (okay, Liverpool, rain, port-a-loos with busted doors and illicit drugs might not equate to everyone's idea of "style"!) at Cream 2000 at Pier Head in Leeds, after a wonderful few weeks exploring the UK and catching up with friends and family, local and imported. Orbital brought us into the new millennium with the theme from Doctor Who at midnight, and a mash-up of popular music from the past decade and beyond.

I spent the first 2 years and 4 months of the noughties living in the UK. I lived in 4 different homes during my time there: Bracknell, Reading, Clapham and Croydon.

In that time I traversed much of England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland. Spent parts of two summers at the Edinburgh festivals: film, book, fringe, T at the Fringe, Edinburgh Festival proper; never made it to the military tattoo. Visited Copenhagen, Carcassonne and Toulouse (where I saw The Cure live), Frankfurt and Berlin (where I saw Radiohead play two nights in a row), Barcelona, and Paris (totally kicked arse over paint-balling as a team-building exercise!)

I seem to have left an important part of my brain somewhere, somewhere in a field in Hampshire, alright...

I took not nearly enough photographs, but did work experience at Hot Dog Magazine and was told I should show my portfolio to Dazed & Confused Magazine, though I never did.

I worked with some awesome folk at a photo library in Farringdon, then Camden, for most of my time in the UK. In fact, I spent far too much time in all working whilst living over there, but I did squeeze in time to scan photos and set up the early incarnations of my website.

My last new year's eve in the UK we became yet another statistic: "victims of crime"; with one of our crew being held up at gunpoint a mere 5 minute walk from our home. Thankfully the friend in question was treated, scalp glued, and back at ours in time for the countdown to 2002; though neither myself nor my housemate ever walked along that street at night again.

I met some absolutely wonderful people, artists and otherwise, developing strong and inspiring friendships, locally and virtually. Some friendships became even stronger. Other "friendships" I severed, or "friends" I distanced myself from.

I visited New Zealand's North Island to visit friends and family and take many photographs.

I said farewell to both of my mother's parents; that was hard.

I spent the first half of the decade in relationships. The second half of the decade I spent happily single. I proved I can be more than a little romantic and spontaneous when I traveled to Hong Kong on a whim to meet someone. The romance only blossomed to friendship, but I did take many photographs in Hong Kong City, on Lamma Island, and in Macau.

At the current moment I'm on the verge of paying off my credit card debt for the third time within the decade. Though I was fastidious in paying the full balance off each month until April 2002, past years have not been so disciplined.

I started my own business, which I still run, but which consists more of being an artist than a photographer-for-hire these days.

I sold numerous prints and books to some wonderful people, and completed commissioned portrait shoots with some other wonderful folk. I thank you profusely for your continuing support, it means more to me than you will ever know.

I had eleven different residential addresses and one postal address in the past decade. This year I moved from Melbourne to Brisbane, which has turned out to be a refreshingly positive decision.

I had fifteen different employers, and in 2008 finally streamlined my superannuation down to one account from about six.

I staged my debut solo exhibition, Alternate Worlds, in August 2007 at Brunswick Street Gallery; and had my work included in numerous exhibitions in Melbourne and surrounds, and in LA.

I was shortlisted for the Toyota Community Spirit Artist Travel Award in 2009; and the Corangamarah Art Prize in both 2008 and 2009.

I saw my photography in print for the first time (and more), including two book covers and 10 short story covers, and collaborated with publishers, writers, other photographers, and even made my first doll. I self-published three books of my photography, and wrote about 700 words of prose in NaNoWriMo 2009. I also performed on stage in a public venue outside of a school recital or inter-school competition, playing glockenspiel, egg-shaker and singing (not all at the same time) in a then-boyfriend's band, The Toys.

This year closes on some wonderful and not-so-wonderful moments and experiences, and the decade ahead holds many surprises and dreams to be fulfilled.

Although I'd intended to travel overseas in 2010, and initially had hoped to relocate permanently to the UK, I've made a tough decision in the past few weeks that I need to postpone those travels until 2011 and close off some personal stuff in Australia during 2010 (nothing bad, just closing some chapters in my life).

I'll still be taking a ten-day road trip from Melbourne to Brisbane with Phil Ivens in March and April 2010. I'll still be upgrading my D50 to a D700 or similar during the course of the year.

I'll also be meeting with a Melbourne gallery in March to discuss a potential exhibition of my interior / exterior work in November 2010.

However, for now I will remain in Brisbane, and part-way through next year I'll no doubt end up looking for a place of my own here.

