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24 September 2008
chance steers the hand
Now Playing: lamplight - the fish will walk
Topic: exhibitions

chance steers the hand

"We are able to find everything in our memory, which is like a dispensary or chemical laboratory in which chance steers our hand sometimes to a soothing drug and sometimes to a dangerous poison.”
- Marcel Proust

I have an image in the latest round of the Saatchi Showdown. You can vote for it here.

And a final reminder: if you are in Melbourne you can see this image and three other self-portraits from the asylum, plus a portrait of me by Paul Louis Villani, plus many, many other wonderful photographs at the closing night of the Brunswick Street Gallery Picture This Prize from 6-9pm tonight.

Hope to see you there.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 05:53 BST
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21 September 2008
oh formalde, what is happening to you?!
Now Playing: stone temple pilots - core
Topic: exhibitions

oh formalde, what is happening to you?

Say hello to Formalde. Formalde, say hello to the internets.

This is my alter ego created for the Omnific Assembly's exhibition Totem: Dolls with Souls which runs from 24 to 30 September at Fracture Gallery, Federation Square, as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival.

"Totem is a collection of dolls created by artists to reflect how they truly feel themselves to be. These dolls are more than just simple children's toys, they are powerful symbols of who we think we are, the internal workings of the human mind given form and are honest, heartfelt expressions of self."

There is a great little article about the exhibition in The Age, and there is a photo of the curator Sayraphim Lothian having tea with her inner self here.

If you're in Melbourne come on down for the opening between 5:30 and 8:30pm on Thursday 25th September 2008. The exhibition is open 24 hours a day for the duration of the Fringe Festival.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 09:51 BST
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12 September 2008
to dream more, to dream all the time
Now Playing: the cure - wild mood swings
Topic: exhibitions

to dream more, to dream all the time

"If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time."
- Marcel Proust.

Just a reminder to those in Melbourne that I have four images in the Picture This 08 prize opening tonight at Brunswick Street Gallery, as well as appearing in one of Paul Louis Villani's images. There will be a number of Flickrites and Bubblers about, so come on down!

Also, if you'd like to see a bit more about Aradale Mental Hospital, there is a video on YouTube put together by Hudcomm at the recent photo weekender there. Myself, Karen and Greg can be seen in the car park at about 50 seconds in, and then I'm the short girl with hair flying across her face, a clothes rack under one arm and a strangely husky voice talking to camera straight after. Oh dear :P

Speaking of videos, there's a nice little piece about RedBubble (Brent Chandler's favourite online shopping site) on 9am with David and Kim. Scoot forward to about the 5:20 mark to cut to the chase.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:36 BST
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4 September 2008
truth lies beyond
Now Playing: tv on the radio - desperate youth, bloodthirsty babes
Topic: exhibitions

truth lies beyond

"We must never be afraid to go too far, for truth lies beyond" – Marcel Proust.

Four self-portraits I created at Aradale Mental Hospital this past weekend will be included in the Picture This 08 Prize opening at Brunswick Street Gallery at 6pm on Friday 12th September.

If you're in Melbourne please come on down and check out the show. If I'm not mistaken there will also be a photograph of me in the show taken by someone else *shock! horror!*

Also, there is now a People's Choice Award within the Photography.Book.Now competition that I have entered my book "darkness & light" into. You are only able to vote for one book in the competition so registration is required, however if you've already bought a copy or have created your own book you'll have already registered on Blurb.com, and if you are going to buy a copy then you'll need to register, so it's not too big a deal ;o) Voting is open until September 10, so get to it!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 05:36 BST
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9 August 2008
morning ritual
Now Playing: john zorn - cartoon chamber music
Topic: exhibitions

untitled #44

Last night I went to the opening of the Melbourne Silver Mine's second annual Unsensored exhibition at Collingwood Gallery.

The place ended up full to the brim with admirers of the wonderful images created by 30 members of the group, all taken using analogue cameras.

If you're in Melbourne I highly recommend you drop by and check it out.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 06:44 BST
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31 July 2008
Now Playing: isaac hayes - greatest love songs
Topic: exhibitions

my life inside a box

My work can be seen in three shows opening over the next nine days:

RedBubble at the Rialto opens Monday 4th August. Featuring 40 works from artists in the Melbourne & Victoria Group, the exhibition can be viewed in the plaza between 7am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday until Friday 15th August. All work is for sale.

My Life Inside A Box, a new InnerNortherns photography exhibition, opens at the Northcote Town Hall on Tuesday 5th August 2008 and runs until September 2nd. The show can be viewed in the display area on Level 1 of the Northcote Town Hall, 189 High Street, Northcote during business hours and all work is for sale.

The Corangamarah Art Prize opens at the Otway Estate Winery & Brewery on Saturday 9th August and runs until 17th August. The exhibition is open from 10am to 5pm every day and all work is for sale.

You can also vote for one of my images in the latest round of the Saatchi Showdown.

And buy my book!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 11:41 BST
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13 July 2008
my life in a box
Now Playing: tegan & sara - this business of art
Topic: exhibitions

untitled #17

More exhibition news!

The above image and "The Nights You Stayed Always Ended this Way" will be included in the next Inner Northerns exhibition "My Life In A Box", which will take place in the display case on Level 1 of the Northcote Town Hall from August 4th until September 2nd.

I also found out just today that "Mannequin" has been selected to be included in an exhibition showcasing Melbourne and Victoria Red Bubble work to be held at the Rialto Towers for two weeks in August.

I'll post opening times and dates as soon as I know.

Oh, and since I have your attention, I'd love it if you could vote for "The Nights You Stayed Always Ended This Way" in the latest round of the Saatchi Showdown...

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:01 BST
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30 June 2008
the letter
Now Playing: the walkmen - a hundred miles off
Topic: exhibitions

the letter

I received notification today that the above image was not chosen as a finalist in the Olive Cotton Award, so now that it no longer has to be an unpublished artwork to qualify for that, I can publish it online :D

Phirebrush Release #63 is also online as of today, sneaking out a little earlier than usual. I have five images included: one image in the featured section, and it and four other images on the first page of the photography section.

By the way, for those on Facebook, you can show your support for my photography here.

Buy my book!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 12:53 BST
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29 June 2008
night nurse
Now Playing: hercules and love affair - hercules and love affair
Topic: exhibitions

carry on nurse

I received notification yesterday that "Carry On Nurse" [above] has been selected to hang in the finalists exhibition of the Corangamarah Art Prize, to take place from 9 to 17 August 2008 at Otway Estate Winery and Brewery in Barongarook, Victoria!

I wonder if the selection of this image from the three I submitted has anything to do with the Prize being auspiced by Colac Area Health with all proceeds from the exhibition going to Corangamarah Residential Aged Care facility? ;o)

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 02:31 BST
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2 June 2008
small works 08 and showdown
Now Playing: david bowie - heathen
Topic: exhibitions

small works 08

For those in Melbourne, I will have five prints included in the Small Works 08 show at Brunswick Street Gallery which opens this Friday 6th June from 6pm and runs until 19 June 2008. Judging by the number of names on the invite (about five of which I know) there will be squillions of artworks hanging on the walls to be ogled (and bought, should taking some of it home take your fancy).

If you'd like to actually read the names, there's a larger version here.

Also, I promised I wouldn't ask for your votes until Monday, and true to my word I'm asking for your votes in the current round of the Saatchi Showdown. For those not in Australia, it is Monday night here right now, so forgive me if it's still Sunday in your time zone ;o)

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 15:10 BST
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