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9 April 2009
100 people - #3: Chris
Now Playing: the puppini sisters - betcha bottom dollar
Topic: 100 people


I can't remember the exact circumstances under which I "met" Chris, affectionately known as Ziz. I believe I came to his notice through the Melbourne and / or Melbourne Silver Mine groups on Flickr sometime in 2007, and we started exchanging comments and messages and finally met in person at Unsensored 07 at Kerala Gallery.

Since then we've met up for various exhibition openings and viewings, various Flickrmeets, and well, any excuse for eating and / or drinking that can be made.

Chris primarily works in film photography, taking beautiful urban abstracts and capturing reflected light, and from time to time some beautiful portraiture. His love for photography (and his quirky sense of humour) has carried over to the naming of his kitten, Eighteen, with her 18% grey colouring.

I took this portrait of Chris on Wednesday as we sat in the front window of Bar Open on Brunswick Street drinking pinot grigio and Mercury sweet cider, people-watching, discussing photography and other things, whilst digesting the Kodak Salon and a large meal from Joe's Garage.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:55 BST
Updated: 10 April 2009 03:27 BST
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3 April 2009
i was always your girl
Now Playing: the reindeer section - son of evil reindeer
Topic: photography

i was always your girl

About a week ago, I received an email about what I would consider to be pretty much my dream workshop.

Aaron Hobson is running a 3-day workshop in his local area, the Adirondacks in upstate New York, primarily based around narrative, cinematic-influenced photography, to culminate in an exhibition on the final night.

Not only am I an admirer of Aaron's work, I share a passion for cinematic imagery and self-portraiture with him. He is one of the many folk I would love to share a pint with and discuss photography, inspiration and self-portraiture, and the landscapes and abandoned structures, whether houses or places of industry, in his photographs regularly invoke my jealousy at what is at his proverbial fingertips.

Currently I don't know that I will be able to scrape together the funds for a trip to the US in August this year, but failing that I hope he will be able to continue to run workshops like this in 2010 which would be more likely for me to be able to participate in.

If you're able to participate in this and you think it looks good (I think it looks awesome!), I encourage you to contact Aaron through the workshop site.

And to all photographers reading this in New York, Los Angeles and maybe San Francisco (or even non-photographers!), if I were to come over to the US in August this year, or in June or September next year, would you be interested in catching up to show me around, take photos, or even just for a pint or a coffee?

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 08:33 BST
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2 April 2009
the persistence of memory
Now Playing: pink - funhouse
Topic: f-stop magazine

playing with fire

The collaboration I recently completed with Los Angeles photographer Aline Smithson
is included in the latest issue of F-Stop Magazine.

And if you're in Melbourne, come on down to the opening of the Kodak Salon 2009
at the Centre for Contemporary Photography,
corner George & Kerr Streets, Fitzroy, from 6-8pm tonight.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 05:26 BST
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1 April 2009
Now Playing: paul kelly & the coloured girls - gossip
Topic: photography books


darkness & light only available until 16 April 2009!

untitled #53

untitled #55

untitled #24

untitled #26

*images in this post are not included in the book, they are "out-takes" from my 365 Days shoots.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 07:30 BST
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27 March 2009
a sidelong glance
Now Playing: depeche mode - exciter
Topic: photography

untitled #37

I just booked my flight to Brisbane to visit my parents for my birthday (the 17th of April). My return flight arriving in Brisbane on 16th April and returning to Melbourne on 10th May is costing me far less than I expected. Apparently I had more Qantas Frequent Flyer points than I thought, so most of the cost is being covered by them! Nice one!

So if you're a photographer in Brisbane, drop me a message and let me know if you're maybe interested in catching up for a photo walk or a drink. My parents live a bit of a way out and I don't drive, so my mobility may be a bit limited, but I'll see what I can do :o)

Meanwhile, I have an image in the latest round of the Saatchi Showdown. Please vote.

And I will have a print in the CCP Kodak Salon 2009, the opening night for which takes place from 6 - 8pm April 2nd 2009.

If you're after a print from my stores I'd recommend getting in before I jet off, as I won't be able to post / ship prints whilst I'm out of town.

And darkness & light is only available for another 20 days!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:57 BST
Updated: 27 March 2009 13:57 BST
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in her own image
Now Playing: the pixies - trompe le monde
Topic: photography books

in her own image

About a month ago I took over the task of designing In Her Own Image, the second collection of self-portraiture from the Female Self-Portrait Artists' Support Group. Miss Aniela, who had originally been intending to design the book in InDesign, had found her career taking off in a big way and realised she just didn't have the time needed to devote to putting the book together and all that entails, so I somewhat foolhardily agreed to pick up where she'd left off.

After countless hours spent downloading, prepping and importing photos; arranging image combinations and formatting within Blurb's Booksmart software with the assistance and suggestions of many of the book's design team; adding image and artist credits and contributor details; and then proofing it all with the assistance of a couple of lovely ladies from the design team; I finally uploaded the book to Blurb about midnight last night and ordered a softcover copy for proofing.

The book is now expected to be available to the public in early April and features the work of 87 female self-portrait artists in a beautiful 316 page edition.