I have a list as long as your arm (my arms are short, so your arms are likely to be of a length more fitting to the extent of my list!) of projects, goals, dreams, intentions and resolutions that I hope to see to fruition and bring to reality in 2010.

I hope you'll stick around and see how it all turns out, and perhaps some of you will play a part in those projects and dreams.

Words can't even begin to describe how appreciative I've been of all the support I've received in the past decade. Whether personal, emotional, creative, inspirational or financial, or a mixture of the above. I have astoundingly generous, inspiring, encouraging and loving friends and family, and for that I am ever thankful.

I'd love to hear about your past decade, and your plans for the coming year and decade; and see and be a part of your futures.

I hope you have a wonderful closing of the old year, and welcoming of the new year, and I raise my glass to every one of you.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:21 GMT
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6 December 2009
le moribund
Now Playing: beirut - gulag orkestar
Topic: self-portraiture

le moribund

Thank you to Mel Brackstone for taking me to this abandoned house a couple of weeks ago.

That day I also enjoyed shooting around my ‘hood with Kelly, then op shopping with Mel, Kelly and Katrina before this shoot :o)

I've entered this image into this week's Saatchi Online Showdown, so you can vote for it until late afternoon Monday GMT.

Also, if you're after a 2010 calendar, I have three new ones available through RedBubble. Or if you're after a custom calendar of my work, comment or message me!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 03:30 GMT
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the walls keep saying your name
Now Playing: beirut - gulag orkestar
Topic: self-portraiture

the walls keep saying your name

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 03:05 GMT
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3 November 2009
Now Playing: goldfrapp - deer stop
Topic: visible ink

visible ink #21

If you're in Melbourne, you should get along to the launch of Visible Ink's 21st issue at The Empress on Monday 9 November – from 7pm. Go along and help celebrate, and get in early to grab a copy.

There will be author readings — Alyson Hose, Moreno Giovannoni, Simon McInerney and Lu Sexton — music from Greer Turner (Modular Lounge) and Imogen Halstead (Indigo Hotel) — and gushing editorials.

Unfortunately I'm not in the state, but Allison and her Visible Ink colleagues will make you more than welcome.

If you want to know how to get your clammy hands on a copy in Melbourne, or if you're not in the state or not in the country but interested in picking up a copy, go here.

In case you've not guessed, that's one of my images on the cover, and I believe I have a couple of other images inside. I'm looking forward to receiving my copy!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 10:49 GMT
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31 October 2009
Now Playing: faithless - outrospective
Topic: self-portraiture


I haven't been photographing myself much lately, as I've been rising around 4:50am to catch the 6am bus to the city to start work at 7:30am. Working till 3:21pm, then often not managing to make my connecting bus at Griffith Uni, so having to sit at the busway station for up to an hour before finally getting my connection and arriving home about 5:45pm. By around 10pm I have to head to bed in order to get enough sleep to do it all over again the next day.

My latest mantra is "the end justifies the means"...

Suffice to say I don't have much time for much of anything at the moment.

And yet I'm going to give NaNoWriMo a go commencing tomorrow; I'm working on some plans for a couple of new stores on Etsy; and I am trying to edit my backlog of non-self-portraiture; making travel plans for Phil's visit in March / April, and for my trip overseas to hopefully commence in June 2010.

I'm still having trouble with my camera, so going to take it in for a service on Monday and see if it can't be sorted out. Otherwise I may end up having to buy a new one earlier in the new year than I'd hoped (I'd hoped to get one close enough to my overseas travels to buy it duty free).

On the good news front, licensing for one of my images in the Flickr Collection on Getty Images sold in September, so that will make a nice dent in my credit card debt; as is the pay from the work I'm doing.

If you're in Brisbane and have any suggestions of / access to cool locations for photography, and / or are a photographer, artist, writer or musician, please feel free to get in contact. I'm still finding my way around the city and getting to know people, so I'm keen to meet other like-minded folk around town.

I think I've also sussed out a pro lab locally, so if anyone would like to purchase any prints, please take a look at my store!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 09:36 BST
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11 October 2009
my pussy. let me show you it.
Now Playing: the divine comedy - something for the weekend
Topic: self-portraiture

my pussy. let me show you it.

Today I went down to the Gold Coast Arts Centre to see what bargains I might find as the costume store was having a sale.

I managed to pick up four wigs, a corset and this disarmingly creepy, but ever so cool, kitty. All for $65.

I've taken a bunch of photos with my kitty (unnamed as yet), but a lot of them have come up badly because my auto-focus is playing up and has been for a few months now :o( Time for an upgrade, but it will take me a bit of time to save up for my next camera.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 06:49 BST
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