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16 May 2008
le pot aux roses: creative minds
Now Playing: everything but the girl - the platinum collection
Topic: blogged

untitled #27

The lovely Valerie has included a little interview with me in her regular feature, Creative Minds.

i'm part of creative minds

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 06:28 BST
Updated: 16 May 2008 06:30 BST
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9 May 2008
showdowns and exhibitions
Now Playing: tom waits - nighthawks at the diner
Topic: saatchi showdown

I have an image in the current round of the Saatchi Showdown.

Please vote.

(Image may not be safe for work)


And also a reminder to those in Melbourne that I have work in three exhibitions around town at the moment:

The Kodak Salon 08 finishes this Saturday 10 May

Centre for Contemporary Photography
404 George Street
Fitzroy Vic 3065

Gallery hours can be found on their site.


The Collectors Exhibition '08

Steps Gallery
62 Lygon Street
Carlton Vic 3053

The exhibition runs until 18 May 2008. Open daily from 10:30am - 5:30pm.


"Fear, Masks and New Beginnings".

Toyota Community Spirit Gallery
Toyota Australia
155 Bertie Street
Port Melbourne Vic 3207

The exhibition runs until 28 May 2008. Gallery Hours: Thurs & Fri 1-6pm or by appointment. Inquiries: Ken Wong 03 9690 0902

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 04:04 BST
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4 May 2008
sold: one domestic goddess
Now Playing: ambient sound recorded by phil ivens
Topic: exhibitions

the collectors' exhibition 08 catalogue

Tonight I headed down to the opening of the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria's "Collectors' Exhibition" opening at Steps Gallery in Carlton. I didn't know anyone else who had work included in the show, and being a Sunday night I didn't hold too much hope of friends turning out, though I knew Chris had mentioned coming along.

Shortly after my arrival I came across him and we nattered and checked out the art. On getting to my work I found some folk closely eyeing both images and the page dedicated to me in the catalogue (as above). Chris mentioned they'd been doing that for a while.

Of course I was pleased, but ever the "don't count your chickens" girl, I moved back around the exhibition and we perused other work, discussed other photographic stuffs, sampled the finger food and grabbed another glass of red.

I only noticed three photographs in the whole exhibition, and two of those were my own.

After conversation in the foyer, we returned to the show and out of curiosity I went to check my work, only to find a lovely red spot by Domestic Goddess!

Although this isn't my first print sold, it is my first print sold in a gallery show, and on the opening night, no less, so I am quite chuffed.

Here's hoping that my other print will sell too :D

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 13:04 BST
Updated: 4 May 2008 13:18 BST
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2 May 2008
mooncruise* magazine
Now Playing: pulp - freaks
Topic: mooncruise* magazine

untitled #9 [cape paterson]

Well, it's been somewhat delayed as you'll be able to tell from the images included by me and the "featured work" description referring to my hope to exhibit the work as "my first solo show", but mooncruise* magazine have finally released their new issue!

11 of the final 12 images that made up my solo show are included, along with 7 other images that didn't make the cut and which I have not previously posted online at all.

The issue includes a wide range of work, from ultra-stylish fashion through gritty black and whites to very personal polaroids (and some of them "not safe for work").

Easiest way to navigate through the magazine is to click on the names on the right then choose "slide mode on" or "slide mode off" depending on your preference (if you choose "off", clicking on the black squares under the images will move you from one image to the next).

There's also some nice ambient music to enjoy whilst your eyes feast upon the images, but if you're at work or not into that sort of thing you can turn it off.

And if you wander further afield there is a gallery and A fashionmagazine* also on the site.


Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 03:22 BST
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1 May 2008
smiles all round
Now Playing: vincent gallo - when
Topic: phirebrush

Zoe Burdack
Zoe's smiling because I've recently edited this wonderful photo of her for inclusion
in my (soon-to-be-live) update of the facade section of my website.

I'm smiling because five of my images have been included in Phirebrush Release #61.
They are on the first page of the photography section.

And the Phirebrush team are smiling because this issue marks their sixth year! Happy anniversary guys!

disclaimer: i think this may be my cheesiest post ever

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 06:21 BST
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26 April 2008
lucky 13
Now Playing: tappi tikarass - satt 3
Topic: digital post-processing

lucky 13

I'm currently updating my website (the changes aren't live yet) and I wanted to replace one of the images in the facade section that I didn't feel was very strong. In the course of selecting what to replace it with I decided to re-edit one of my images of Karen from the night I photographed her for Litmus Journal's "The Mistress" and my own series, "Frankly, My Deer...", a continuation of my Ladies of Leisure series.

At one stage last year I remember thinking to myself that my post-processing skills had improved greatly since I'd done this shoot with Karen and that at some point it would be interesting to go back and re-edit a couple of shots and see how much better they would now come up.

I'm still very happy with the main image from the "Frankly, My Deer..." series, which has been exhibited around town and is currently at the Toyota Community Spirit Gallery, but some of the others like the one above I had not been able to edit to a standard that I felt really happy with. However, I am now quite happy with this edit, much more so than the original edit.

*contended sigh*

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 20:02 BST
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down on the farm
Now Playing: the dears - no cities left
Topic: rosebank, nsw

no trespassing


ladybird, ladybird

green and gold

I told you I had photos of other things and other people to edit and go through now that I've finished my 365.

Though you can't tell from the above image, the second shot is of Daffy the Duck who seems to believe that he's a dog. He pants and wags his tail just like a dog and is actually quite difficult to get a still shot of because of this.

These various creatures were photographed whilst visiting Aer and Mike in the first week of January.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 06:01 BST
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25 April 2008
eat pussy
Now Playing: the cure - wish
Topic: jpg magazine

eat pussy

I have images entered in the Creatures and Street Fashion themes for Issue #17 of JPG Magazine.

Please vote!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 05:42 BST
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22 April 2008
the collectors' exhibition 08
Now Playing: elvis costello - the very best of...
Topic: exhibitions

the collector's exhibition 08 invite

I received notification in the mail this afternoon that both of the photos I submitted for the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria's "Collectors' Exhibition 08" have been selected to be exhibited!

For those in Melbourne, the opening details, address and exhibition dates are on the invitation above. Hope to see you there.

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 09:58 BST
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21 April 2008
happy hallmark day! (...or how i learned to stop worrying and love greeting cards)
Now Playing: the cure - greatest hits (acoustic bonus cd)
Topic: greeting cards

greeting cards!

I've just made a large selection of my images on my Red Bubble Profile available as greeting cards!

Beautiful colourful (and b&w) blank cards for every possible occasion.

The full twelve images from my "Alternate Worlds" series are available in a special card design at only $4.50 each!

Various 365 Days cards are available for $5.00 each.

And assorted other cards are a steal at $4.98 each.

So get over there!

Posted by Bronwen Hyde at 18:36 BST
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