The front cover features a wonderfully surreal image by Erika Pham, and has been designed by the very talented Elle Moss and Heather Evans Smith.

The book will be sold at cost through Blurb, and you can bet I'll be providing a link to it as soon as it's ready.

In the meantime you might like to pick up a copy of the first collection, She Took Her Own Picture.

In Her Own Image features work from the following artists: Alisha Shevlin, Angel Lynne, Angela Gott, Angeline Stewart, Ashley Lebedev, Bazil Zerinsky, Bee Brady, Bethany Helzer, Bogna Kuczerawy, Brienne Griffin, Bronwen Hyde, Cheryl, Christina Ruvoldt, Christy Marie, Crystal Rose, Cynthia That-Cacopardo, Dana France, dani, Elise Hibbard, Elizabeth LaFreniere, Elizabeth Livermore, Elle Moss, Elsa Björg Magnúsdóttir, Emily Basch, Emily Sandifer, Emma Newson, Erika Pham, Eva Moreno López, Felicitas Klische, fernanda montoro, Gemma Gonzalez, Heather Evans Smith, Hélène Deroubaix, i.anton, Ilina S, Jennifer Evans, Jennifer Henriksen, Jill Evans, Joanne Cruickshank, Juliet Home, Juliette LaCour, Karin Elizabeth, Kate Armstrong, kate passaro, Kimberly Rose, Kiyo Murakami, Kristina Martino, Laura Acosta, Lauren Bentley, Lena Paloma, Lisa Noble, Lucy Nuzum, Lucy Wen-Shu Shih, Maggie Phelan, Margaret Tyson, María Elena Costa, Mariangela Totaro, Marico Fayre, Marie Killen, Maryam Siddiqi, MaryElise Tomczak, Maureen Fogarty, Megan Horsburgh, Melissa Gridley, Michelle McRae, Michelle Merle Pace, Miss Aniela, Monica Costa, Monica L. Shulman, ms.sparkles, Nathalie Griffiths, Özlem Haluk, Pamela Jesuitas, Qathi Gallaher Hart, Rachel Blumenthal, Rossina Bossio, Sarah Mercer, Sarah R. Bloom, Sarah Wright, Sevgi K, Sharon Cooper, Sharon T. Wheaton, SophieCharlotte, Susan Knight, Teffin, Teresa Horstmann, Wendy Anderson.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 06:18 BST
Updated: 29 March 2009 03:30 BST
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15 March 2009
100 people - #2: Natasha
Now Playing: grant lee buffalo - fuzzy
Topic: 100 people


Natasha and I met virtually through a mutual friend about two years ago, but only met in person in late February this year, about a week before we set off on a road trip from Melbourne to Adelaide. The road trip actually ended in Halls Gap for me, but Natasha continued on to Adelaide and is, as I write this, now in Sydney as she traipses across Australia and then on to New Zealand on a much needed break to visit various friends.

Hailing from Derby in England, she currently lives and works in Vancouver, Canada and is a talented portrait photographer.

This photograph is one I captured of her on our first night in Halls Gap after a long walk into town and back only to find out the Halls Gap Hotel, a mere 100 metres or so from our accommodation, was the only pub in town.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:37 BST
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11 March 2009
lost in oz
Now Playing: elton john - goodbye yellow brick road
Topic: self-portraiture

after the tornado

lost in oz

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 17:15 BST
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Now Playing: nick cave & the bad seeds - the best of
Topic: self-portraiture


untitled #56

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 16:48 BST
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10 March 2009
femme verite
Now Playing: the velvet underground - femme fatale
Topic: photographers

new beginnings by Aaron Hobson

Aaron Hobson's work came to my attention in late 2007. He and I exchanged messages about Crewdson, LaChapelle, Sherman and, of course, self-portraiture.

Nicknamed The Cinemascapist, Hobson creates panoramic film stills for semi-autobiographical films that have never been made. From his bio: "Hobson's work is created by combining several sequential, vertical images, thereby offering more visual information and an obscured rendition of any moment depicted by a single image."

His images, predominantly set in various locations in the remote Adirondack Mountains where he is based, often feature the photographer as multiple characters and have a way of slowly sinking in: the full details of the images are not always immediately obvious but most rewarding when you do absorb all the clues laid before you. His attention to all those little details, his use of light and locations to full effect, and his ability to create believable characters playing their part in intriguing narratives makes the images both beautiful and mysterious. Though the format of his site has changed since my first visit (previously the images spanned the full width of the browser window), the impact of the images is still strong at their reduced size.

There is a sinister edge to his first three "seasons", dark, even darker and winter and I suspect the darkness that permeates his work thus far will continue into his new season, femme vérité.

And this is where, for me, his work becomes even more interesting. Hobson's new season involves the wiry, tattooed man transforming himself into female characters for narratives based on the encounters and the lives he has shared with various women.

From the early images appearing on his blog and within the main part of his site, (as I had suspected) there is no sense of the lampooning of women or female self-portrait artists; simply an artist pushing his work into new areas without observing the limitations of gender when selecting his roles.

I look forward to seeing the series unfold.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:14 BST
Updated: 21 October 2016 16:26 BST
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